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Chapter Thirteen & Fouteen

[chapter 13]

"Its alright Justin, you dont have to talk about it." Justin took his hands away from his face, exposing his bloodshot red eyes. Sonya kissed his tears away and he slowly calmed down and stopped crying. He looked into Sonya's eyes and she looked back into his and saw all the pain he was feeling. A person's eyes could tell their life story. "its my mom.... "Justin began. He stopped and closed his eyes for a moment.
"are you sure you wanna tell me justin?"
"Yes," he mumbled, trying to hold in his tears...."My mom is in the hospital."
"Oh my so sorry. was there some sort of accident?"
"No. that's what everyone is saying but i know it was no accident. I know who did this to my mother."
Sonya could sense the anger rising in Justin's voice.

"Sonya.... do i see like I have a perfect life?"
"Everyone's life has small flaws.. but for the most part, yes."
"Sonya... let me tell you a little story about my life," Justin started. "Not a soul knows this esxcept for my best friend Michelle. I've known her since the memphis sandbox days. We grew up together and we shared every moment together. She's still in Memphis though. She's the only one that knows what im about to tell you. You may not believe what you're about to hear... but every word i say is true...."

[chapter 14]

"Sonya, do u know Paul?"
"Your stepdad...right?"
"Yes. He lives in Orlando with my mom, Lynn. Well, in interviews and stuff I always put on this perfect image on my family life. My parents got divorced, remarried, and everyone lived happily ever after. But that's not the way it works."
Sonya stared intently into justin's eyes.
"You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you," he said.
"I promise," Said Sonya. She took her fingers and clasped them around Justin's, holding his hand.

"Well..... ever since my mommy got married to Paul, he's been sort of possesive of her. Then he started getting abusive. Sometimes towards me but mostly towards my mommy. He threatened us a lot. The call was from the hospital.. they said that my mom had been taken to emergency with a concussion. They sai d that there was some sort of accident in the home. But I think Paul hit her in the head with a baseball bat. Im not joking, hes psycho. SOmetimes i would call home from the road and Paul would tell me my mom wasn't home. I could hear her in the background pleading for the phone but he wouldn't give it to her. He was scared that she would tell me bout the abuse and that I would report him to the police. I thought everything was pretty much fine, but i was suspicious as to why he wouldn't let her talk to me. I came home for the holidays on tour and I noticed my mom had some bruises. She would say that she fell down or walked into something, but i didn't believe it. Paul would always seem disturbed or angry in some way... and the yelling in our house would never stop. Then one day I was in my room and i could hear my mom and Paul yelling. I opened my door a little and saw him smack her. She fell to the ground crying as her face started to bleed. Paul assured her he was sorry and that he would never do it again. He told her he loved her and had just gotten a little mad. But, the next day the same thing happened. He pressed her against the wall and threatened to strangle her. He turned his head and noticed that I had been watching him. He grabbed my arm and threw me against the wall too. Then he said that if eitehr of us were to talk to anyone about this.... something bad would happen." A single tear rolled down Justin's cheek.

Chapter Fifteen & Sixteen
Chapter Eleven & Twelve