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Chapter Seventeen & Eighteen

.:chapter 17:.

Justin never would have guessed that after being apart from his ex girlfriend, Jazmine, for several months, he would see her on a plane flying to Orlando. He looked at her again.. She looked just as pretty as when they first started dating. He was never in love with her the way he loved Sonya, but there was something about her... she was so sweet and caring.. just someone that it was fun to be around. They had dated for a year but had sadly decided to break up because Jazmine didn't think she could handle a long distance relationship. Justin stared at her again. She had her eyes closed and had head phones on.. so he didn't see Justin looking at her. Sonya, however, did.

"What are you looking at, sweetie?" Sonya asked, turning to Justin.
"That girl.... she looks familiar.. but I cant remeber where I know her from," Justin lied.
"Maybe she was in one of your classes.. or maybe shes's a fan."
"Probably," Justin said, "So... are you hungry?" He desperatly tried to change the subject before Sonya asked more questions about Jazmine.
"So....... why don't you talk to her?" Sonya asked. 'dammit' thought Justin.
"Umm that's alright...shes probably sleeping or something."
"Are you SURE you don't know her?" Sonya asked again.
"Yes," Justin mumbled. He prayed that Jazmine wouldn't wake up, see him, and scream his name while giving him hugs and saying she missed him.

Just then a stuardess's voice came on.. "Hello ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Flight 069- San Diego to Orlando. I am your stuardess Zorina, call me if you need any help..and enjoy your flight. You may now take off your seatbelts."

Just as the voice came on Jazmine took off her headphones, opened her eyes and stretched. She moved her cramped neck around in a circle. Suddnely she spotted some curly hair out of the corner of her eye. No one's hair was like that except for one person.......... Justin. It couldn't be Justin... but then again it could... he DID live in Orlando. Jazmine leaned forward in her seat to get a good look at him. At that moment he was leaning forward too.... so they made eye contact. 'It really IS Justin,' Jazmine thought as her eyes widened. Justin nodded 'no'. Jazmine didn't understand that Justin was telling her not to go over there, and she got out of her seat.

'Oh shit' Justin thought. "JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!" Jazmine screamed and plopped down on the empty seat next to him. Sonya looked over to see what was going on. 'Shit, what do i do?' Justin thought.
"Hi.... do i know you?" he asked.
"Funny JuJu, its me, Jaz."
"Ummm sure, nice to meet you," Justin said, putting out his hand for her to shake.

He slipped Jazmine a secret wink that Sonya didn't see. He wasn't trying to be mean, or lie to Sonya... he just didn't want her to get mad or anything. Unfortunatly, Jazmine didn't get why Justin had winked at her..she thought he was flirting with her.

"Jazmyne, I'd like to introduce to you my girlfriend, Sonya....Sonya, this is Jazmine, an old friend of mine."
"Hello," said Sonya putting out her hand for Jazmine to shake. Jazmine didn't give Sonya a handshake, she just gave her a look.
"Umm Justin, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend."
"Ummm Jazmine, I haven't talked to you in a year." Jazmine leaned over Justin's seat and looked squarely into Sonya's eyes.
"I hope you're happy you BITCH." She said to Sonya.
"Excuse me WHORE?" Sonya asked.
"Jazmine, can you please go to your seats?" Justin asked, holding her back.
"Not until this bitch goes down." Jazmine answered, sneering.

Not knowing what to do, Justin pressed the stuardess button. A pretty asian girl instantly came to Justin's seat.
"Hello, Im Zorina. May I help you sir? Would you like a refreshment?"
"Umm no thank you, but can you please get this lady away from us? This isn't her seat and she is disturbing us." Justin tired his best to sound nice.
"Ma*am can you please umm... get the hell away from this man?"
Jazmine smiled a really fake smile, flicked off Sonya, and went back to her seat, turning towards the window.
Sonya looked so frightened, she had turned pale and leaned against Justin. "What was all that about?"
"To tell you the truth.... she wasn't Just an old friend... we used to go out. And I guess she still has feelings for me, and can't accept the fact that I love you. SHe was always so sweet.. I don't know what happened."
"Jealousy is what happened," Sonya said, still pissed off.
"Why would she be jealous...there's nothing special about me," said Justin.
"My butt," Sonya said, hitting his arm.
"Is cute..." Justin finished.
"AAHHH SHUTTUP!" Sonya said, whacking his arm again.
"Geez woman!!" Justin said. lifting up his sleeve to show his red bicep. It was so buff, and had a big red mark on it from where Sonya had hit it.
"Sorrie," Sonya said, kissing it softly. She put her head on Justin's shoulder and he put his hand on it, smoothing out her hair.

"Justin are you sure you don't have any feelings for Britney... or Jazmine? or anyone? I've just been hurt by guys all my life... and I don't want to get serious with anyone unless they truly feel the same way about me that I do about them.. and they don't have any of those feelings for anyone else."
"I promise you," Justin said, lifting Sonya's head and kissing her lightly on the lips.
"Thank youuuuu.."Sonya whispered as she lay her head back on his shoulder and closed her eyes." Justin sighed, and soon closed his eyes too.

chapter 18

Sonya and justin got off the plane, got their luggage and got in a taxi. Lynn would have picked them up if she hadn't been in the hospital. PLus, she didn't know they were coming. They would have stayed in the house but Paul was there, and Justin didn't want him to know that he was in Orlando. He didn't even wanna see the bastard's face.

The taxi took Sonya and Justin to a big hotel right on the beach with tennis courts, a pool, nice resteraunts, and all the luxuries you can imagine. They had the money, so why not stay somewhere nice. They checked in under fake names ..."Paulo Catalao and Banessa Blondie", took the key to room 69, and went to the elevator.
"I hope theres no fans here," Sonya said.
"I know," justin agreed, "I have so much on my mind, the last thing I feel like doing is signing autographs."

It was alredy six pm when Justin and Sonya put their bags down and unpacked and everything. They had reserved the room for a week. "Wanna go for a swim?" Sonys suggested, looking out the window at the sparkling pool. Torches were lit all around it and there was a sea of white lawn chairs set out. "Sorrie sweetie, but I'm so tired. I wanna get up early tomorrow so I think I just wanna get some sleep."
"Thats alright Jus, you need to rest anyways, we'll do it another night."
"Thanks for understanding hun" Justin said, his eyes alreading starting to close."Here's what we'll do.... we'll spend the first part of the day talking to my mom, and then we'll have the rest of the day AND the night to ourselves. How's that?"
"Sure," Sonya smiled.

Justin pulled his shirt off over his head, and slipped his jeans off. In his boxers, he slipped into bed. 'God he looks so sexy,' Sonya thought. She decided, however, to just let him sleep. SHe slipped into a nightgown and went under the covers after Justin. A few hours later Justin woke up after hearing a noise. He tapped Sonya, who instantly woke up cuz she was a light sleeper.
"GOsh Jus...,"she moaned,"What time is it?"
"Its just 11."
"Oh. Why'd you wake me up dork?"
"Did you hear that noise?"
"ummm no.. Justin, youre hearing things...just go to sleep."

Suddenly Sonya, too, heard a noise. "Ew is that moaning?" she asked.
"Sounds like it," Justin answered.
"Gross. I think its coming from the other room." Sonya got out of bed and put her ear to the wall. It was definetly coming from that room. SHe heard 'ughhhssss' and 'oooohhhs' and 'ooooh baaabyyyys'. "Oh my fuc*ing God, thats so sick."
"Its okay," Justin said, "Let's just try to go to sleep."
Unfortunatly Sonya was a light sleeper so she couldn't fall asleep that easily. Suddenly she heard the noises all around her...comming from both walls. "Fuck," she whispered under her breath.

[ room 68]

"Fuuuuuccccckkkkkkk JC," Vanessa moaned, "I have nissed you so bad baby."
"I missed you too," he said sucking on her neck.
"I'm so glad you decided to fly out to Orlando."
"Me too.." He made his way down her neck... onto her chest.
"Are you horny JC?" Vanessa asked, licking her lips.
"oh hell yes," JC answered.

Not being able to take in anymore, he ripped off Vanessa's button down shirt. He kissed down her shirt and onto her breast, taking it with his hand. Vanessa, still sitting on her bed, was just staring at JC, thinking how bad she wanted to undress him. He turned her around and unclasped her white silky bra. It fell off with easy, revealing her breasts.

"That's what i like," said JC, making a grab for them.
"I thought you liked Jaz, and Hard Rock Cafe menus," Vanessa teased.
"Not as much as I like breasts," JC drooled, bringing the nipple to his mouth. His teeth bit har don it, causing Vanessa to scream. SHe laughed at how much fun JC was having. He took his fingers to her other breast and began massaging it. Both were now in his possession, and he was making the most of it. He ran his finger up and down her right breast, caressing it. "godddd nessa," he moaned, "i wanna make love to you so bad right now." Nessa put her hand onto his rising cock. "Slow down JC, Don't you want to enjoy every moment of this?"
"yessss," JC whispered, getting hard. His cock was now standing straight up.

"Can i?" JC asked. Nessa nodded, and he began un buckling her pants. "are you sure you wanna do this Vanessa?" He asked, praying she would say yes. "I love you JC, and I wanna fuck you just as bad as you wanna fuck me." JC instantly pullled off Nessa's jeans and then her panties. She sat there naked on the bed with JC gaping at her. "Can i touch you?" he asked. Without an answer JC pushed nessa's shoulders causing her to fall back on the bed. "Vanessa... I Have wanted to be with you for so long..." He said in between kisses. His kisses were making a trail..and he was now at her belly button.

He placed innocent little kisses lower and lower and lower until he reched her clit. She giggled, it tickled so bad. JC thrust his tounge inside of it, his mouth watering. Vanessa moaned with pleasure, urging JC to go on. His tounge went out and licked her inner thighs. Then he took his two fingers and began massaging her thing, both of them moaning, JC was hard as a rock and Nessa was so wet, she thought she was going to explode. He rubbed lower and lower, putting his two fingers inside of her and moving them in and out. "Oh god JC, that feels so good," she whispered. Just as he took his fingers out for the 5th time, Nessa pulled away and rolled off the bed.

JC stared at her naked body, wishing she would just hurry up with whatever she was going to do because he wanted to get inside of her so bad. "Get on the bed," she said to JC. He immidealty sat on the bed, obeying every word she said. "Now take off your pants." He did so, revaling his white briefs. His dick was standing straight up, hard as wood. Nessa tore his shirt off, reaving his six pack anf built chest. There wasn't even one bit of hair on it. Nessa layed him down on the bed and spread his legs as wide as the could go. Jc winced in pain, the sweart started to collect on his forehead. Nessa made her way towards him, crawling on top of him. His cock was standing so high that it brushed passed her vagina as she moved over him. He struggled to get inside of her, but she moved away every few seconds. Laying halfway on top of him, she licked his hard stomach, and then bit on his breifs. SHe slowly tore them off with her teeth, exposing his massive cock. It was so huge, bigger than Vanessa had imagined it. She stroked it once, and then twice, tickling it and feeling JC getting harder and harder by the minute. He grunted in Pleasure.

Then Vanessa got completely on top of it, sitting with her legs spread out wide as it grinded into her, once twice....and again. JC sorta got up and wrapped his legs around Vanessa, thrusting into her as she screamed out in pain. They rolled of fof the bed, and onto the floor, still fucking. Her boobs meshed against his chest and he began to cum.
"Oh shit," JC scramed..." we're gonna make a mess"
"Shut up and fuck me," Nessa said to JC.
He entered her all the way, and moved his dick aorund a little, hurting her butpleasuring her more. Finally he thrust out of her and they both fell back, breathing heavily. She crawled on top op him again, and put his swollen dick in her mouth, sucking up and down, and rollling her tounge around it.After she was done her pushed her on the floor and began moving his wandering hands all over her body, feeling everything she had to offer. He put his went fingers into his mouth, and began massaging her breasts. Then he layed flat on top of her and meshed his body on top of hers, ending the great sex with an intimate kss. He got up, leaving nessa breathing hard, still excited from the sex, and walked into the bathroom starting a hot bubble bath.

"Wanna take a bath with me Vanessa?"
"Hell yes," she managed to say between breaths.
Just as JC turned the water on, there was a loud banging at the door.
"Shit" JC and Nessa both exclaimed, and froze in terror.

Chapter Nineteen & Twenty
Chapter Fifteen & Sixteen