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Chapter Six: Separations

Things had been going well for Lance and Tasha. They had been a perfect couple for four months. By then the tour was over and the men of *NSYNC were taking a much needed break before starting to second leg of the tour. Things were going very well. Until disaster struck.

Lance had been on the edge lately. His managment company was having troubles with a major record lable. All the added stress was causing Lance to become slightly pushy, sometimes even rude to the people he was always around...including Tasha.

"Lance are you okay? You've seemed very tense lately," Tasha asked, walking up behind Lance and rubbing his shoulders.

"Yeah Tasha. I'll be fine. Don't worry avout me," Lance said, turning to smile at her.

"Are you sure? You haven't been eating or sleeping much," she said, concern very evident in her voice.

"Look, I said I was fine! Just leave me alone!" Lance snapped.

"Fine Lance. Be an ass! See if I care," Tasha snapped back at him before leaving him stunned.

"Shit!" Lance cried out before sending a picture of him and Tasha flying towards the wall.


"Mom, I don't know what's gotten into him. Two weeks ago he was so loving, now, the only time I see him is if our paths cross in the kitchen. He's locked himself in his office."

After leaving Lance's house, Tasha went to her mothers home to recieve advice and comfort.

"Baby, Lance is having problems at work. Don't worry. It'll all blow over soon," Debbie said, placing one of her hands over Tasha's.

"I love him so much mom. I never want to loose him. But right now, I honestly don't know what to do," she groaned while burrying her face in her hands.

"Talk to him. See what he wants to do. Nothing will get resolved if you ignore him," Debbie said.

"Thanks Mom. I think I will."

And with that, Tasha went in search of answers.


It had been two weeks since Tasha talked to Lance. After she left her moms' house, she couldn't find it in herself to confront him.

"Today," she decided mentally, "today I'll talk to him."

Thirty tense minutes later Tasha pulled up in front of Lance's house.

"Well, here goes nothing," Tasha whispered as she rang the doorbell. Even though she had a key, she felt that it would be inappropriate to use it.

"Hey Tasha," Lance said when he opened the door.

The first thing Tasha noticed about him were his bloodshot eyes. She felt terrible for not talking to him.

"We need to talk," Tasha said, moving closer to Lance.

"Okay. Come on in," he said stepping aside.

"Why didn't you use your key?" Lance asked once they were seated in the family room.

"I...uhh...I didn't think it would be very appropriate to just barge right on in," Tasha said, studying the palms of her hands.

"Tasha, you know I love you more than anything. These past two weeks were horrible for me. I've barely slept, barely ate, and I've cried a lot. I miss you Tasha. Please come back," Lance said, pleading with her.

"Lance your attitude towards me was shitty. I don't want to, nor do I deserve to deal with that."

"Tash, I was under a lot of pressure. But it's all gone. Please, I'm so sorry. I love you."

"Alright Lance. I'll forgive you this once. Next time you won't be so lucky. I love you too."

Later on that afternoon, Lance and Tasha went out for lunch. Then they went shopping where poor Lance was mobbed.

That might Lance made dinner for the two of them while Tasha read. While they ate, they talked about the upcoming tour.

"Well Lance, I had a great time. I would stay tonight, but I promised my sister that I'd watch Beth for her."

"No prob. I'll see you later," Lance said before kissing her.

"Bye Lance," Tasha called back before driving off.

Chapter Seven
Chapter Five