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Chapter Twenty One & Twenty Two

[chapter 21]

There in the hospital bed lay Lynn. She had a black eye, and a few scratches and bruises on her face. Her neck had a brace around it, and one of her eyes [the black eye] was closed shut. Her lip was split down the middle, and she looked horrible. "Justin..." she moaned. She tried to smile but her split lip made her cry out in pain. A tear rolled Justin's cheek as he saw his mom so crippled and hurt. But that was only part of what had caused the pain in Justin's heart. There, at the chair at her side, sat Paul.
"Hello Justin," said Paul, with a fake smile.
'Hello bastard' Justin thought.
"Hello Paul."
"Would you like to introduce your friend to your mom and I?"
"This is my girlfriend Sonya," Justin said, tighting his grip on her hand.
"Hello Sonya," Paul said.
'Hello bastard' she thought.
"Nice to meet you." She smiled at Lynn.
"How have you been doing mom?"
"Good. Never been better," Lynn whispered.
Justin's eyes began to water. "Oh God mom, I'm so sorry." He leaned over and wrapped his arms around his hurting mother.

A tear trickled down her cheek, and she looked into her son's eyes.
'I wish that bastard would leave right now' Justin thought, but Paul was holding on tight to Lynn's arm.
"Paul? can u please leave and get a cup of coffee or something? I want to talk to my son and his girlfriend for a while."
Paul hesitated for a second, then kissed his wife and left the room. Justin check to make sure he was gone, and not standing outside of the door listening to the conversation.
"Tell me about your girlfriend Justin," Lynn said, closing her eyes and trying to breathe normally. Justin told Lynn how they met, and how they felt about each other. She nodded and tried to smile, so happy for her son, She sensed that Sonya was a nice girl. Sonya sat there, smiling at how beautiful of a relationship Justin had with his mom.
"Listen mom... i know this wasnt an accident."
Lynn's smile faded, and her face became serious.
"Justin, you don't know what you're talking about. Do you remember what Paul said?"
"No mom, he's gone too far. It's time to fight back."
"Justin, you don't know what you're doing. Everything will be alright."
"Mom, I'm going to the police."

Lynn lay there, silent. Not knowing whether to stop Justin or to encourage him. She knew that she didn't want to live her life with Paul. She was in so much pain, and she finally realized that she didn't have to put up with this. "Justin, I love you so much. This will all turn out perfect in the end. As for now, this is the way it has to be. I LOVE YOU JUSTIN." she took his hand and held it for a moment, then let go. Sonya gave her a hug too.
"I'll call you mom. But trust me, I can handle this."
They left the room, Justin on the verge of tears. They were about to turn the corner when Justin heard Pauls voice.
"Stop," he whispered to Sonya. He quietly peeked around the corner and saw Paul talking on a cell phone.
"Dont worry, I got it all under control. I take the money, and leave the bitch. The kid's tryin to get into this mess tho. WE gotta keep him as far away from her as we can. Got it. Kay, I don't wanna leave the bastard in there with her too long. I'm goin back now. " Paul clicked the cell phone off.
Justin ushered Sonya into a dark room as Paul walked by so he wouldn't know that they had been listening. When the coast was clear they wlaked out of the room and called a taxi.
"I knew he was abusive, but I didn't know he was trying to steal our money too." Justin could feel the anger boiling inside of him, he felt like he could break ten boards right now. " I can't do this without Michelle," Justin said to Sonya. "She's a witness..she can testify against Paul. Would you mind if she flew down from memphis?"
"Anything to get that bastard in jail for life Justin," Sonya said.
"You are so supportive baby, Justin said, kissing her neck, I'll call Michelle tomorrow.... but the rest of the day is for US." He kissed her lips softly, and she kissed back. Soon the soft kiss developed into a passionate one. As they drew away from each other, Justin began to talk.
"I just wanted to tell you that I..." Justin began, "Wel...I really appreciate you doing all this for me."
Sonya smiled at him and said it was her pleasure.

Soon the taxi stopped and they found themselves back at the hotel.
"The rest of the day, sweetie, is for you," Justin said, kissing Sonya on the forehead. He took her hand and they walked along the path towards the beach. It was 5PM , and the beach [surprisingly] was completely deserted. Miles of golden , soft and warm sand glittered around them, and a vast, glistening ocean was spread out before them, the calm waves splashing softly against the shore. After walking and talking for a mile Sonya and Justin decided to sit down. The sun was setting, and Justin was holding Sonya in his arms. SHe dug her feet under the sand, and leaned back on his sturdy chest.
"Justin..this is our second sunset together."
"Thats right," Justin smiled, Touching his cheek to Sonyas cheek, they both stared at the elaboratly colored sky.
"SOnya...i tried to say this a billion times. And you probably noticed....But i Just wanted to tell you that...I love you."
Sonya looked into Justin's beautiful blue eyes and could tell that he had meant every word he said.
"I love you too Justin."
"You're the first girl i've said that too," Justin said, looking into Sonya's green eyes.
"And youre the first guy."

He leaned forward and kissed Sonya softly on the lips. Then he reached his hand into his pocket and brought out a small box.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Justin asked, holding open the velvet box to reveal a 24k gold necklace. It had a tiny hard pendant.
"Of course," SOnya said, wrapping her arms around Justin. He showed her how on the back of the tinky heart "J+S" was inscribed, and then put it around her neck.
"Want a piggy back ride?"
"Sure ," Sonya laughed. She hopped on Justin's back, and he ran to the ocean- skipping over the waves and splashing them up. Soon they were laughing so hard that Sonya tumbled off, landing on the soft sand. The tide creeped up and she was soaked in water.
"Look what you did Jus!!" she screamed, sppashing him with water. She tackled him to the ground, so they were both drenched now. Their now completely wet clothes sticking to them, Sonya and Justin hugged each other happily and walked off, back to the hotel.

Chapter 22

When they got back to the hotel, Sonya and Justin saw Nicole, Sherry, Vanessa, Charlene, Leila, Vicki, Darlene, Rachel, Chris, Lance, JC, and Joey in the pool. The pool was a clear aquamarine color, heated up, and full of excitement. Lance and Nicole were off in the spa, talking quietly, cuz they hadn't seen each other in a long time. JC, Vanessa, and Sherry were playing with a beach ball. Vicki was sitting on Chris' shoulders while he swam around. Joey was playfully drying to dunk Rachel, and the others were just fooling around. Justin and Sonya, still completely drenched from the ocean decided to jump in- hey, the water was warm.
"Come on Jus, let's jump off of the diving board."
They made their way to the diving board, holding hands.
"Kay, let's jump together on 3," Sonya directed.
Right before the 3 Sonya pushed Justin in, watching him try to swim frnatically.
"Haha" she laughed playfully at him as he came to the surface of the water.
Before Sonya could answer her, she felt two hands on her back, pushing her into the water. She hit the warm water with a splash. AS she came to the surface she saw a guy standing there, grinning.
"Mark!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!!!!?!" She exclaimed, her eyes huge with disbelievement.

Chapter Twenty Three & Twenty Four
Chapter Nineteen & Twenty