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Chapter Twenty Three & Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five & Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty One & Twenty Two

[chapter 23]

Sonya turned to see Mark, her ex boyfriend from 9th grade. after 4 years he looked the same, but even finer. He was wearing khakis and a button down shirt, and his spiky hair was perfect. He smiled, expoising what had made Sonya like him so many years ago. No matter how much had changed, he still had the same perfect cute smile.
"what the hell are you doing here?????"She exclaimed, still in shock that Mark was standing on the diving board.
"I go to the Unevirsity of Florida..."he asnwered.
"But why are you at the hotel?????"

"Oh ... umm...dont think im stupid... but I was at the hospital getting a physcial... and i saw you get in a taxi. i thought: oh my god is that sonya...even after 4 years i knew it was you, cuz you still had the same lovely face. so i got a taxi and followed you here, and got a room, knowing that ud come back soon er or later."

Sonya smiled, not believing that he had gone through so much trouble for her.
"What are YOU doing here? he asked in return.
" here with my boyfriend,..." she started, remembeing about Justin.
Justin had been watching them from the side of the pool.
"Oh.....boyfriend....."Mark grinned.
"what?....."sonya asked.
'nuthing...i just wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner with me or something tonight....but you have a boyfriend and stuff...."

Sonya swam to the stairs and got out of the pool, making her way to mark. She got out off the pool, embracing him.
"woah...wet white tshirt...."
"damn mark, you havent changed at all you pervert, " Sonya laughed.
"Nope," he answered with a smile.
"Oh ...about dinner...i think my boyfriend will understand..."

Justin then, got out of the pool and made his way towards them, eager to get a closer look at this dark skinned guy. "Hi, I'm Jusitn," he said, addressing Mark.
"Nice to meet you," mark said, shaking Justins hand. "Im Sonyas high chool friend."
"Im her boyfriend"
Sonya smiled uncomfortably, standing in between the two guys. "Hey...Justy...would you mind if I went to dinner with mark tonight? we got a lot to catch up on"
'this is OUR night, how can she bail out on me?' J ustin thought, 'we w ere supposed to be tgether and then go to the police station tomorrow. Ithought she wanted to be with me' "sure hun, have fun."Justin said, despite his hurt feelings.
"ok.....tell everyone i say bye."Sonya said.
"ilove you..." Justin began, but sonya had already turned around, and her and mark were walking towards the hotel. Justin felt a pain in his heart, and sadly looked down SOnya and Mark took the elevator up to room 69, so Sonya could change. She got some dry clothes out of the suitcase and started to change.
"Mark....get out," she said,
"W hat?its not like ive never seen you naked before..."
"U havent you pervert"
Mark grinned, and Sonya locked herself in the bathroom to change.

She came out wearing a small tank top and a short black skirt.
"you look nice," Mark commented.
"Thank glad you put your horniness aside to be a gentleman."
Mark laughed, and the left to the car.
"2000 Eclipse......very nice..." Sonya said, admiring the silver car.
They drove to a nice Itallian resteraunt that was 20 minutes away from the hotel. Mark linked arms with Sonya and they made their way into hte resteraunt. The waiter sat them at a nice table and handed them their menus.
"This is a great place Justin," Sonya said.
"Oh shit...nothing Mark," Sonya blushed.
They ordered beautiful dishes but Sonya couldn't stop thinking about justin. they talked about old high school memories and their old friends, and how they had missed each other.
"I can't believe I found you again,"Mark said, moving back a strand of hair that had fallen in Sonya's face.
" Hes so fine," Sonya thought, staring into his brown eyes.
Before she knew it her and mark were kissing passionatly. Suddenly she felt a tap on the back, and her heart skipped a beat.

[chapter 24]

Sonya drew her lips away from mark's and sat paralyzed in her seat, dreading to turn around. FInally she did and was brought face to face with Charlene and Justin. Awe and surprise were written all over charlenes face and Justin's eyes were fillled with hurt.
'H ow could she do that?'charlene thought, a million thoughts raced thru her mind. "she hurt my best friend... cheated on him... i tohught she loved him.. is she gonna get back together with her ex?'
Justin just stood, unable to meet sonya's eyes for fear of crying. Suddenly, without thinking his grabbed charlene and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.He wrapped her arms around her, and thrust his tounge into her mouth, attacking her lips.
'Oh my fucking shit, Justin is kissing me," Charlene thought, even though Justin and her were best friends she always had some secret feelings for him, she never revelaed them though. She was finally kissing him,unfortunatly she knew that to justin it didnt mean anything more than a way to get back at sonya.

'Oh my god, what am i doing?' Justin thought, 'but how can she just hurt me like that? she said she loved me.... im her byofriend... and she just foes behind my back n kisses another guy. but still..i shouldnt be kissing charlene..this is messed up.' Just as Justin drew away from charlene Sonya threw her napkin on the table, her tears welling up. Everyone was now staring at them but sonya didnt care. Without a word she ran out of the restearunt. Justin stood frozen, not knowing whether he should follow or just leave her alone. Mark ran after her, finding her on a nearby bench. Sonya was crying, her face burried in her hands.
"Its okay," Mark comforted, putting his arm aorund her.
"Get away," she said, moving closer to the edge of the bench.
"Its my fault Sonya...i dont know why i kissed you, it just seemed so right..."
"No Mark, its my fault too..i kissed back..."
Mark attempted to put his arm around her again and this time she didnt back away.
"What have i done?"she whimpered, crying into Mark's shulder, "I have ruined my chances with the only guy ive ever loved. I can't go back to Justin now."
"Its okay. You can stay at my house."
"Thanx mark," sonya said.
She wiped the streaming tears away from her face and they walked to his car.

A half an hour later they arrived at a big appartment building and made their way up to the 9th floor. Mark unlocked the door and they went in. The place was completely spotless and smelled good. MArk went into the kitchen and put the tea kettle on, ready to make some hot cocoa.
"Can i use your phone?" Sonya asked.
"Sure" mark said, pointing to it.
Sonya dialed JC's cell number.
"Hey" JC said.
"Hey its me, sonya"
"Oh hey babe, whats wrong?" he asked, sensing the hurt in her voice.
"Ive done something terrible... but i dont wanna explain.. im gonna be staying at Marks for a tell everyone im okay. love ya, bye."
She hung up without giving JC a chance to answer.