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Chapter Seven: Time Alone

Three weeks before the tour started, Lance decided that he and Tasha were going to go on a vacation before he left. On the last tour, when Tasha went with *NSYNC, she almost lost her job. She couldn’t afford to do that, so Lance was determined to spend as much time as he could with her before he had to leave.

At work, Tasha thought of Lance while in a meeting with her boss and a couple other employees.

“So Tasha, what do you think of that?” her boss asked her, knowing that she was thinking of something other than weekly staff meetings.

“Great Lance. I don’t care,” she said dreamily.

“So Tasha, you, unlike your co-workers, think it will be an improvement having weekly staff meetings? And how many times must I tell you my name isn’t Lance? It’s Dave, but I’m flattered that you think of me in the same way,” Dave smirked watching Tasha’s upper lip curl up in disgust. Dave enjoyed teasing Tasha about Lance. It was quite obvious that she thought about him non-stop.

“Dave, haven’t you ever been in love?” a co-worker asked as Tasha blushed.

“Wha…uhh…oh, sorry,” Tasha said,” but no way on weekly staff meetings. We’d never get our job done if you kept us in meetings.”

Tasha’s day went by almost the same way. Most of the time she would catch herself dozing or thinking about Lance. But she did call five other people Lance that day, one of them being her mother when they went out for lunch.

When Tasha got to Lance’s that night she was quite tired. All she wanted to do was grab a snack and go to bed. But, as she soon found out, Lance had different plans for them.

Lance had turned off all the lights. She was fumbling around for a light switch when Lance called out to her.

“Babe, is that you?”

“Yeah Lance. What the hell is going on?”

“Just come into the dining room baby.”

Tasha slowly made her way to the dining room,. The entire journey there she narrowly dodged end tables and chairs.

When she got there, she saw that the table was set and steaming dishes of wonderfully smelling foods were in the middle of the table. On her plate was a long white envelope with “To Tasha Love Lance” scrawled across the front.

“Open it,” Lance said joining Tasha in the dining room.

Tasha sat down and opened the envelope, her hands shaking wildly. Inside were two sets of plane tickets and three sets of plastic passes.

“Oh Lance! Thank you so much!” she cried before kissing him hard on the lips.

“So I take it you like it?” Lance asked with a cocky grin on his face.

“I love it Lance! I really do. But what about my job?” Tasha questioned quickly.

“I already called your boss. After a lot of persuading and promising to get Justin’s autograph for his daughter, he said that he’d give you vacation time,” Lance said while pushing in Tasha’s chair.

“This is all wonderful Lance. What have I done to deserve all this?” she asked.

“You didn’t do anything except love me,” Lance sighed as his cell phone rang.


“Lance, it’s Justin. Johnny called an emergency meeting. We need to be at the Compound in twenty minutes.

“But Tasha just got home.”

“Bring her. JC has to bring Bobbie and Chris has to bring Dani. You know what Johnny says, the more the merrier. Just hurry!” And with that Justin was gone.

“Tasha, I gotta make a run to the Compound. Do you want to come? I don’t know how long I’ll be gone though.”

“Sure Lance.”

The two put the untouched food in containers and were walking to the garage when Tasha stopped.

“Lance?” she asked, pressing her body against his.

“Yeah baby?”

“I get to drive!” Tasha yelled, grabbing Lance’s keys and racing towards the black 4-Runner.

Chapter Eight
Chapter Six