December Alarms

Date Time Type Location Companies
12/01/00 0210 Trailer        *Working Fire* Henderson Hollow, Juniata Township 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 18, 20         Transfer 1 to 10, 90 to 1, 19 to 5
12/01/00 0820 Car Rt. 747 South of Mt. Union, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
12/01/00 0947 Flue Rigley Farm Lane, Barre, Twp. 11, 19, 1100
12/02/00 1012 Vehicle Accident Rt. 747 10 miles from Mt. Union, Shirley Twp. 7
12/02/00 1047 Brush Schoolhouse Hollow Road, Henderson Twp. 5, 6, 10, 18, 20
12/02/00 1116 Fall Victim from Cliff Alexandria Pike, Porter Twp. 1, QRS 10, 100, Rope Rescue Teams from 6 & 18, MedStar
12/02/00 1126 Vehicle Accident Monroe Valley Rd., Cromwell Twp. 9, 900
12/03/00 0037 Vehicle Accident Rt. 829 1 mile from Rt. 22, Union Twp. 2, 20, 500
12/03/00 1626 CO Detector Apartment 410, Deforrest Apartments, Huntingdon 5, 500
12/04/00 1622 Vehicle Accident Rt. 655 S. near Barneytown, Cass Twp. 21, 1200
12/04/00 2033 Vehicle Accident 4th & Washington Sts., Huntingdon 5, 500
12/05/00 1502 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 near Teener League Field, Smithfield Twp. 5, 6, 10, 500
12/05/00 1708 Brush Rt. 655 towards Cassville, Clay Twp. 12
12/05/00 1717 Flue Rt. 26 N., Donation, Oneida Twp. 5, 11, 18
12/06/00 0741 Vehicle Accident Rt. 522 South of Shade Gap, Dublin Twp. 9, 14, 900
12/06/00 1152 Vehicle Accident 5th & Washington Sts., Huntingdon 5, 500
12/06/00 1207 Vehicle Accident 5th & Church Sts., Huntingdon 5, 500
12/06/00 1211 Residential Structure 335 Cedar St., Kistler, Wayne Twp. 7, 26, 700
12/06/00 1529 Gas Odor 8th St. Parking Lot. Huntingdon 5, 500
12/07/00 0856 Vehicle Rolled over a Female 225 W. Shirley St. Rear, Mt. Union 7, 700, Lifelion
12/07/00 1105 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 East of the Kwik Fill, Henderson Twp. 5, 20, 500
12/08/00 0702 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 W., Porter Twp. 1, 100
12/08/00 0703 Vehicle Accident Cold Springs Rd., Oneida Twp. 5, 18, 19, 500
12/08/00 1317 Vehicle Accident Stone Creek Ridge, Henderson Twp. 5, QRS 18, 500
12/08/00 1347 Automatic Alarm Blacklick Rd., Jackson Twp. 5, 11, 18, 19
12/09/00 0056 Smoke Investigation Blair House, Huntingdon 5, 500
12/09/00 2154 CO Removel Jackson Twp. 19, 1100
12/10/00 1205 Vehicle Accident 16th & Moore Sts., Huntingdon 5, 500
12/10/00 1415 Elevator Rescue Deforrest Apartments, Huntingdon 5, 500
12/11/00 2003 Residential Structure 822 Main St., Saxton, Bedford Co. 17             Transfer 3 to 35
12/12/00 0449 Wires Down Rt. 26 S., Hopewell Twp. 3
12/12/00 0513 Vehicle Accident Rt. 641 2 miles from Shade Gap, Dublin Twp. 14, 900
12/12/00 0527 Wires Down Snyders Run Rd., Juniata Twp. 10
12/12/00 0530 Wires Down Anderson Hollow Rd., Springfield Twp. 12
12/12/00 0544 Wires Down Diamond Valley Rd., Logan Twp. 4
12/12/00 0544 Wires Down Alfarata, Porter Twp. 1
12/12/00 0557 Residential Structure 2200 Taylor Ave., Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 18, 20
12/12/00 0606 Tree Down Redstone Ridge Rd., Penn Twp. 3
12/12/00 0621 Transformer Explosion Washington & Filbert Sts., Mt. Union 7
12/12/00 0623 Roof Blown Off Old Ice Plant, Ice Plant Rd., Huntingdon 5, 10
12/12/00 0628 Tree Down Rt. 305, Jackson Twp. 19
12/12/00 0630 Trailer Rt. 35 N., Black Twp., Juniata Co. 14
12/12/00 0631 Wires Down on House 902 Juniata Ave., Smithfield Twp. 6, 10
12/12/00 0632 Roof Blown Off 9th St., Smithfield Twp. 6, 10
12/12/00 0632 Tree Down 902 Mt. Vernon Ave., Smithfield Twp. 6, 10
12/12/00 0635 Pole Down with Transformer Fire Emmanuel Dr., Smithfield Twp. 6
12/12/00 0659 Tree Down Rt. 22 E. & Rt. 655 S., Brady Twp. 2
12/12/00 0715 Tree Down on Transformer with Fire White Deer Rd., West Twp. 11
12/12/00 0737 Tree Down Rt. 475, Meadow Gap, Springfield Twp. 12
12/12/00 0745 Wires Down Rt. 550, Halfmoon Twp., Centre Co. 22
12/12/00 0750 Automatic Alarm Mead Products, Alexandria 1
12/12/00 0756 Wires Down Brickyard Rd., Porter Twp. 1
12/12/00 0802 Wires Down Marklesburg 3
12/12/00 0842 Residential Structure Water St., Newton Hamilton, Mifflin Co. 7, 26, 700
12/12/00 1343 Vehicle Accident Shirley & Division Sts., Mt. Union 7
12/12/00 1408 Flue Corbin Rd., Juniata Twp. 6, 10, 21
12/12/00 1614 Wires Down Rt. 26 N., Center Union, Oneida Twp. 18
12/12/00 1758 Flue 961 New Granada Highway, Wells Twp., Fulton Co. 17
12/12/00 1845 Smoke Investigation 18685 Dry Run Rd., Fannett Twp., Franklin Co. 14
12/12/00 1850 Transfer Hustontown Fire Co. 12
12/12/00 2103 Vehicle Accident Mt. Union By-Pass near Allenport, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
12/12/00 2316 Vehicle Accident Rt. 45 2 miles East of Spruce Creek, Franklin Twp. 1, 22, 100
12/13/00 1319 Automatic Alarm 715 Washington St., Huntingdon 5, 500
12/13/00 1326 Smoke Investigation 13th St. Laundrymat, Huntingdon 5, 500
12/13/00 1435 Garage          *Working Fire* Wrangletown Rd., Shirley Twp. 2, 7, 9, 12, 18, 20 Transfer 5 to 7, 6 to 20
12/13/00 1525 Residential Structure        *Working Fire* 2200 Path Valley Rd., Franklin Co. 14
12/14/00 1551 Vehicle Accident Rt. 655 1 mile from Mapleton, Union Twp. 2, 700
12/15/00 1643 Vehicle Accident Rt. 747, Cromwell Twp. 9, 900
12/15/00 1931 Dryer Bankstown St., Mapleton 2, 7, 20, 700
12/16/00 1759 Elevator Rescue Crawford Apartments, Huntingdon 5, 500
12/16/00 1852 Residential Structure          *Working Fire* Smith Valley Rd., Cass Twp. 2, 12, 20, 21, 1200             Transfer 17 to 21
12/17/00 1012 Vehicle Accident Loop Rd., Oneida Twp. 5, 18, 19, 500
12/18/00 1038 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 in front of Penndot, Smithfield Twp. 5, 6, 10, 500
12/18/00 1326 Commercial Structure            *Working Fire* Raystown Boat Exchange, Rt. 26 S., Entriken, Lincoln Twp. 1, 3, 6, 10, 17, 18, 20, 21, 32, 35, 36, 80, 300           Transfer 19 to 6, 24 to 19, 90 to 1, 33 to 10
12/18/00 1334 Automatic Alarm Your Building Center, 10th & Juniata Ave., Smithfield Twp. 5, 10, 500
12/18/00 1355 Residential Structure            *Working Fire* 106 W. Chestnut St., Mt. Union 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 26, 700
12/18/00 2049 Automatic Alarm Cider Press Rd., Snyder Twp., Blair Co. 1
12/19/00 0710 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22, Warrior Ridge, Porter Twp. 1, 10, 100
12/19/00 1127 Vehicle Accident Rt. 305 1 1/2 miles from Warriors Mark 22
12/20/00 1629 Shed 12788 Path Valley Rd., Metal Twp., Franklin Co. 14
12/20/00 2001 Outside Investigation Rt. 522 S. near Parks Garbage, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
12/21/00 0148 Possible Residential Structure 302 South Rio Grande St., Three Springs 9, 12, 14, 21, 1200             Transfer 7 to 12
12/21/00 0951 Flue Rt. 994, Lincoln Twp. 3
12/21/00 1508 Vehicle Accident Rt. 522 S. in front of Bonney Forge, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
12/21/00 1707 Flue Knightsville, Cass Twp. 21
12/21/00 1820 Automatic Alarm Miller Rd., Jackson Twp. 19                      11 & 18 on Standby
12/22/00 0735 Truck Fire inside a Commercial Structure Hess's Garage, Rt. 26, McConnellstown 5, 6, 10, 500
12/22/00 1903 Flue Vineyard Lane, Hartslog Valley Rd., Walker Twp. 1, 5, 6, 500
12/22/00 2046 Vehicle Accident Rt. 655 near Belleville, Mifflin Co. 19
12/22/00 2053 Standby in Quarters Stone Creek Valley Fire Co. 18
12/22/00 2058 Train Engine on Fire Eastbound from Tyrone 1, 5
12/23/00 0933 Automatic Alarm 401 5th St., Huntingdon 5, 500
12/23/00 1140 Smoke Investigation 13th St. Laundromat, Huntingdon 5, 500
12/23/00 1201 Snowmobile Accident   *Fatal* Alan Seeger Forest, Jackson Twp. 19, 1100         Transfer 5 to 19
12/23/00 1550 Car Rt. 829 at top of Mountain, Union Twp. 2, 20
12/24/00 1020 Flue Southside Alexandria, Porter Twp. 1, 100
12/24/00 1150 Smoke Alarm 2756 Warm Springs Rd., Huntingdon 5, 500
12/25/00 0757 Automatic Alarm Shirley Home, Rt. 522 S., Shirleysburg 7, 9, 14, 900
12/25/00 1654 Residential Structure           *Working Fire* Crooked Creek Rd. behind McDonalds, Smithfield Twp. 1, 5, 6, 10, 500  Transfer 4 to 1, 20 to 5, 3 to 6
12/26/00 1108 Vehicle Accident Parks Rd., Springfield Twp. 12, 1200
12/26/00 1300 Residential Structure         *Working Fire* 1325 Washington St., Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 20, 500  Transfer 7 to 20
12/27/00 0229 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 W. & Rt. 305, Porter Twp. 1, 100
12/27/00 0826 Commercial Structure Bleyer Industries, Mt. Union 2, 7, 9, 12, 18, (18),  20, 26, 700
12/27/00 0945 Possible Residential Structure Racetrack Rd., Penn Twp. 3, 6, 10, 18, 20, 35, 300
12/27/00 1727 Vehicle Accident Shadyside Ave., Huntingdon 5, 500
12/28/00 0727 Pump Detail Hollow & Pleasant Hills Rds., Dublin Twp. 14
12/28/00 1629 Trailer Redstone Ridge Rd., Penn Twp. 3, 6, 10, 18, 20, 35, 300
12/28/00 2222 Flue 458 N. Hess Rd., Taylor Twp., Fulton Co. 12, 17
12/29/00 1055 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26 N. near Winchester Rd., Jackson Twp. 5, 11, 18, 19, 1100
