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Chapter Eleven & Twelve

[chapter 11]

"You guys make me sick," Chris joked.
"Hey...,"said Sonya, " youre the one that just threw a used condom in the trashcan."
Justin made a cute disgusted face. "eww're yucky!" 'that is soooo cute' Sonya thought.
"Do you smell that?" asked Chris.
Suddnely they all noticed a yummy aroma coming from the kitchen. "I bet thats breakfast," said Justin, "lemme just get dressed and then we can go eat."
"alright," said Chris.
"ummmm that means leave stupid" justin joked.
"i knew that," said Chris, and walked out of the bathroom.
"i'll just wait in the room, kay Jus?"
"its cool hun, you can stay here if you like."
Sonya felt uncomfrotable... "I'll wait in the room." ew yuck, she didnt really wanna see Justin change his undies and stuff.

Sonya walked into the bedroom and quietly sat down on the bed. She was so tried last night that she didn't get to look at all the stuff in the room closely. Looking around, she spotted a framed picture on the dresser. As she got a closer look she noticed it was a picture of her. "Justin, whered you get this?" she hollered into the bathroom. "huh?" Justin mumbled,walking out with a toothbrush in his hand and mouth full of toothpaste. Sonya helf up the framed picture for Justin to see, and he flushed bright red.

"I had charlene get it for me...I told you i liked you." Sonya was flattered. She had pictures of Justin in her room too- covering every inch of the walls. Justin went back into the bathroom and then came out in a few minutes wearing nothing but briefs. 'oh shiet' Sonya thought. He was so built, biseps, chest, and stomach muscles... but she didn't really wanna see his package so she turned away and began looking at a poster hanging on the wall.

"Im ready," justin said. He was wearing a yellow Tommy shirt and jeans. Sonya got up from the bed and they walked over to the kitchen. Sure enough, the smell had been breakfast. There stood Lance with a 'kiss the cook' apron on, mixing things in a pan.
"Whats on the menu today?" asked Justin.
"Blueberry pancakes, bacon, french toast, and home squeezed orange juice.. just like in Mississippi."
Sonya couldn't help but smile. Justin helped set the table while Sonya poured the orange juice into 10 cups.
"Better make that 11 cups," said Lance.
"mmmm Why?"
"Joey told me this morning that his girlfriend is coming over for breakfast too."
"Oh. What's her name."
"Rachel....rachel what?"
"That sounds really really familiar," said Sonya.."is she by any chance Filipino?"
"oh my god!!!!!!!!! i think i went to school with her... middle school.. she was one of my best friends! But we lost touch and i never talked to her again. I remember she always had a crush on Joey!"
"This is too weird," Justin said.
"aahhhhh justin you are SO cute!!!!!" Sonya exclaimed without even noticing what she was saying.
"woah sweetie. whered that come from?"
Sonya shrugged and hugged Justin.

"Justy...all my dreams are coming true. I found my soul mate.. im sitting here eating breakfast with about to get reunited with one of my best friends. I have a successful career doing what i love. What else could i ask for?"
"Im happy that you're happy..and im happy too," Justin laughed, giving Sonya a hug.
"Okay thats enough!" said lance, smiling. "The food is done, can you guys call the others so we can eat?"
"sure," said justin. "Be right back sweetie he said to Sonya and got up and began calling for everyone else. Suddenly the doorbell rang. "i'll get that!" Sonya exclaimed. She opened the door and saw Rachel. ....for the first time in 5 years...
"OH MY GOD. SONYA BONYA!?!?!!!!?!!" Rachel exclaimed. Tears streamed down sonya's face as she hugged her friend.
"Rach...we have A LOT to catch up on!"
Sonya led rachel to the table where everyone was already sitting. Rachel said hi to everyone. Darlene, Charlene, Vicki, and Leila didn't know Rachel but they all got acquainted quickly. Rachel took her seat next to Joey, and Sonya next to Justin.
"Why are you crying sweetie?" Justin asked Sonya.
"Rachel and I just got reunited.. we were friends in middle school and haven't talked in 5 years."

"Oh my gosh!!! that's wonderful!" Justin exclaimed, wiping away Sonya's tears with his finger. Lance gave everyone their food and they began eating. Justin cut up Sonya's pancake in little pieces and fed it to her as if she was a little baby. 'how cuuuuuteee' thought darlene.
"wait.....sonya and justin....?"Rachel whispered in Joey's ear.
"Yep... he's had his eye on her for a long time.... and i guess their moment finally came. I dont think they know it yet because theyve only been together for a day now, but it looks to me like they're in love" Rachel smiled, remember how much Sonya loved Justin before she had met him.
Suddenly the phone rang. "I got it," said Lance who was closest to the phone. "Hellllo?" he said with a smile. Suddenly his smile dropped and he whispered in a whorse voice..."Theres been an accident"

[chapter 12]

The room went silent and everyone put down their forks. Lance was sort of shaking and his eyes were full of fear. They filled with tears but somehow he managed to keep them in. Finally JC broke the silence. "What happened Lance?"
"I think Justin should take the phone."
Justin gave a 'who, me?' sorta look, got up from his seat... and got the phone from lance. Everyone watched Justin's face intently as he listened carefully to the person on the other side of the phone line. His face held no expression.... Suddenly he hung up the phone and mumbled "I gotta go"

Without an explanation he ran out of the house. Everyone sat in surprise, paralyzed. Sonya got up from her chair and said "Everyone stay here. I'll be back" and bolted out the door after him. Justin was almost as small as a speck in the distance now, far far ahead of her down the street. She called out his name once, twice, three times but couldn't catch up with him. Suddenly she saw him stop and sit down on the curb. She sprinted up to him as fast as she could ...only to find him sitting on the curb with his head burried in his hands. She could hear muffled sobs. "its alright Justin, here"

Sonya could instantly tell Justin needed her. Right now she knew he needed support and she decided not to ask him what had happened. "Its okay baby im here," she said hugging him tightly. She kissed his forehead and they sat on the curb, both trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Chapter Thirteen & Fourteen
Chapter Nine & Ten