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Chapter Three & Four

Chapter Three

"Hahahahahahahahahaahhah no dork, this is char."
"OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sonya screamed, "you bitch!!!!!!!"
"ahahahahahha" Charlene laughed.
"OMG Char, you sounded sooooo much like Justin" Sonya yelled.
"I know dork, that was my wav.... I was playing a wav of Justin where he was saying 'hey' and i help the phone up to the speaker"

"Oh my goshness!!!! Ahhh stoopid!! My heart totally skipped a beat."

Sonya decided to laugh the whole thing off, Justin would never call her anyways. She was mad at herself for even thinking that he would do something like that. Rumor was that he was going out with some girl named Kelly anyways. Charlene kept assuring Sonya that he was signle [after all, her and Justin were best friends] but Sonya wouldn't believe it until he said it himself.

"Wait Sonya...I have some good news"
"Is it that we are going on tour with Nsync? Cuz Dar already told me..."
"Dammit, " Charlene said.
"Ok..... Bye then."
"Wait!!!!" Char yelled before Sonya hung up the phone.
"Wut now dork???? Are you gonna play another wav??"
"No..haha...I have some backup good news.."
"Ok......go for it..."
"Our video beat Britney's on TRL today!!!!"
"Yes!!!!!! What number were we?"
"Nsync was number one...we were two....Mel was three... [Mel was our friend....she was the coolest] , and Britney was all the way at 11.."
"Umm char, there is no number 11."
"I know....Britney wasnt even on the countdown today hahaahahahah"
"Kay char, just dont tell that to Darlene, since that's her role model... Britney didnt even do anything to us... She's a nice talented girl."

Ahahahhahaa Sonya burst out laughing cuz she realized she was saying complete bullshit. "Ok, im gonna go for a jog now" Sonya said.
"Okay...but be back by 6pm." Char said.
"Ummm why?"
"Oh, the guys wanted us to go kick it with them"
"Oh my fucking god!!!! Are you serious??????"
"Umm yeah, its no big deal. Be at my house at 5:30. bye," and with that Charlene hung up.

Chapter Four

Sonya changed into her favorite warm up pants. They were dark shiny blue with silver and baby stripes on the sides. She quickly threw on a spaghetti strap, a jacket, and made a quick pony tail. Although she though she had done this quickly it was already 5:15.

It took 15 minutes to get to Char's house so everything was perfectly timed. 'Shit,' Sonya thought to herself, 'I didnt call Vicki. Oh well.' She slipped out the door and into her silver acura. It was the best car in the world. Silver like a bullet with a spoiler, sunroof, and stereo system. The interior was baby blue and everything was customized. Sonya was proud of it because she had bought it all by herself with some of the money she had earned from Angelic 4. She rolled down the windows, blasted an old Nsync song, Bye bye Bye, and sped off leaving a trail of dust behind her.

She got to Char's house in a record of 10 minutes... Darlene and Leila were already there.... Sonya was relieved that everyone was dressed casually just like her. Darlene and Leila were wearing cute tank tops with jeans and Char was wearing cargos. To Sonya's suprise she also found Vicki sitting on the couch. "Hey!! I'm so sorry I didnt call you!"
"Thats cool..I figured you'd be busy or something. anyways girls... I need to talk to you about the tour and stuff."
"It's gonna start in 2 weeks right?" asked Leila.
"Yup. It's gonna start September 1st and go for a year."
"I thought two years...." Sonya started, remembering that someone had told her that on the phone earlier that day. "Nope," Vicki answered.
"So who exactly are we touring with?" asked Leila.
"Nsync... and Britney Spears" Vicki said.
"Yes!!!!! I get to tour with Britney!!" Darlene exaclaimed.
"Oh Haaayyylll no!!" Sonya said.
"I'mm joking," said Vicki..."its just you guys and *Nsync."
"Okay," said Charlene, "we'll talk about this more later, the guys are waiting for us right now."
"Okay," said Leila, " where are we meeting them?"
"At Chris's house"
"Ummm... no, " said Sonya, "we aren't goin to florida sweetie"
"No dork," said Charlene, "Chris owns a house in San Diego remember?"
"Oooohhh... wow!!! OMG!!! that means....Nsync...theyre in San Diego right now!! ahhh!!!!!!!!! Why didnt you tell me sooner? You know like everything about them and dont tell me!"
"Sorry" said Char.
Everyone got into Charlene's cherry red Mercedes M class [her and Justin had bought twin cars a few years ago] and they drove off to Chris' house.

When they arrived the first thing Sonya thought was 'wooahhh mansion!!' The house was a nice pastel blue color, it was just built, and it was HUGE! The lawn was trimmed nicely and was perfectly designed with pretty flowers and nice big palm trees. The house was two stories, plus another story at the bottom. Sort of like a basement but it was actually a recording studio. Sonya got butterflies in her stomach and sweaty palms as the 5 girls walked up to the door. Slowly, Sonya pressed the doorbell- her hands shaking. Suddenly the door thrust open, and their in front of Sonya's eyes stood Justin.

Chapter Five & Six
Chapter One & Two
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