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The cast of Ilia's first movie-- Center Stage!

I went to see Center Stage because, obviously, Ilia was in it. At first, I wasn't really sure how big his role in the movie would be or even exactly what the movie was about. I knew that it was a ballet movie, and I knew a little about the basic plot, but I wasn't all too sure about how good a movie it'd be. Well, after I saw it, I can say that it was actually a really good movie, even if you don't know a whole lot about ballet or dancing. I thoroughly enjoyed Center Stage, and I'd gladly see it again. Ilia played an adorable character. He was a Russian dancer named Sergei who came over to America to study and dance at a well-known and highly rated School of Ballet. This movie is a must-see for all Ilia Kulik fans!! I'm looking forward to his next movie!! ; )