April Alarms

Date Time Type Location Companies
04/01/04 1135 Vehicle Accident Cold Springs Rd. in front of the Medical Center, Huntingdon 5, 100, 500
04/01/04 1557 Odor of Fuel Oil 7th & Washington Sts., Huntingdon 5
04/01/04 1603 Odor of Gas Blair House, 600 Penn St., Huntingdon 5
04/02/04 1517 Automatic Alarm Mead Products, Alexandria 1, 100
04/03/04 0319 Forcible Entry 16 Liberty Lane, Springfield Twp. 12
04/03/04 1543 Smoke in the Building Deforrest Apartments, Huntingdon 1, 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
04/03/04 2034 Vehicle Accident Hill Valley Rd., Cromwell Twp. 9, 900, 1200
04/04/04 0940 Garage    *Working Fire* 1318 Oneida St. Rear, Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 500    Transfer 20 to 5
04/04/04 2204 Residential Structure Decorum & Neelyton Rds., Dublin Twp. 9, 12, (12), 14, (21), 57, 900
04/05/04 0935 Flue Rt. 305 near Guyer Rd., Jackson Twp. 5, 11, 18, 19
04/05/04 1240 Vehicle Accident Rt. 655 near Cramer Hill, Brady Twp. 2, 20, 25
04/06/04 0227 Residential Structure  *Working Fire* 1100 Juniata Ave., Smithfield 1, 5, 6, 10, 500
04/07/04 0654 Vehicle Accident Shirley & Division Sts., Mt. Union 7, 700
04/07/04 1603 Brush Behind the Airport in the Sleepy Hollow Development, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
04/07/04 1640 Brush 266 Cooper Gap Rd., Mifflin Co. 19
04/07/04 1734 Vehicle Accident Rt. 522 S. in front of the Shirley Home, Shirley Twp. 9, 900
04/08/04 1416 Odor Investigation Blair House, 600 Penn St., Huntingdon 5, 500
04/08/04 1523 Vehicle Accident 12th & Mifflin Sts., Huntingdon 5, 500
04/09/04 0003 Automatic Alarm Miten Rd., Cottage, West Twp. 11, 1100
04/09/04 0558 Transfer Hustontown Fire Co. 12
04/10/04 1423 Brush 10756 McAfee Lane, Barree Twp. 1, 4, 11, 18, 19, 1100
04/10/04 2026 Furnace Malfunction 325 Church St., Huntingdon 5, 500
04/13/04 1703 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E., Sand Plant Hill, Brady Twp. 2, 20, 700
04/14/04 0604 Flue with Extension Decorum Rd., Dublin Twp. 9, 12, 14, (12), (21), 56, 57, 900
04/14/04 1338 Residential Structure Rt. 655 N. near the Huntingdon/Mifflin Co. Line, Brady Twp. 2, 5, 10, 18, 20, 24, 25
04/14/04 1855 Commercial Structure  *Working Fire* Rt. 26 S. behind the Rothrock Market, Entriken, Lincoln Twp. 3, 6, 17, 20, 35, 36, 300     Transfer 1 to 3
04/15/04 1548 Smoke in the Structure 34034 Greatco Rd., Dublin Twp., Fulton Twp. 14
04/15/04 1718 Transfer Allensville Fire Co. 20
04/15/04 1821 Transfer Belleville Fire Co. 19
04/15/04 2050 Vehicle Accident 9th & Moore Sts., Huntingdon 5, 500
04/16/04 0936 Inside Investigation Poole Anderson, Fairgrounds Rd., Smithfield Twp. 6, 10
04/16/04 1034 Vehicle Accident Bakers Hollow Rd., Penn Twp. 3, 6, 300
04/16/04 1058 Transfer McConnellstown Fire Co. 10
04/1704 1355 Brush Rt. 655 just outside Saltillo 12, 21, 1200
04/17/04 1709 Residential Structure 1961 Half Moon Valley Rd., Centre Co. 22
04/18/04 0324 Vehicle Accident Rt. 522 S. near Shade Gap 7, 9, 14, 900, Stat MedEvac
04/18/04 1230 Brush Rt. 22 E. along the Railroad Tracks near the William Penn Inn, Henderson Twp. 5, 20
04/18/04 1318 Tree Down on Wires with Fire Tussey Lane, Hopewell Twp. 3
04/18/04 1522 Transfer Williamsburg Fire Co. 1
04/18/04 1657 Woods Murray Run Rd., Center Union, Oneida Twp. 5, 10, 11, 18
04/19/04 0945 Transfer West Granville Fire Co. 20
04/19/04 1019 Transfer Junction Fire Co. 5
04/19/04 1428 Brush Pinchot Rd., Bedford Co. 3, 17, 35
04/19/04 1624 Brush Eden Hill, Warriors Mark Twp. 1, 22
04/19/04 1958 Brush Old Mill Rd., Saltillo 12, 21, 1200
04/20/04 0704 Vehicle Accident Charter Oak & Masseyburg Rds., Barree Twp. 4, 11, 18, 19, 500, 1100
04/20/04 1005 Vehicle Accident 14th & Moore Sts., Huntingdon 5, 6, 500
04/20/04 1043 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E. near the Tuscarora Intermediate Unit, Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 20, 26, 700
04/21/04 1353 Motorcycle Accident Rt. 45, Franklinville, Franklin Twp. 1, 22, 100
04/22/04 0011 Vehicle Accident Laurel Run Rd., Jackson Twp. 11, 19, 1100
04/22/04 0101 Residential Structure Germany Valley Rd., Shirley Twp. 7, 9, 12, 14, 21, 900
04/22/04 1550 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E. & the Neu Bridge, Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 26, 700
04/23/04 0236 Vehicle Accident / Wires Down in Field with Fire 2308 Harshbarger Lane, Warriors Mark Twp. 22
04/24/04 1627 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E. & Rt. 655 N., Mill Creek 20, 500
04/25/04 0052 Transfer McVeytown Fire Co. 10, 20
04/25/04 0123 Transfer Granville Fire Co. 7, 18
04/25/04 0441 Vehicle Accident Rt. 305, 1/2 mile West of the Bethel Church, West Twp. 4, 11, 100, 1100
04/27/04 1530 Vehicle Rt. 26 N., Pine Grove Mountain, Barree Twp. 11, 1100
04/28/04 0719 Rock Slide Rt. 45 at the Spruce Creek Twp./Franklin Twp. Line 1, 22
04/28/04 1712 Automatic Alarm Deforrest Apartments, Huntingdon 5, 500
04/29/04 1806 Fluid Spill Rt. 45, Seven Stars, Franklin Twp. 22
04/29/04 1823 Vehicle Accident Barree Rd., Porter Twp. 1
04/30/04 1202 Residential Structure 854 Front St., Newton H 7, 26, 700
04/30/04 1643 Vehicle Accident 25th & Holland Ave., Huntingdon 5, 500
04/30/04 1758 Vehicle Accident *Entrapment* Between Robertsdale & Woodvale 17, 1700, Stat MedEvac


Note:  Companies in Red - First Due Area