January Alarms
Date | Time | Type | Location | Companies |
01/01/09 | 0805 | Vehicle Accident | William Penn Highway at the top of Sand Plant Hill, Brady Twp. | 2, 5, 20, 700 |
01/01/09 | 1216 | Automatic Alarm | Raystown Fishing & Hunting, 11812 William Penn Highway, Henderson Twp. | 2, 5, 7, 20, 500 |
01/01/09 | 1544 | Residential Structure | 10049 Pogue Rd., Springfield Twp. | 5, 7, 9, 12, 21, 1200 |
01/02/09 | 1206 | Automatic Alarm | 2419 Hundred Springs Rd., Warriors Mark Twp. | 22 |
01/02/09 | 1236 | Flue | 5487 Charter Oak Rd., West Twp. | 1, 4, 11, 19, 1100 |
01/02/09 | 1325 | Residential Structure | 2710 Warm Springs Ave., Huntingdon | 1, 5, 6, 10, 20, 500 Transfer 7 to 5 |
01/02/09 | 1427 | Vehicle Accident | William Penn Highway in the area of Big 4 Outdoor, Henderson Twp. | 2, 5, 7, 20, 500, Unknown Medical Helicopter |
01/02/09 | 2325 | Flue | 362 Main St., Northwood, Blair Co. | 22 |
01/02/09 | 0025 | Vehicle Accident | Rt. 522 S., Allenport, Shirley Twp. | 7, 26, 700 |
01/03/09 | 0109 | Commercial Structure | Johnny's Bar, 13th & Washington Sts., Huntingdon | 1, 5, 6, 10, 20, 500 |
01/04/09 | 2151 | Residential Structure | 2047 Half Moon Valley Rd., Half Moon Twp., Centre Co. | 22 |
01/05/09 | 1044 | Flue with Extension | 187 Loop Rd., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. | 7, 20, 26 |
01/05/09 | 1124 | Vehicle Accident | 3080 Pennington Rd., Warriors Mark Twp. | 22 |
01/05/09 | 1255 | Investigation | 226 School Lane, Robertsdale | 17, 1700 |
01/05/09 | 1731 | Automatic Alarm | Presbyterian Church, 508 Mifflin St., Huntingdon | 5, 500 |
01/05/09 | 1932 | Automatic Alarm | Presbyterian Church, 508 Mifflin St., Huntingdon | 5, 500 |
01/06/09 | 1929 | CO Detector | 11 W. Milford St., Mt. Union | 7, 700 |
01/07/09 | 1201 | Wires Down | 8670 Pauls Rd., Porter Twp. | 1 |
01/07/09 | 1217 | Smoke in the Structure | 381 Washington St., Petersburg | 1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 100 |
01/08/09 | 0230 | Vehicle Accident with a Tree on the Vehicle *Entrapment* | 14451 Wrangletown Rd., Shirley Twp. | 7, 700 |
01/08/09 | 1258 | Automatic Alarm | Westminster Woods, Huntingdon | 5, 6, 10, 20, 500 |
01/08/09 | 1915 | Vehicle Accident | Rt. 641 just before Neelyton, Dublin Twp. | 14 |
01/09/09 | 0335 | Residential Structure | 32 E. Water St., Mt. Union | 2, 7, 20, 26, 700 Transfer 5 to 7 |
01/09/09 | 1305 | Residential Structure *Working Fire* | Baughman Cemetery Rd. Snyder Twp., Blair Co. | 22, 31 |
01/10/09 | 1105 | Automatic Alarm | 2419 Hundred Springs Rd., Warriors Mark Twp. | 22 |
01/10/09 | 2239 | Automatic Alarm | Orr & North Sts., Rockhill | 9, 12, 900 |
01/10/09 | 2323 | Vehicle Accident | Rt. 22 W., Porter Twp. | 1, 4, 6, 100 |
01/11/09 | 0554 | Vehicle Accident | Enyard Rd., Cromwell Twp. | 9, 900 |
01/11/09 | 2230 | Residential Structure | 10307 S. Crooked Creek Rd., Smithfield Twp. | 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 18, 20, 500 |
01/12/09 | 0746 | Automatic Alarm | Bonney Forge, Croghan Pike, Shirley Twp. | 7, 700 |
01/12/09 | 0806 | Vehicle | Mat Plaza, Smithfield Twp. | 6, 10 |
01/12/09 | 1150 | Residential Structure *Working Fire* | 24956 Locke Rd., Dublin Twp. | 7, 9, 12, (12), 14, 20, (21), 56, 57 Transfer 5 to 20 |
01/13/09 | 2116 | Vehicle Accident | Augwick Creek Rd., Cromwell Twp. | 7, 700 |
01/14/09 | 0505 | Residential Structure *Working Fire* | Rt. 305 at Hutchison Rd., Barree Twp. | 1, 4, 6, 11, 18, 19, 1100 |
01/14/09 | 0839 | Vehicle Accident | 710 Mt. Vernon Ave., Smithfield | 6, 10, 500 |
01/15/09 | 0320 | Automatic Alarm | Mutual Benefit Group, 409 Penn St., Huntingdon | 5, 500 |
01/15/09 | 0846 | Smoke in the Structure | 504 Pennsylvania Ave., Smithfield | 1, 5, 6, 10, 500 Transfer 3 to 10 |
01/15/09 | 1058 | Set up Landing Zone | Mt. Union High Scholl, Mt. Union | 7, 700, Unknown Medical Helicopter |
01/15/09 | 1103 | Fuel Oil Truck in a ditch Leaking Fuel | Loop Rd., Porter Twp. | 1, 4, 100, EMA |
01/15/09 | 1404 | Vehicle Accident | River Rd., Porter Twp. | 1, 4, 6, 100 |
01/15/09 | 1700 | Residential Structure *Working Fire* | 19779 Raystown Rd., Hopewell Twp. | 3, 5, 6, 12, 17, 21, 35, 36, 60 |
01/15/09 | 2232 | Vehicle Accident | William Penn Highway in the area of Thousand Steps, Brady Twp. | 2, 7, 20, 700 |
01/16/09 | 0017 | Residential Structure *Rekindle* | 19779 Raystown Rd., Hopewell Twp | 3, 35 |
01/16/09 | 1417 | Vehicle Accident | 19512 Blacklog Valley Rd., Cromwell Twp. | 9, 12, 14, 900, 1200 |
01/16/09 | 2325 | Physical Rescue | Mt. Union Car Wash, Mt. Union | 7 |
01/17/09 | 0246 | Vehicle Accident | Rt. 26 N. near the top of Pine Grove Mountain, Barree Twp. | 11, 19, 1100 |
01/17/09 | 0308 | Automatic Alarm | FCI Electronics, Shirley Twp. | 7, 700 |
01/17/09 | 0944 | Odor of Gas | 320 27th St., Huntingdon | 5, 10, 500 |
01/17/09 | 1657 | Residential Structure | 1427 Penn St., Huntingdon | 1, 5, 6, 10, 20, 500 Transfer 7 to 5 |
01/18/09 | 0114 | Vehicle *Working Fire* | Numers Hollow Rd., Henderson Twp. | 5, 6, 18, 20, 500 |
01/18/09 | 0124 | Garage *Working Fire* | Northwood, Blair Co. | 22, 31, *36* |
01/18/09 | 0907 | Vehicle Accident | Juniata Valley Pike & Alexandria Pike, Porter Twp. | 1, 4, 6, 100 |
01/18/09 | 1335 | Vehicle Accident | Raystown Rd. between States & Fluke Rds., Penn Twp. | 3, 6, 300 |
01/18/09 | 2320 | Automatic Alarm | 18230 Blacklog Valley Rd., Cromwell Twp. | 9, 14, 900 |
01/19/09 | 0658 | Vehicle Accident | William Penn Highway on the West side of Sand Plant Hill, Brady Twp. | 2, 20, 700 |
01/19/09 | 0918 | Vehicle Accident | William Penn Highway near Martins General Store, Porter Twp. | 1, 4, 6, 100 |
01/19/09 | 0931 | Vehicle Accident | William Penn Highway on the West side of Sand Plant Hill, Brady Twp. | 2, 20, 700 |
01/19/09 | 1330 | Vehicle Accident | William Penn Highway in the area of Martins General Store, Brady Twp. | 2, 7, 20, 700 |
01/19/09 | 2204 | Flue with Extension | 71 Applebys Lane, Bratton Twp., Mifflin Co. | 7, (18), 26, 700 |
01/19/09 | 2251 | Vehicle Accident | 10076 Standing Stone Rd., Oneida Twp. | 5, 18, 19, 500 |
01/20/09 | 1131 | Flue | 8339 Ridge Rd., Cass Twp. | 2, 12, 20, 21 Transfer 17 to12, 10 to 20 |
01/20/09 | 1619 | Vehicle Accident | Rt. 22 & Pennswoods Rd., Henderson Twp. | 2, 5, 20, 500 |
01/20/09 | 2251 | Automatic Alarm | Westminster Woods, Huntingdon | 5, 500 |
01/21/09 | 2120 | Transfer | Burnham Fire Co., Mifflin Co. | 7 |
01/22/09 | 0749 | Vehicle Accident | William Penn Highway in the area of Mill Stone Manor, Henderson Twp. | 2, 5, 20, 500 |
01/22/09 | 0830 | Vehicle *Working Fire* | Cooks Rd., Wood Twp. | 17, 1700 |
01/22/09 | 0944 | Vehicle Accident | 3836 Cold Springs Rd., Oneida Twp. | 5, 18, 19, 500 |
01/22/09 | 1308 | Automatic Alarm | Blacklog Valley Rd., Cromwell Twp. | 9, 14, 900 |
01/22/09 | 1405 | Residential Structure *Working Fire* | 9322 Numers Hollow Rd., Henderson Twp. | 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 500 Transfer 90 to 1, 3 to 6 |
01/22/09 | 2300 | Residential Structure *Working Fire* | 612 14th St., Huntingdon | 1, 5, 6, 10, 20, 500, 1100 Transfer 7 to 5, 3 to 6, (10) to 10, 24 to 20 |
01/23/09 | 1213 | Vehicle Accident | William Penn Highway near Hartslog Valley Rd., Porter Twp. | 1, 6, 10, 100 |
01/23/09 | 1308 | Flue | 403 Shelton Ave., Alexandria | 1, 4, 100 |
01/25/09 | 0052 | Residential Structure | 1297 Reese Hollow Rd., Worth Twp., Centre Co. | 22 |
01/25/09 | 1356 | Vehicle Accident | 4218 Mountain Rd., Penn Twp. | 3, 6, 300 |
01/25/09 | 1704 | Vehicle Accident | 2597 Charter Oak Rd., Barree Twp. | 11 |
01/25/09 | 1834 | Vehicle Accident | Polecat Hollow Rd., Union Twp. | 2, 20, 700 |
01/25/09 | 1901 | Smoke Investigation | 247 Water St., Cassville | 21, 1200 |
01/26/09 | 0419 | Residential Structure *Working Fire* | 5981 Ferguson Valley Rd., Oliver Twp., Mifflin Co. | 7, (18), 26, 700 |
01/26/09 | 1710 | Vehicle Accident | 2340 SR 103 S., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. | 7, 26, 700 |
01/27/09 | 0736 | Transfer | Metal Twp. Fire Co., Franklin Co. | 14 |
01/27/09 | 0819 | Outside Investigation *Controlled Burn* | Fluke Rd., Penn Twp. | 3 |
01/27/09 | 0902 | Vehicle Accident | Grange Hall Rd., Todd Twp. | 17, 21, 1700 |
01/27/09 | 1135 | Investigation | Humane Society, 11371 Schoolhouse Hollow Rd., Henderson Twp. | 5, 6, 10, 20, 500 |
01/27/08 | 1232 | CO Detector with 2 Victims | 7930 Warriors Ridge Rd., Logan Twp. | 1, 4, 11, 100 |
01/27/09 | 1539 | Vehicle Accident | Rt. 22 & S. 4th St., Smithfield Twp. | 5, 6, 10, 500 |
01/28/09 | 1355 | Vehicle into a Structure | Donna's Family Restaurant, MAT Plaza, Smithfield Twp. | 5, 6, 10, 100, 500 |
01/28/09 | 1409 | Residential Structure | 5th St. & Schoolhouse Lane, Huntingdon | 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 19, 20, 500 |
01/28/09 | 1508 | Automatic Alarm | Grier School, 2522 Grier School Rd., Birmingham, Blair Co. | 22, 31 |
01/28/09 | 1509 | Vehicle Accident | Point Rd., Smithfield Twp. | 10 |
01/28/09 | 1617 | Shutting Down Rt. 22 & Rt. 453 due to Multiple Accidents in Blair Co. | Rt. 22 W. at Waterstreet, Morris Twp. | 1 |
01/28/09 | 1630 | Vehicle Accident | Rt. 26 N. & Charter Oak Rd., Barree Twp. | 11, 18, 19, 1100 |
01/28/09 | 1634 | Vehicle Accident | Country Club Rd., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. | 7, 26, 700 |
01/28/09 | 1713 | Tree Down | Old Rt. 22 in the area of Lincoln Caverns, Porter Twp. | 4 |
01/28/09 | 1801 | Residential Structure | Water St., Menno Twp., Mifflin Co. | 20 |
01/29/09 | 0759 | Commercial Structure | Parks Garbage, Rt. 522 S., Shirley Twp. | 2, 6, 7, 9, 14, (18), 20, 26, 700 Transfer 5 to 7 |
01/29/09 | 1459 | Vehicle Accident | Newton Rd., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. | 7, 26, 700 |
01/29/09 | 1825 | Vehicle Accident | Warm Springs & Lions Back Rds., Huntingdon | 5, 500 |
01/30/09 | 1125 | Vehicle Accident | Shirley St. in front of McDonalds, Mt. Union | 7, 700 |
01/31/09 | 0242 | Car Pedestrian Accident | Rt. 22 near the Kwik Fill, Henderson Twp. | 20, 500 |
01/31/09 | 0847 | Automatic Alarm | 9751 Reed Rd., Porter Twp. | 1, 100 |
01/31/09 | 1044 | Building | 515 5th St., Huntingdon | 5, 6, 7, 10, 20, 500 |
Note: Companies in Red - First Due Area