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Chapter Twenty Five & Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven & Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Three & Twenty Four

*****chapter 25*****

Sonya curled up on the couch with a blanket and turned on the tv. She immideatly switched the channel when she saw the video for NsYnc's "I'll Never stop Loving You". She switched it to vh1 where she saw an Nsync interivew. "dammit," she said with a sigh, and turned the tv off. Mark came in with two mugs of hot cocoa.
"Thanks mark, it's really sweet of you to do all of this for me."
"It's the least I can do, I feel horrible."
"Mark ...i need to talk to you.."
"GO ahead, you can tell me anything."
"Well..wheni kissed you... no offense or anything, youre a great kisser, but i didn't feel any emotion. It wasnt the same as when i kiss Justin. Im sorry..."
"To tell you the truth, I didn't feel anything either. It was just like kissing an old friend. I thought we'd have some of the sparks left from freshman year but I guess not."
Sonya hugged Mark happily, this solved so many problems.
"Hey Sonya, who's that Charlene girl?"
"Oh..Char...we're in a band together."
"I know...Angelic 4.."
"How do u know?" Sonya asked.
"Umm you guys are famous remember?"
Sonya blushed.
"Okay what about Char?"
"Umm..well...She's pretty."
"You like her huh?"
"Admit it"

"Fine....ever since I saw her on tv I sorta had a crush on her," Mark admitted, "but she has a boyfriend so who cares."
"No, they broke up a few days ago... woah, his name was Mark also. How weird. Anyways, yea charlene's really cool you guys should hook up."
"What?! shed NEVER go for me," Mark said sadly.
"Come on Mark, youre sweet, nice, smart, funny, and hot."
Mark blushed, "Thanx sonya. You always make me feel better."
"Thats what friends are for," Sonya answered.
"Listen, you really gotta talk to Justin. Especially since we didn't feel anything when we gotta let him know that."
"He's never gonna believe me."
"If he loves you, then he will."
"Yeah," Sonya sighed, remembering when Justin had first told her he loved her. She brought her left hand up to her neck, caressing it.
"OH MY GOD MARK!!!!" she exclaimed, starteling him.

chapter 26...

"Whats wrong???"Mark replied to my sudden outburst.
"My necklace.... its gone... Justin have it to me yesterday when he told me he loved me, It must have fallen off at the resteraunt."
"Oh...that sux."
"Shuttup you fag, we gotta go the necklace."
"Oh ok."
Sonya rolled her eyes at Mark who was being stupid. They hopped in the car and looked all over the resteraunt but it wasn't there. It wasn;t at the bench either.
"Damn, im never going to find it," Sonya sighed, "It was so important."
"Its okay," Mark said," It'll turn up somewhere."
"Mark im tired."
They drove back to the apartment. "Hey, you take my bed and i'll sleep on the couch, kay?"
"No..its okay..."
"No, realy... you had a hard day aand you need to get some rest for the big day tomorrow."
"Big day?'Sonya asked.
"Yeah, remember? youre gonna go talk to Justin."
"i am NOT! Sonya argued.
"Ok..we'll talk about it in the morning, good night," Mark said and began setting up the couch for himself.

Sonya was so tired, she found the bedroom and crasheed on the bed in her clothes. However, for a long time she just lay there, reminencing on what had happened earlier. It all seemed like a bad dream. She couldn't talk to Justin... he would never forgive her. How would he believe that she hadnt felt anything with Mark. ... Oh, and how he had kissed Charlene. How could he do that? Did he do it to get her back, or did he feel something for Charlene? Sonya tossed and turned in bed, not able to answer any of her own questions.

In the morning rays of golden sun shown through the open blinds and she was greeted by Mark and a tray of breakfast at her bed.
"You didn't have to do this Mark."
"I wanted to."
"you are SO incredibly sweet."
Mark smiled.
They ate breakfast together at her bed and talked.
"You know what Mark? I think Charlene would like you."
"Seriously...i think she wants a boyfriend too, and you fit the descirption."
"Okay, how about this.." Mark began, "If you go talk to Justin today, i'll go over with you and talk to Charlene."
"Only if you tell her that you like her..."
"But whats Justin gonna say when he sees the necklace is gone?"
"Dont worry about miner details Sonya, the only important thing is that you get back together."
"But..what if he thinks I slept with you tonigt?"
Mark put a finger to sonya's lips.
"Shhhh...dont worry so much."
Sonya smiled.

It was already noon when Sonya and Mark were they headed out to the car and drove to the hotel. Next thing Sonya knew she was standing in front of room 69. 'This is it,' she thought. She knoked on the door, and it was slowly opened by Charlene. Mark stood there next to Sonya, forzen. 'She is so beautiful' he thought, 'but she thinks im an asshole for kissing Sonya when I knew she had a boyfriend.' Charlene gave a fake smile to both of them.
"Umm Char, can we please come in?" Sonya asked.
CHarlene opened the door all the way and let them in. Justin wasn't in the room, but there were remains of breakfast on the kitchen table.
"Char can i talk to Justin?"
"Go ahead, he's in the bedroom."
Sonya nervously wsalked to the bedroom, her knees shaking. "Justin...."
Justin looked up sadly. He had beeen sitting on the bed with his face down.
"Im so sorry Justin,I don't know how all of it happened... we were just talking about old times, and all of a sudden we kissed..."
"Obviously," Justin muttered.
"Im so sorry, I never meant to hurt you. I want you to know that when Mark and I kissed... I felt nothing at all. It was like kissing a piece of paper."
Justin managed a weak smile.
"It just proved to me once again that you're the only guy for me."
Justin couldn't think of anything to say. "I kissed Charlene," he managed, feeling like an idiot when he realized what he had just said.
" I know...."
"I wasn;t thinking. I just did it. But I dont liike her anymore than a friend, I want you to know that"
"Guess we are even," Sonya smiled.
"I think these are all little tests.... like the Birtney message... Jazmine on the airplane..and now Mark."
"I think that we passed all the tests Justin..i love you..." Sonya replied.
"I love you too."
"THeres one more thing i have to tell you tho," sonya began. "I lost..."
"This?" Justin asked holding up the gold necklace.
"I found it as i was walking back to my car. It must have slipped off or something."
Sonya smiled and hugged Justin tightly.