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Chapter Nine: Luau Proposal

Lance and Tasha had been passengers of the cruise ship “Maui” for five days before docking on the island of Oahu. Their remaining five days would be spent at the Hawaiian Hilton Hotel and Resort. Unknown to each other, both Lance and Tasha were making wedding plans.

“Lance, I’m bored. Let’s go do something,” Tasha moaned. The couple had already been to every shop in the “min-mall” on the hotel premises.

“Well, we really don’t need to leave fro a while, but I’ll give this to you now,” he said, digging under the bed for that mysterious white box that Debbie asked about.

“Lance, what is all this about?” Tasha questioned while she unwrapped the gift.

“You’ll see,” Lance said, biting his bottom lip.

“Oh god Lance! It’s gorgeous!” Tasha exclaimed as she pulled out the short white sundress.

“Now go put it on. We don’t want to be late for the luau.

“Lancey why are you so good to me?” Tasha asked as the couple slowly walked along the beach.

“Because I love you so very much Tashy.”

“Do you have any more surprises for me tonight Lance?” Tasha asked as they got back to their table.

“There’s one left. But I can’t tell you what it is,” Lance whispered softly before kissing her ear lobe softly.

“Before this party breaks up, we have an important gentleman that requested use of the mike. Lance Bass, would you please come up here?”

Muffled cheers could be heard when Lance appeared on stage.

“If I could get everyone’s attention for a moment. Tasha, can you come up here for a second?” Lance requested holding his arm out for her.

“Tash, we’ve known each other for a while right? Tell everyone how long we’ve known each other.”

“Sixteen, going on seventeen, years.”

“And you know I love you right?”

“As I love you Lance, but what is...”

Tasha stopped mid-sentence when Lance slowly dropped to one knee. It was at that moment that Tasha realized what was going on and burst into tears.

“Tasha McElroy, baby, make me the happiest man on earth and become my wife?”

“Oh god Lance yes! Yes! I’ll marry you!”

Lance and Tasha passionately kissed, while 200 onlookers cheered them on.

“I love you Tasha,” Lance said as he slipped the diamond ring on her finger.

“I love you too Lance. Oh god I love you!” Tasha mumbled as she buried her face in Lance’s shoulder and cried. During the exchange, Lance felt a couple tears of happiness land on his cheeks.

Chapter Ten
Chapter Eight