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Chapter Three: Emotions


Sept. 20, 1996
The two teens ran hand in hand through the creek, enjoying their last moments together.

"Oh James! Why do you have to go so soon after you got here?" a very pout of breath Tasha asked as they sat down on a grassy patch of earth by the creek.

"We have to do a promotional tour before the album comes out," he said pulling his best friend towards him.

"I'll miss you so much! But, you can't forget to write or call," she said, standing up as James' mom was walking towards them.

"Come on!" she called out. When she got no response from either teen, she called out even louder, "James Lance Bass come over here right now!"

"Uh-oh. She used my full name! Well, I guess it's goodbye for now," James said as he hugged Tasha to him. Already tears were flowing from their eyes. Slowly and shyly, he gave Tasha her first kiss before he walked away.

"Bye James! I'll miss you," she called out to him as he got into the awaiting limo to take him to the airport. "I love you," she whispered into the void as the limo turned the corner. Once again, her best friend had left her alone.

End Flashback

"After you left, I fell into a deep depression. I went over to your house all the time an d spent the night in your room," she said looking at Lance, waiting to see his expression.

"Tasha, I am so sorry. I thought about you all the time. I wanted..." Lance began, but Tasha cut him off.

"Did you ever think about the effect your not calling or writing had on me Lance? Huh? Did you ever think about that? I tried to kill myself twice. Once I overdosed on Tylenol. I was in the hospital for a week while they pumped my stomach. The other time I slit my wrists," she yelled, showing him her wrists. "This could have been prevented if you would have called or wrote a letter. So for now Lance, please leave me alone!" she screamed running back towards her apartment from the park bench they sat at.

"Great job Bass," Lance scolded himself, "I think you just lost her for good."

Lance walked back to his car, his mind wildly spinning. "What can I do now?" he thought as he started his 4-Runner. "Bingo", he said as he dialed a familiar number on his cell. "Hello, Mrs. McElroy? It's Lance. Can I ask you a favor?"

Chapter Four
Chapter Two