March Alarms

Date Time Type Location Companies
03/01/05 1012 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E. near the William Penn Inn, Henderson Twp. 5, 18, 20, 500
03/01/05 1021 Vehicle Accident Rt. 994 & Little Valley Rd., Todd Twp. 3, 21, 300
03/01/05 1127 Residential Structure  *Working Fire* Rt. 747, 2 miles from Mt. Union, Shirley Twp. 5, 7, 9, 12, (17), 18, (18), 20, 26, 700           Transfer 2 to 7, 6 to 20
03/01/05 1915 Vehicle Accident Rt. 994, 2 miles towards Orbisonia, Clay Twp. 12, 1200
03/02/05 0542 Residential Structure      *Rekindle* Rt. 747, 2 miles from Mt. Union, Shirley Twp. 7
03/02/05 0922 Flue Blacklog Valley Rd., 2 miles from Rt. 522, Cromwell Twp. 9, 14
03/02/05 1713 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22, 1 mile West of Waterstreet, Morris Twp. 1, 100
03/02/05 1915 Flue 1502 Oneida St., Huntingdon 5, 500
03/03/05 0553 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22, 1 mile West of Waterstreet, Morris Twp. 1, 100
03/03/05 0847 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26 S. & Pennsylvania Ave., Smithfield Twp. 6, 10, 500
03/03/05 1646 Vehicle Accident Rt. 655 S. near the Cornelius Chapel Church, Cass Twp. 12, 21, 1200
03/04/05 1353 Wires Down Rt. 550, 1 miles from Warriors Mark towards Tyrone, Warriors Mark Twp. 22
03/04/05 1534 Vehicle Accident Newton Rd., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 20, 26, 700
03/04/05 2129 Automatic Alarm Mead Westvaco, Alexandria 1, 100
03/05/05 0713 CO Detector Rt. 747, Christoff's Trailer Court, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
03/05/05 1358 Vehicle Accident Rt. 522 S. near the Airport, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
03/05/05 1759 Vehicle Bankstown St., Mapleton 2
03/05/05 1934 Barn        *Working Fire* 891 Pinchot Rd., Liberty Twp.,  Bedford Co. 3, 17, 32, 35, 36
03/05/05 2005 Set up Landing Zone St. Stevens Church, Jackson Twp. 19
03/06/05 0325 Residential Structure   *Working Fire* 309 Washington St., Huntingdon 1, 5, 6, 10, 20, 35, 500           Transfer 7 to 5, 3 to 6, 22 & 90 to 1, 25 to 20
03/06/05 1052 Automatic Alarm Crawford Apartments, Huntingdon 5, 500
03/06/05 1328 Brush Germany Valley Rd., Shirley Twp. 7, 9
03/07/05 1713 Brush Bankstown Area, Brady Twp. 2
03/08/05 0809 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E. near the Tuscarora Intermediate Unit, Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 20, 26, 700
03/08/05 1405 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 W near the Huntingdon / Blair Co. Line 1, 100
03/08/05 1631 Tree Down  Polecat Hollow Rd., Union Twp. 2
03/08/05 1834 CO Detector 1 Bryanwood Lane, Huntingdon 5, 500
03/08/05 1905 Automatic Alarm Westminster Woods, Huntingdon 5, 500
03/09/05 1642 Automatic Alarm Puff 'N Snuff, 309 7th St., Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
03/09/05 1707 Residential Structure 620 7th St., Huntingdon 1, 5, 6, 10, 20, 500           Transfer 7 to 5
03/09/05 2207 Flue Schoolhouse Hollow Rd., Henderson Twp. 5, 18, 20, 500
03/10/05 0010 Vehicle Accident Hartslog Valley Rd., Porter Twp. 1, 10, 100
03/10/05 0823 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 20, 26, 700
03/10/05 0842 Flue 3055 Dughill Rd., Clay Twp. 12, 21, 57
03/10/05 1106 Vehicle Accident East Penn St., Henderson Twp. 5, 18, 20, 500
03/11/05 0515 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 W. across from Martins General Store, Porter Twp. 1, 100
03/11/05 0817 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26 S. & Hartslog Valley Rd., Walker Twp. 6, 10, 500
03/11/05 0930 Vehicle Accident Rt. 45 at the Spruce Creek / Franklin Twp. Line 1, 22, 100
03/11/05 1926 Vehicle Accident Rt. 944 & Rt. 475, Cromwell Twp. 9, 900
03/11/05 2120 Vehicle Accident Near the Swimming Pool in Mudtown, Three Springs 9, 12, 1200
03/12/05 0209 Vehicle Accident Seven Points Rd., Penn Twp. 3, 6, 300
03/13/05 1154 Transfer Tyrone Fire Co. 22
03/14/05 0017 Residential Structure 330 N. Main St., Robertsdale 17, 21, 35, 36, 57, 1700
03/14/05 0327 Dumpster Jackson-Miller Elementary School, McAlevy's Fort 19
03/14/05 1032 Search Alexandria Area 1
03/14/05 1131 Vehicle Near the Sandbar, Mill Creek 2, 5, 20
03/14/05 1248 Brush Keystone Rd., Shirley Twp. 7, 9
03/15/05 0724 Automatic Alarm Interforest Corp., Shade Gap 14
03/15/05 1421 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 in front of Country Garden Market, Smithfield Twp. 6, 10, 500
03/15/05 1740 Residential Structure 1800 Mifflin St., Huntingdon 1, 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
03/15/05 1907 Tree Augwick Mills Rd., Shirley twp. 7, 700
03/15/05 2016 Vehicle Accident On the Ramp from Rt. 22 to the Fairgrounds Rd., Smithfield twp. 10
03/16/05 0019 Woods Behind the Huntingdon Manor Nursing Home, Huntingdon 5, 500
03/16/05 1053 Vehicle Dughill Rd., Clay Twp. 12, 21, 1200
03/16/05 1156 Flue Loop Rd., Porter Twp. 1, 100
03/16/05 1948 Barn Rt. 305 near the Juniata Valley High School Porter Twp. 1, 4, 6, 10, 18, 20, 100
03/17/05 1121 Brush Rt. 22 W. near the County Line Dip, Morris Twp. 1, 4, 100
03/18/05 0959 Shed 231 Ryde Rd., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co.  7, 26, 700
03/18/05 1308 Brush 12840 Creek Rd., Metal Twp., Franklin Co. 11, (12), 14, *18* (21)
03/18/05 1614 Vehicle Accident Sikes Rd., Porter Twp. 1
03/18/05 2020 Flue with Extension Rt. 655 N., Mifflin Co. 5, 18, 20, 24, 25
03/19/05 0000 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26 N., Alky Bend, Oneida Twp.  5, 18, 19, 500
03/19/05 1302 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E. in front of Meadowview Manor Nursing Home, Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 20, 26, 700
03/19/05 1319 Brush 106 Clark Rd., Saxton Bedford Co. 3, 17, 35
03/19/05 1832 Woods Henderson Hollow Rd. near the Overlook, Juniata Twp. 6, 10
03/19/05 1858 Brush & Vehicle Dublin Twp., Fulton Co. 14, 57
03/19/05 1938 Outside Investigation Hideaway Acres, Cass Twp. 2, 7, 12, 21
03/20/05 0226 Outside Investigation Rt. 26 N., Pine Grove Mountain, Barree Twp. 11, 1100
03/20/05 1206 Vehicle Accident Rt. 655, 1 1/2 mile South of Barneytown, Cass Twp. 21, 1200
03/21/05 1024 Odor Investigation Johnny's Bar, 13th & Washington Sts., Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
03/21/05 1122 Vehicle Accident Rt. 994, Three Springs 12, 21, 57, 1200
03/21/05 1133 Vehicle Accident Rt. 522 S. in front of the VFW, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
03/22/05 0941 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26 S. near the Woodcock Valley Lions, Lincoln Twp. 3, 300
03/22/05 1018 Vehicle Accident Rt. 829, Union Twp. 2, 20, 500
03/22/05 1238 Brush Singers Gap Rd., Shirley Twp. 7, 9, 20, 26
03/22/05 1435 Automatic Alarm Puff 'N Snuff, 309 7th St., Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
03/23/05 1553 Vehicle Accident Rt. 747, 5 miles South of Mt. Union, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
03/23/05 2145 Vehicle Accident Between 2554 & 2564 Pennington Rd., Warriors Mark Twp. 22
03/24/05 1259 Smoke in the Structure Redstone Ridge Rd., Walker Twp. 6, 10
03/24/05 1509 Tractor Trailer Rt. 26 S., Penn Twp. 3, 6
03/25/05 0816 Automatic Alarm Puff 'N Snuff, 309 7th St., Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
03/25/05 1014 Automatic Alarm Woodland Retirement, Rt. 522, Cromwell Twp. 9, 12, 900
03/25/05 1115 Vehicle Accident Front St., Newton Hamilton, Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 20, 26, 700
03/25/05 1729 Vehicle Accident Mountainfoot Rd., Tell Twp. 14, 900, Stat MedEvac
03/26/05 0335 Vehicle Accident Rt. 522, Orbisonia 9, 900
03/27/05 1220 Vehicle Accident Rt. 522 in front of B & B Electric, Dublin Twp. 14, 900
03/28/05 0952 Transformer Main St., Saltillo 9, 12, 57
03/28/05 1413 Flooded Basement 1231 Washington St., Huntingdon 5
03/28/05 1803 Tree Down Rt. 655 S. near U S Silica, Brady Twp.  2
03/28/05 1926 Automatic Alarm Shirley Home, Rt. 522 S., Shirleysburg 9, 14, 900
03/28/05 2013 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26, 1/2 mile North of Detwiler Field, Oneida Twp. 5, 18, 19, 500
03/28/05 2039 CO Detector Happy Hills Rd., Union Twp. 21
03/28/05 2157 Flooded Basement Station Rd., Walker Twp. 6
03/29/05 0724 Flooded Basement 701 Warm Springs Ave., Huntingdon  5
03/29/05 1042 Tree Down on Wires with Fire Everhart Lane off of Petersburg Pike Rd., Logan Twp. 1, 4, 5
03/29/05 2107 Smoke Investigation 406 7th St., Huntingdon 1, 5, 6, 10, 20, 500           Transfer 7 to 5
03/30/05 1349 Flooded Basement 1524 Washington St., Huntingdon 5
03/30/05 1515 Woods Rt. 994, Entriken, Lincoln Twp. 3
03/30/05 1528 Pole with Wires Down Standing Stone Ave. near the Armory, Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
03/31/05 0743 CO Detector 432 Sunnymeade Rd., Oneida Twp. 5, 18


Note:  Companies in Red - First Due Area