August Alarms

Date Time Type Location Companies
08/01/14 1218 Vehicle Accident William Penn Highway in the area of Top's Diner, Henderson Twp. 2, 20, 65-5, 500
08/01/14 1624 Vehicle Accident Piney Ridge Rd. before Leffards Bench, Smithfield Twp. 10
08/01/14 2055 Trailer 309 Spruce St., Lot 14, Smithfield 3, 10, 20, 65-5, 65-6, 500
08/02/14 0536 Vehicle Accident 17788 Hares Valley Rd., Cass Twp. 12, 21, 1200
08/02/14 1117 Barn    *Working Fire* 156 Middle Rd., Granville Twp., Mifflin Co. *1*, *2*, #2#, *3*, #3#, (4), !4!, #5#, *5*, 6, (7), 9, *11*, 12, (13), (14), (15), 16, (17), 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 65-18                                   Transfer Tower 10 to 13, 14 to *5*
08/03/14 1411 Vehicle Accident Neelyton Rd. at the top of Neelyton Mountain, Dublin Twp. 14, 900
08/03/14 2135 Set up Landing Zone    *Canceled* Mt. Union Ball Field, Mt. Union 7, 700, Life Flight
08/04/14 1836 Transfer Hustontown Fire Co., Fulton Co. 17
08/05/14 1046 Vehicle Accident Croghan Pike in the area of Runk Rd., Shirley Twp. 7, 9, 900
08/05/14 1244 Vehicle vs. Motorcycle Pennsylvania in the area of Kelly's Korner, Smithfield Twp. 10, 65-5, 65-6, 500, Stat MedEvac
08/05/14 1658 Utility Pole & Wires Down In the vicinity of 18745 Love's Valley Rd., Cromwell Twp. 9
08/05/14 1828 Automatic Alarm Westminster Woods, Huntingdon 10, 65, 500
08/05/14 1846 Electric Service Problem Behind 1134 Moore St., Huntingdon 65
08/05/14 1851 Wires Down across the Roadway Pennsylvania Ave in the vicinity of Community State Bank, Smithfield Twp. 10
08/06/14 0904 Transfer Saxton Fire Co. 17
08/06/14 1041 CO Detector 1512 Washington St., Huntingdon 10, 65, 500
08/06/14 1201 Vehicle Accident In the area of 14035 Croghan Pike, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
08/06/14 1226 Odor of Natural Gas 9 W. Market St., Mt. Union 7, 700
08/06/14 1314 Automatic Alarm 21220 Church St., Three Springs 12, 21, 1200
08/06/14 1448 Vehicle Accident In the area of 11659 Standing Stone Rd., Oneida Twp. 10, 65, 500
08/06/14 1836 Set up Landing Zone    *Canceled* Huntingdon Fairgrounds, Smithfield Twp. 10, 500, Life Net
08/06/14 2055 Residential Structure    *Working Fire* Main St., Mill Creek 2, 7, 10, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 65, 500
08/06/14 2127 Vehicle Accident In the area of 6962 Barree Rd., Logan Twp. 4, 100
08/07/14 1319 Low Hanging Wire In the area of 3494 Cold Springs, Oneida Twp. 65
08/07/14 1902 Vehicle Accident Snyder's Run Rd. in the area of Henderson Overlook Rd., Smithfield Twp. 10, 65-5, 65-6, 500
08/07/14 2159 Transformer In the area of 17th & Washington Sts., Huntingdon 10, 65, 500
08/09/14 2032 Vehicle Accident Intersection of Pennsylvania Ave. & Fairgrounds Rd., Smithfield 10, 65-5, 65-6, 500
08/10/14 1218 Vehicle vs. Motorcycle Accident Neelyton Rd. at the top of Neelyton Mountain, Dublin Twp. 14, 900
08/10/14 1616 Brush 3059 Hickes Ln., Barree Twp. 1, 4, 11, 19, 1100
08/10/14 1650 Vehicle Leaking Fuel 4721 Turnpike Rd., Spruce Creek Twp.  1, 100
08/10/14 1852 Vehicle Accident In the vicinity 13153 Greenwood Rd. Jackson Twp. 11, 19, 65-5, 1100
08/10/14 1944 Transfer Stone Creek Valley Fire Co. 65-6
08/11/14 2308 Tree Down blocking one lane of travel William Penn Highway in the area of Cherry Ln., Brady Twp. 20
08/12/04 0715 Tree Down across the Roadway In the area of 4967 Spruce Creek Rd., Spruce Creek Twp. 1
08/13/14 0119 Tree Down across the Roadway In the area of 18 W Poplar St., Mt. Union 7
08/13/14 1337 Boat Fire     Raystown Lake, Mile Marker 21, Lincoln Twp. 3, 10, 300
08/13/14 1400 Physical Rescue Trough Creek State Park, Todd Twp. 2, 3, 17, 21, 300, 500, 1700, Stat MedEvac
08/13/14 1752 Chimney 13175 Redstone Ridge Rd., Penn Twp. 3, 10, 65-5, 300
08/14/14 2255 Camper on Fire endangering a Structure    *Working Camper Fire* 9687 Mill Creek Hollow Rd., Brady Twp. 2, 19, 20, 65-5, 65-6, 500
08/16/14 1450 Physical Rescue Lake Raystown Resort, Lincoln Twp. 3, 300
08/16/14 1713 Residential Structure 1043 6th St., Saxton 3, 17, 35, 36, Truck 15 for 65
08/16/14 2136 Outside Investigation    *Controlled Burn* In the area of 11058 Peach Ln., Juniata Twp. 10, 65, 500
08/17/14 0002 Vehicle Accident William Penn Highway in the area of Jacks Narrows, Brady Twp. 2, 7, 20, 700
08/17/14 0010 Smoke in the Residence    *Malfunctioning Hot Water Heater* 15887 Buckeye Dr., Shirley Twp. 7, 9, 900
08/17/14 0031 Set up Secondary Landing Zone JC Blair Hospital, Huntingdon 65, Stat MedEvac
08/17/14 0058 Vehicle Accident 2388 Hickory Hill Rd., Coalmont, Bedford Co. 17, 35
08/17/14 0548 Tree Down blocking the Roadway Stone Creek Rd. in the area of Jackson's Corner, Miller Twp. 19
08/17/14 1015 Tree Down blocking the Roadway In the area of 11146, Sugar Grove Rd., Henderson Twp. 20
08/18/14 2017 Residential Structure    *Working Fire* 700 Main St., Saxton 3, 17, 32, 35, 36, 65-5
08/18/14 2036 Vehicle Fire 4487 Goss Ln. Warriors Mark Twp. 22
08/20/14 1208 Tree Down across the Roadway In the area of 11997 Trough Creek Valley Pike, Union Twp. 2
08/20/14 1316 Automatic Alarm FCI Electronics, Shirley Twp. 7, 9, 700
08/20/14 1328 Odor of Natural Gas In the area of 16841 Croghan Pike, Shirley Twp. 7, 9, 14, 900
08/20/14 1626 Vehicle Accident In the area of 20736 Coles Valley Rd., Wood  17, 21, 35, 1700, Stat MedEvac
08/20/14 1755 Wires Down across the Roadway 11691 Neelyton Rd., Dublin Twp. 14
08/20/14 1907 Vehicle Accident William Penn Highway at the top of Warrior Ridge, Porter Twp. 1, 10, 100
08/20/14 2324 Tree Down blocking the Roadway In the area of 9573 Ewing Rd., West Twp. 11
08/21/14 0345 Tree Down blocking the Roadway River Rd., Porter Twp. 1
08/21/14 1436 Wires Down across the Highway William Penn Highway in the area of River Rd., Porter Twp. 1
08/21/14 1659 Tree Down blocking one lane of Travel In the area of 2606 McAlevy's Fort Rd., Barree Twp. 11
08/21/14 2208 Tree Down blocking the Roadway Greenwood Rd. near Winchester Rd., Barree Twp. 11
08/22/14 1211 Vehicle Accident Waterfall Rd., Clay Twp. 12, 17, 1200
08/22/14 1316 Vehicle Accident 13282 Neelyton Rd., Dublin Twp. 14, 900
08/22/14 1644 Automatic Alarm Southside Elementary School, Walker Twp. 10, 65, 500
08/22/14 2347 Vehicle Accident In the area of 12640 Polecat Hollow Rd., Union Twp. 2, 20, 700
08/23/14 1821 Vehicle Accident 10972 Mill Creek Hollow Rd., Brady Twp. 2, 20, 65-5, 500
08/24/14 2120 Smell of Smoke in the Structure 5569 Bouquet St., Walker Twp. 1, 3, 10, 20, 65, 500
08/24/14 2239 Smell of Smoke in the Structure 5569 Bouquet St., Walker Twp. 10, 65, 50
08/25/14 1452 Vehicle Accident In the vicinity of 16218 Croghan Pike, Shirley Twp. 7
08/27/14 1554 Vehicle Accident William Penn Highway near Krepps Dr., Henderson Twp. 10, 20, 65, 500
08/28/14 2054 Vehicle Accident Intersection of Division St. & Shirley St., Mt. Union 7, 26, 700, Stat MedEvac
08/29/14 0236 Vehicle Accident Dry Hollow Rd., Warriors Mark Twp. 22
08/29/14 1627 Tree Down on the Roadway Greenwood Rd., Jackson Twp. 19
08/29/14 1951 Vehicle Accident    *Cancelled, the accident is in Bedford Co. near Everett* Intersection of Raystown Rd. & Old Plank Rd., Lincoln Twp. 3, 300
08/29/14 2029 Inside Investigation possible CO 14041 Greenwood Rd., Jackson Twp. 19, 1100
08/30/14 1221 Vehicle vs. Motorcycle Accident William Penn Highway in front of Raystown Beverage, Smithfield Twp. 10, 65-5, 65-6, 500
08/30/14 1415 Vehicle vs. Amish Buggy Accident    *Double Fatal plus a Horse* William Penn Highway near Hartslog Valley Rd. Rd., Porter Twp. 1, 10, 100, 500
08/30/14 2243 Electrical Malfunction 4010 Sawmill Rd., Jackson Twp. 11, 19, 1100
08/31/14 0155 Outside Trash Fire In the area of 403 Schoolhouse Ln., Huntingdon 65
08/31/14 0254 Gasoline Spill Martins General Store, Orbisonia 9, 900
08/31/14 0333 Flooding in a Residence 472 Locust St., Petersburg 4
08/31/14 0609 Vehicle Accident East Branch Rd. in the area of Davis Rd., Jackson 19
08/31/14 1224 Automatic Alarm    *Small Fire in the Elevator Shaft* JC Blair Hospital, Huntingdon 1, 4, 10, 20, 65, 500


Note:  Companies in Red - First Due Are