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My Stories

**Author's note: I do not claim to know any of the famous people in this story, and use of thier names is under the fair use act. I stand to make no profit from this story, and it was written solely for the author's pleasure as a pastime. Any resemblance to people dead or alive is merely coincidental. This is my creative idealistic thinking at work and I do respect other people's idea's enough to leave them be, so I would like the same courtesy given to me. That means, you take it, you bare the brunt of it, at whatever costs it may entail. Thank you very much, happy reading.**

Once Upon A December

~This is Finished~
Its not easy not remembering your past, yet its really hard making up for the time you missed. How could someone you love deceive you so bad?

-not sure you want to read it?? Read some comments I've received, click here-

November Rain
Sequel to Once Upon A December

~This is Finished~

Did I still love him after everything that happened? Could he show me that he still cared? I thought after I left New York, my life would come back together, and in a sense it did. I had a good job, good friends, and a loyal boyfriend. Yet, as soon as my past came back to haunt me, everything crumpled.

~This is Unfinished~
You may think that you know someone, but you never really know anyone...

Always Is A Promise You Never Kept

~This is Finished~
You give your heart to someone you love but expect it not to be broken...How come mine is?

*Never Ever*

~Short Story~

I never asked for this, I never wanted this, but I know that this will never ever happen to me again because I won't let it.

Come Nightfall

~This is Unfinished~
Every night he creeps into my room, that was a mistake to begin with. I've tried to stop him, but he's too controlling, even to me.


After what he did to me, I thought I got away. I had hoped that he never would bother me again, but I was wrong. When unusual things started popping up, I didn't think of it as being something to worry about, but I should of...
