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Wonderful Tonight


It's late in the evening
She's wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on her make up
And brushes her long blonde hair


Dakota stood in front of her bathroom mirror, curling iron in hand, tending to the last few pieces of blonde tendrils that framed her face. She carefully put the softest curls she could manage into her hair, and brushed a bit of blush across the apple of her naturally pink cheeks to enhance her glow. Taking her pointer finger and applying a touch of vanilla lip gloss to her lips, she looked her face over in the mirror, becoming happy with the essence that was her.

After slipping into her midnight blue dress, a silken material that covered the length of her body, she sprayed just enough perfume to bring a soft fragrance forward. She generously applied lotion to the smoothness of her legs, allowing the one leg that was exposed by the slit up her right leg to glisten in the right light. She hummed a soft melody, looking herself over in the mirror once more. Butterflies fluttered through her stomach, nervous to encounter JCs reaction as his eyes fell upon her that evening.


JC smoothed his hands over his Armani suit, stomach in knots. He found it hard to believe that nervousness could build the way his was at this moment in time, but it was a big night. It's not everyday that he was able to take his girlfriend out, show her off, and to say he was excited was an understatement. He was nervous though...nervous to feel her delicate hands touch his skin, unable to fathom the idea of breathing in her scent the whole night through.

"Look good, man," Justin said with a smile, approving of the suit that JC had spent the previous week looking for.

"Thanks," he let out a deep breath that he seemed to have been holding for the past 2 hours he was getting ready.

"Relax, Jace. It's just Dakota," Justin chuckled, trying to reassure his best friend.

JC shot Justin a look, "Just Dakota? I'm so nervous, I'm about ready to wet my pants," he laughed. A smile finally broke across his face as he took the keys to his jeep, looking himself over in the mirror once more.

"Dude, just gooooooo," Justin plopped down on the couch, laughing at the nervousness of his friend for the 10th time that evening.

"I'm going, I'm going," JC grinned, closing the door behind him.


"Dakota," Jessie called down the hall, "He's here!" She giggled, excited for her baby cousin to have this night.

Dakota popped her head out of her bedroom door, "Jessie?" she whispered, motioning her to come down the hall, seeing her mother head towards the door.

"What, you goober...get out here...JC's here," Jessie laughed as Dakota could hear his sweet voice greet her mother.

"I changed my mind," Dakota said, a look of nervousness falling over her flushed face, "I'm not going."

Jessie laughed, pushing Dakota's bedroom door open, "Aww you look so gorgeous, girl. Look at you," Jessie pointed in the full length mirror that was before them.

"Dakotaaaa," her mother's voice sounded, "Are you going to come greet this handsome man or am I going to have to sit here and talk to him all night?"

"Aunt D, she'll be right there," Jessie reassured, pulling Dakota into a hug, "Girl, listen to me." Dakota's eyes focused on her cousin, someone who was like a sister to her, "JC's here...he loves look gorgeous...there's nothing to be nervous about. As soon as you walk down this hallway to meet him, anything you're scared of will go away, I promise, baby." Jessie hugged her once more.

Dakota, taking a deep breath said, "Okay, you go first, and I'll be out in one second," she managed a smile.

"That a girl...and think of how happy JC will be to learn you actually want to go through with this," Jessie giggled, winking as she closed the door 3/4 of the way behind her.


"Here she is," Jessie grinned moments later as JC turned, his eyes falling on Dakota.

Her blue eyes sparkled a radiant blue, enhanced by the deep color of her dress. When she locked into JC's eyes, she felt her knees go weak. JC took a deep breath, trying to find the words to bring his emotions to life but was met with an eager, "Wow." He smiled.

Dakota felt the tears sting the back of her eyes, happy to see him standing there before her, "Hey there, gorgeous," she smiled as JC took two more steps towards her small frame, now standing directly in front of her.

It was as if the two of them were afraid to touch one another...afraid that something would disappear if they did, "Hey beautiful," JC responded, slowly moving his hand to touch one of the curls that framed Dakota's face.

He felt his breath catch in his throat at the feel of her silken hair, and he closed his eyes for a moment as he let his fingertips move down her porcelain cheek.

"Hey goofy, if you close your eyes, how are you gonna tell me how I look?" Dakota giggled, and JC opened his eyes with a grin. That one sentence took away any nervousness that may have lingered in this moment, brought the Dakota he loved straight to him.


And then she asks me
Do I look alright
And I say yes, you look wonderful tonight


"Aww baby, come here already," JC said softly, taking Dakota into his arms. He felt all of his senses come alive at her touch as her arms closed around him. He could smell her perfume, a scent he'd never forget, and he pulled back to meet her bright blue eyes once more, "You're gonna knock em dead tonight, baby."

Dakota looked at JC adoringly, placing her hand on the back of his neck, pulling his face down to hers. She whispered softly into his ear, "I love you."

As if a dream came to life, he felt his heartbeat faster and the butterflies flutter once more, the sweetest sound he could have ever hoped to hear, "Oh baby, I love you, too," he kissed her cheek softly, "Shall we?" JC grinned that million dollar smile, and Jessie and Denise, Dakota's mother, looked on with approval.

"We shall," Dakota smiled, lighting her whole face, dimples showing.


We go a party
And everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady
That's walking around with me


"JC?" Dakota whispered as he held her body close to his. He wanted to feel her curves pressed to his for as long as he could.

"Hmm?" He mumbled, shaken from his reverie come true, "What, baby?" he asked softly as the couple swayed to the music that played through the room.

"People are watching us," she giggled, "Is there a rip in my dress or something?"

JC laughed, a smile spreading across his face once more, "Nooo," he shrieked a bit, "No one is used to seeing me like this, I guess..." he paused, kissing Dakota's nose, "That's all, and people aren't staring," he looked around with a slight chuckle.


And then she asks me
Do you feel alright
And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight


"You okay?" she smiled, running her fingertips along JC's pouty lips.

"Dakota," he said, spinning her with a smile, then back to his arms, "I'm more than okay.


I feel wonderful
Because I see the love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize
How much I love you


JC, as if caught of guard, was taken back by Dakota's eyes once more. Be it in a picture or there before him, her eyes always had that same magic. Finally, as if it had been an eternity, he thought to himself that it was about time to catch her lips with his and hold her there.

"Baby," JC spoke low, Dakota's innocence radiating from her, taking JC back even more. He tilted her chin up and leaned down slowly, first doing nothing more than brushing his lips along hers.

He felt her sigh softly, her warm breath meeting his lips, and he could feel the warm feeling in the pit of his stomach. Like she had described thousands of times before, JC felt her tongue move slowly across his lips, and below the sound of the music playing through the room, a soft moan escaped him. Her lips met his in a spark of emotion, and it was like nothing that either of them had ever felt before.

Dakota's fingertips played through the bottom of JC's hair and he pulled back as to keep his composure, leaving a few stray kisses on her lips, "They say you just know," he whispered, a sparkle left in his eyes.

"Mhmm," Dakota's smile was soft, "That's what they say." She kissed him once more.


It's time to go home now
And I've got an aching head
So I give her the car keys
She helps me to bed


JC smiled as Dakota emerged from the hotel suite's bathroom in one of his long t-shirts. Even still, no makeup, no elegant gown, she was still beautiful to him.

"Am I a 10 or what?" She grinned and giggled, purely teasing yet somehow winning JC over even more.

"Come here," he returned the bright smile, as Dakota climbed into bed beside him. He nestled his baby close to his chest, letting out a content sigh.


And then I tell her
As I turn out the light
I say my darling, you were wonderful tonight


"I love you so much," Dakota whispered in the dark as her eyes fluttered closed.

Kissing her forehead, JC smiled gently, "Love you, too, baby. Some things are just worth it," he said as he stroked her hair. Both thought to themselves that they'd never lose faith in each other.

Dakota rested as so she could her JC's heart beat softly. She hummed just loud enough for JC to hear and then sang, "Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight..."

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