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Chapter Eight: “I Really Hate Departures"

“Okay guys. I just needed to go over the songs we’re doing on the next leg of the tour. Ladies feel free to add anything,” Johnny said.

“Okay, we have No Strings, Want You Back, God Must Have Spent, Tearin’ Up, Gonna Be Me, She Knew, Paid, Cowboy, Promise, Get Down, and Bye Bye Bye.”

“I have and idea,” Tasha announced, “ Why don’t you guys do a couple Christmas songs? Still do the living room set, but have a tree and presents.

“Tash, you’re a genius! That’s a wonderful idea!” Chris called from the loveseat he and Dani were occupying.

“I told you guys my baby girl was smart,” Lance said kissing Tasha’s neck softly.

“Do you guys agree?” Johnny questioned while nine heads bobbed up and down.

“Okay then. Meeting adjourned!”

Everyone said they’re goodbyes and went on there separate ways.

It was two in the morning when Lance and Tasha arrived back at Lance’s. Tasha didn’t feel comfortable driving so she came up with an alternative.

“Lance, do you mind if I crash here tonight? Then tomorrow morning I’ll go home and get my stuff, and come back so we can make the flight on time,” Tasha said as she followed Lance back to his bedroom.

Lance didn’t respond, he just pulled Tasha with him onto the large bed. Tasha straddled him and soon the couple were making out passionately. Tasha let her hands roam under Lance’s shirt and eventually pull it off.

“Oh god Tasha,” Lance moaned into her ear as he pulled off her shirt and discarded it to the side...

Tasha woke up the next morning sore and alone. She heard Lance banging pots and opening and closing doors and drawers. Then she heard him begin to hum the tune to her favorite *NSYNC song, “This I Promise You.” Then the doorbell rang.

“Oh hey Mrs. McElroy. What’s up?”

“I just wanted to bring by my daughter’s bags. It’s everything you told me plus that quite large box at the bottom. What’s that all about Lance?” Mrs. McElroy questioned.

“Deb that’s my huge surprise for Tasha. I know she’ll tell you about it.”

“Alright Lance. Just, take care of my baby girl.”

“You can count on it Deb. I love Tasha very much.”

“Well, I see you’re making breakfast so I’ll leave you,” Mrs. McElroy said hugging Lance.

“So Lancey, what’s my surprise?” Tasha asked walking up behind him as he closed the door.

“Nope, I’m not telling,” he said crossing his arms.

Not satisfied with the answer she received, Tasha walked off toward the kitchen to eat.

“Oh, and Lance,” she called back, “you were really good last night. I’m glad my first time was with you.”

An hour after breakfast, Lance and Tasha were waiting in the terminal for their flight to be called.

“Flight 1278 nonstop to Los Angeles boarding at gate 25. Boarding will begin for all first class passengers at this time.”

“Come on Tashy. That’s us,” Lance called back with a goofy grin on his face.

“Okay Lancey,” Tasha smirked as they boarded the plane.

“You know I really hate departures, don’t you Lance?"

“Yeah, your mom told me. Just grab onto my hand. I promise everything will be fine,” Lance whispered as he nuzzled Tasha’s neck.


“Yeah baby?”

”You know I love you right?”

“Oh Tasha. I love you so very much.”

“I love you too Lance. I really do. We will be together for eternity.”

Lance cupped Tasha’s chin in one of his hands and kissed her sweetly just as the plane took off.

Chapter Nine
Chapter Seven