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Chapter Twenty Seven & Twenty Eight

.:chapter number 27:.

Meanwhile, in the main room, Mark had sat down on the couch, Charlene accompanying him.
'He looks kind of cute,' she thought to herself.
"I'm Mark," he introduced himself.
"I'm Charlene."
"Listen... i may have come accross as an asshole...kissing Sonya and everything. I didn't really know what I was doing. You know...sometimes you feel something... and you're not sure of what to do..."
"Dont worrie bout it," Charlene admired how open Mark was with a complete stranger.
"Anyways umm.. well..i don't know how to say this but..." Mark started to blush. He smiled his famous perfect smile.
"Go ahead," Char said... he looked sexy.
" I sorta.... have a crush on you.. anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner or something."
"Sure, as long as you don't bring me to that same Italian resteraunt." Charlene smiled.
Mark smiled back, relieved that he hadn't been rejected.
"It was sweet of you to let Sonya stay at your house and everything... you seem like a nice guy."
Mark grinned like an idiot.

Soon Justin and Sonya came out of the bedroom, holding hands.
"Well im glad everythings okay," Mark said getting up. "Sonya.... take care. Keep in touch... Justin, you too. You've got a great girlfriend and great best friend.Char, i'll see you later today..I'll call."
Sonya winked at Mark with a smile. Soon he left and it was just 3 of them in the room.
"I'm so glad this is all over," Charlene sighed falling back on the couch.
" sorry for kissing you..i was so confused and that was my first reaction. We're still friends right?"
Charlene nodded, " Mark asked me out. What a kyootie."
Justin and Sonya were happy for her, and charlene was happy for herself too, but secretly deep down inside she wished that Justin could be hers.

.:chapter number 28:.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Oh, thats probably JC, lemme get it,"Justin said. However, when Justin opened the door it wasn't JC , it was a pretty girl of average hight. She was holding a small suitcase and her eyes glistened with happiness.
"Michelle!" justin exclaimed, embracing her and taking her bag. "You weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow!"
"I know...i wanted to surprise you."
Justin smiled from ear to ear, and ushered Michelle inside. He hadn;t seen his childhood friend for months. They had written to each other and called, but it wasn't the same as talking in person.
"Hey Michelle, " Charlene said, she had met her a couple of times before.
"Hey sweetie!" Michelle hugged Charlene.
" Michelle," she smiled at Sonya,
"I'm Sonya... i heard a lot about you."
"I heard a lot about you too," Michelle smiled.
"Awww, my three ladies," Justin laughed, " Luckily we got a big suite so you get your own room Shell, i'll go bring yer bags in there."
"Thanx hun," she smiled.
"How was your flight?" Sonya asked.
"Oh it was good. I was just up in Memphis so it wasn't that long."
"Hey guys," Charlene interrupted, " Sorry but I gotta get back to my room, the others are probably worried about me and they wanna hear the story about last night. I'll tlk to ya later, say bye to Jus for me."
"Bye," Sonya and Michelle said.
"Yesterday.....?" Michelle asked.
"Yuck, i don't feel like talking about it, Justin will tell you."
"Sorry," Michelle said.
"Don't worry about it........ so, you know about Lynn right.?"
"JUstin told me's so horrible.. we have to do something."
Just then Justin came into the room, and sat on the couch in between the two girls, putting his arms around them.
"Okay..i didn't plan on doing any of this stuff till tomorrw, but since Michelle was such a sweetie and came here early, we can go down to the polic station."
"Justin,...can i see Lynn first?" Michelle asked. Lynn was like a second mom to her, and Michelle was the daughter Lynn never had.
"That's a good idea."

They called a taxi which brought them to the hospital. They checked in with the front office and went to Lynn's room. "Thank God, " Justin sighed when he saw that Paul wasn't there. "Lynn!" Michelle yelled and ran over to her, giving her a big hug. "I missed you sweetie, So much. What a wonderful surprise."
They talked for a half an hour, and Lynn said she was feeling a little better. "Well mom, we gotta get going."
"Where ya headed?"
"Police Station.."
"Jusitn..... u know what i said."
"Bye mom, feel better."
Justin and the girls left as he closed the door. Luckily the police station was right next door so they didn't have to call a cab or anything. Justin walked up to the front desk. "Is there a police officer I can speak to?"
"about what sir?" the secretary asked. "umm... well i wanted to report a case of domestic abuse."
"Alright, you're gonna have to tell your story to the cheif of the domestic violence unit, Mr.Harless."
"What???" Justin yelled.
Justin must have yelled pretty loud because a gray haired man of about 60 in a police uniform stepped out of a room to see what was the matter.
"Is everything okay son?"
"Umm..i dont know," Justin said, shaking. "Well its nice to meet you son, I'm Paul Harless Sr., not to be confused with my son...."
'oh shit' Justin thought.

Even tho the police chief was paul's father, Justin decided to tell him everything. He knew he was taking a big chance but he had to do it. To Justins surprise paul totally believed him. "To tell you the truth son, i lost all contact with Paul a while ago. He was a drunkard and not a good person. He hurt my wife and I a lot and then just left."
They went to court and stuff and paul was put in jail for a long time. Lynn was out of the hospital and Sonya decided to move peramnantly to Florida... in with Justin. They continued going out and eventually got married. As for zorina, she kept popping up at wweird places and it turn out that she was just an obsessive stlking fan. not a good explanation..but all i could think of.. everyone lived happily ever after i guess you could say.. =)

the end

Chapter Twenty Five & Twenty Six