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Chapter Fifteen & Sixteen


"Im so sorry Justin. You must be in so much pain."
Justin nodded and embraced Sonya. By now they were both crying. "Im so happy i have you to talk to. I don't know what i would have done right now without you. Michelle is so far away, and the guys are like my brothers... but this just isn't something I would tell them. I could tell Charlene but for some reason i think she would tell Leila."

"I know...i know..thank you for sharing your feelings with me."
"ummm sonya...i know this may seem a little quick or surprising but I just wanted to say that...."
"oh nothing, neverind." Justin looked down at the ground.
"Justin, we should go back... the others are really worried. We can discuss this later."
"What do we tell the others?" Justin asked.
"Lets just tell them your mom was in a car accident and got a concussion."

"Alright, thats a good idea... but Sonya, i need to see my mom. I HAVE to. Will you come with me to Orlando? I don't want to go alone and this way you can meet her too. I just need to get away from here for a while...and try to solve some problems back home. We're gonna have to put the tour off for a few weeks."

Sonya nodded and smiled, kissing Justin's cheek. Justin got up, pulling Sonya up with him, took her hand, and they walked towards the house.

.....chapter 16........

When Sonya and Justin got back to the house they found the table all cleaned up and everyone sitting on the couches quietly. They all got up and hugged Sonya and Justin. "Im alright," said Justin, "Mah mom's in tha hospital... she got in a car accident and has a concussion."
"Im so sorry," said JC.
Everyone looked sadly upon Justin, they had no clue that there had never been a car accident.
"Are you gonna be alright hun?" Charlene asked.
"Yes.... but im going to go to Orlando for a week or two."
"That's a good idea," said Lance.

"Sonya's coming with me.... you guys all have work to do and other stuff, and she's never been to Orlando. Plus, it'll give us some time to be alone."
Everyone nodded and said that that is a good idea.
"Dont worry Justin," said Vicki, "We can postpone the tour."
"Thanks Vick, youre the best."
"Yes...SHe is," added Chris hugging Vicki.

"Well I wanna see my mom as soon as I can, and surprise her with a visit so we are gonna take the next plane to Orlando. I gotta go pack, and then i'll drive Sonya over to her place to pick up her stuff."
No one wanted them to leave but they knew it had to be done. "I'll help you pack man," said Joey, following Justin out of the living room.
Sonya callapsed down on the couch with a sigh and a weak smile.
"Is Justin okay?" Darlene asked.
"It must be hard for him to deal with all this," Leila added.

"He'll be alright... we just gotta get somethings worked out back in Orlando..Justin will be fine. and Lynn wil be outta that hospital in no time."
"I know its only two weeks," said Vicki, "But call and write to us- and keep us up to date on everything thats going on."
"Dont worrie i will!" said Sonya.
She hugged Vicki Darlene Charlene and Leila and then the guys.

As soon as they were done saying goodbyes Justin came out with a few duffle bags. Sonya hugged joey and took one of the duffle bags. Justin hugged everyone and told them not to worry. Sonya clasped Justin's hand and they walked out to the Mercedes. They drove to Sonya's house, and she packed her stuff. She made sure to call her parents and tell them everything first. It took like an hour to tell the story, but she was 18 and could do whatever she wanted to anyways.

They drove to the airport and left the car in this special parking lot. Coincidentally, there were only 2 seats left for the next flight to Orlando. Justin and Sonya took their seats on the plane, Sonya getting the window seat. Justin looked over to his the row of seats on the other side. On particular girl caught his attention. Not sure if it was who Justin thought it was, he leaned forward in his seat to get a closer look. Yes, it was here.

Chapter Seveteen & Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen & Twenty