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Chapter Two: Old Friends, New Friends

"Is it really you?" Lance asked, clearly stunned.

"Yeah Lance, it's me. Long time, no see, eh?" Tasha said laughing.

"Come here and give me a hug," he said, holding his arms open waiting for her. She shyly stepped into them and wrapped her arms around his neck.

As they were hugging, Troy walked in. "I turn my back for three minutes and you disappear! I've been looking for you everywhere! Oh, hi lance. What's up buddy?" he asked, clapping Lance on the back.

"Hey Troy. What's up?"

"Wait, you two know each other?" Tasha questioned, becoming exceedingly confused.

"Yeah. Me and Lance meet over in Europe when I was over there on a high school trip," Troy said, a haughty grin beginning to form on his face.

"How do you know Tasha, Lance?" Troy inquired, becoming somewhat perplexed himself.

"Tasha and I have known each other for 16 years. She and I grew up together," Lance said, draping an arm around her shoulder.

After Troy left, Tasha told Lance about her parents' spilt her many scholarships, and her acceptance into Harvard. Lance told her about *NSYNC's rise to fame, the fans, and the madness in general. The two chatted like things had never changed. He was still James, the athletic young boy from down the street, and she was still Tasha, the adorable country girl. Nope, not a thing had changed.

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After the Concert

When the concert had ended, Tasha then got to meet the other guys face-to-face. Following the introductions and small talk, Tasha announced that she was going home. After getting each of the guys' email addresses and cell numbers, she said goodbye to her new friends.

When she got to Lance, he offered to drive her home. "What about my car? How will it get home?" she questioned.

"I'll take it," Troy offered.

"Well...if it's not a problem. I'd hate to impose," she cautiously stated.

"Nah. Besides, we have some catching up to do," Lance said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Okay, let's go," Tasha said, taking Lance's hand as they left.

During the carride back to Tasha's apartment, Lance tried to explain why he didn't write. " We were always just so busy, with rec..." he stopped as Tasha put her hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay Lance. I forgive you," she said simply.

When they arrived at her complex, Tahsa turned to Lance and said, "well, you have my number. Give me a call. We'll get together."

"Bye Tasha," he said as he timidly placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Bye Lance," she called back to him as she closed the door, leaving Lance to ponder his next move.

Chapter Three
Chapter One