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Chapter Four: Apologies

Tasha arrived at her mothers' house ten minutes late.

"Damn", she cursed out loud when she banged her knee on the side of her car. she was in a great rush and was not watching what she was doing.

It had been only a day since she saw Lance last, but she missed him terribly. She realized that she loved Lance, far beyond friendship would ever allow.

"Hello dear," Tasha's mother called out to her as she climbed the stairs to her Victorian mansion.

"Hi mom," she whispered as her mom wrapped her in a tight embrace.

As this exchange was occuring in the front yard, Lance and the rest of *NSYNC were setting up on the back porch. After Tasha stormed out on Lance, he decided he had to make it up to her somehow. So, with the help of Tahsa' mom, he prepared a romantic evening including dinner, dancing, and a special surprise at the end.

"Lance called earlier toaday Tasha," her mother stated suddenly. Tahsa hoped her mom would drop it. Just mentioning it was as though a hundred knives penetrating her body. She felt bad about what she said to Lance. It hurt a lot to think about it.

As mother and daughter walked through the house, Tasha wanted nothing more but to call Lance and apologize.

"You'll have your chance darling. But for now, put this on." Her mother handed her a black blindfold.

"Why?" Tasha questioned, utterly confused, and scared at what was coming next.

"You'll see," Debbie said helping her secure the back tightly.

Tahsa's stomach was wildly flip-flopping when she heard five angelic voices singing "God Must Have Spent." A pair of strong hands took off the blind-fold, which she recognized as Lance's. Still singing, he lead her over to a chair set up at the table. When Tasha looked back, her Mom was looking through the window with tears flowing from her eyes.

When the song was over, JC and Chris brought out the food and drinks while Joey and Justin messed around with "mood music" and lighting. Once everyting was perfect, they left, leaving Lance and a very surprised Tasha.

"Everything is so beautiful Lance. I hope you didn't go to too much trouble for this," she said taking a sip of her water.

"It was really nothing. Your mom helped out a lot," Lance said, looking over at her.

The entire night went as planned. After dinner, they danced then Lance asked Tahsa a very important question.

"Tahsa so you want to come on tour with us? The guys love you and so do I. I couldn't stand to be away from you any longer," Lance pleaded, the puppy-dog look now plastered on his face.

"Of course I would!" she yelled, hugging Lance to her. "When do we leave?"

"Ummmmmmmm...well, we leave tomorrow morning," Lance said bracing himself for Tasha's yelling.

"AWESOME!!" she screamed.

Lance and Tasha discussed the tour while he helped her pack. Debbie, Tasha's mother, was okay with her daughter leaving for seven-and-a-half months, just as long as she called at least every other day.

When Lance did leave, it was already 2:30 in the morning.

"I'll pick you up at 6. Is that alright?" he asked as they walked to the front door together. "Six it is," she said before Lance's soft lips came crashing down on hers. After a moment, he pulled away.

"I love you," he whispered before he left, leaving Tasha very confused as she softly fingered her lips.

Chapter Five
Chapter Three