March Alarms

Date Time Type Location Companies
03/01/06 0136 Vehicle Accident Rt. 522 S. near the Blacklog Bridge, Cromwell Twp. 9, 900
03/01/06 1210 Smoke Investigation Kelley Apartments, Saxton, Bedford Co. 3, 5, 35, 36
03/01/06 1601 Brush Rt. 26, 1/2 mile North of Huntingdon, Oneida Twp. 1, 5, 6, 10, 18, 19, 20
03/02/06 1451 Trailer with Explosion  *Controlled Burn* Valley View Trailer Court, Shirley Twp. 7, 9, 20, 26, 700  Transfer 5 to 7
03/02/06 1644 Flue 5439 Clair Rd., Barree Twp. 4, 11, 19, 1100
03/02/06 1738 Laundry Room Taylor Apartments, Mt. Union 5, 7, 9, 20, 26, 700           Transfer 5 to 7
03/02/06 2345 Dumpster Interforest Corp., Dublin Twp. 14
03/03/06 1156 Vehicle Accident  *Entrapment* Rt. 26 N., Pine Grove Mountain, Barree Twp. 1, 4, 11, 19, 100, 500, 1100
03/03/06 1220 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 20, 26, 700
03/03/06 2018 Dumpster Interforest Corp., Dublin Twp. 9, 14
03/03/06 2040 Vehicle Accident Rt. 747, 1/2 mile North of Three Springs 12, 1200
03/03/06 2353 Automatic Alarm Blair House, Huntingdon 5, 500
03/04/06 1715 Vehicle Accident with Multiple Ejections              *1 Fatal* Rt. 655 just South of Mapleton, Union Twp. 2, 20, 700, Life Flight
03/05/06 1400 Flue 7688 Shavers Creek Rd., Logan Twp. 4, 11, 100
03/05/06 1445 Automatic Alarm Broad Top Medical Center, Broad Top City 17
03/06/06 1838 Vehicle Pedestrian with 3 Victims       *Double Fatal* In front of the Blair House, 600 Penn St., Huntingdon 5, 500, Stat MedEvac
03/06/06 2009 Transfer Saxton Fire Co. 3
03/06/06 2010 Transfer Six Mile Run Fire Co. 17
03/07/06 1239 Inside Investigation OIP Restaurant, 232 King St., Petersburg 1, 4, 11, 100
03/07/06 1257 Brush 134 Susan Lane, Half Moon Twp., Centre Co.  22
03/07/06 1412 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 in front of Country Garden Market, Smithfield twp. 6, 10, 500
03/07/06 1502 Woods Globe Run Camp, West Twp. 1, 4, 11, 19, 1100
03/08/06 0316 Vehicle Accident Brew House Lane, Alexandria 1, 100
03/08/06 0648 Automatic Alarm Bleyer Industries, Mt. Union 7, 700
03/08/06 1108 Logging Accident Mountain Rd., Brady Twp. 2, 20, 500, Stat MedEvac
03/08/06 1623 Fuel Spill Rt. 453, Warriors Mark Twp. 22, Squad 31
03/08/06 1743 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 W., Morris Twp. 1, 100
03/08/06 2104 Physical Rescue Beside Jackson's Bar, Pennsylvania Ave., Smithfield Twp. 10, 500
03/09/06 1150 CO Detector Rt. 26 S., McConnellstown 6, 10, 500
03/10/06 0932 Automatic Alarm Bleyer Industries, Mt. Union 7, 700
03/10/06 1018 Vehicle Accident  *Entrapment* 12th & Mifflin Sts., Huntingdon 5, 6, 500
03/10/06 1121 Transfer Saxton Fire Co. 3
03/10/06 1238 Brush Corbin Rd., Juniata Twp. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 20, 21       Transfer 1, 4, & 31 to 10
03/10/06 1404 Brush Lakeland Pines Development, Penn Twp. 1, 3, 6
03/10/06 2214 Vehicle & Brush     *Working Fire* Upper Ridge Rd. & Penny Lane, Hopewell Twp. 3, 300
03/11/06 0745 Vehicle Accident Hares Valley Rd., Union Twp. 2, 700
03/11/06 1201 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E. & Rt. 655 N., Mill Creek  2, 5, 20, 500
03/11/06 1423 Residential Structure 2260 South Mountain Rd., Port Matilda, Centre Co. 22
03/12/06 0653 Automatic Alarm Huntingdon Manor Nursing Home, Huntingdon 1, 5, 6, 10, 20, 100, 500    Transfer 7, 19, & 35 to 5
03/12/06 1051 Automatic Alarm Mead Westvaco, Alexandria 1, 100
03/12/06 1822 Automatic Alarm Bleyer Industries, Mt. Union 7, 700
03/13/06 0048 Vehicle Accident Rt. 453 N. near Martins Garden Center, Morris Twp.  1, 22, 31, 100
03/13/06 0328 Odor of Gasoline Main & Donaldson Sts., Mapleton 2
03/13/06 0525 Rock Slide Rt. 655 just North of Mill Creek, Brady Twp. 20
03/13/06 0737 Gasoline Spill Sheetz Store, Rt. 22 & S. 4th St., Smithfield Twp. 6, 10, Squad 31
03/13/06 1301 Automatic Alarm Brady Henderson Elementary School, Mill Creek 2, 5, 20, 500
03/13/06 1542 CO Detector 6371 Winchester Rd., West Twp. 4, 11, 19, 1100
03/13/06 1824 Suicide Attempt & Search McCall Lane off of Seven Points Rd., Penn Twp. 3, 6, 300, Life Flight
03/13/06 2100 Pole Lincoln St., Robertsdale 17
03/15/06 0852 Brush Rt. 305, Porter Twp. 1, 4, 6, 10
03/17/06 0953 Barn & Brush  *Working Fire* 9738 Ewing Rd., West Twp. 1, 4, 5, (5), 6, 7, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 90, 1100         Transfer 17 to 6, (10) & 26 to 10, (5) & (7) to 19, *21* to 1, (1) to 11
03/17/06 1329 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26 S. near the Hesston Intersection, Penn Twp. 3, 6, 17, 300, 500
03/18/06 0925 Barn       *Rekindle* 9738 Ewing Rd., West Twp. 11
03/18/06 1138 Flue Rt. 655 N., Fousetown 2, 5, 20, 500
03/19/06 0153 Vehicle Accident  *Entrapment / Fatal* Rt. 522 S. & Rt. 641, Shade Gap 9, 14, 900
03/19/06 1146 Brush 15 Timothy St., Shenocoy Manor, Walker Twp. 6, 10
03/19/06 1759 Transfer Tyrone Fire Co. 22
03/19/06 2138 Vehicle Accident Rt. 994 near the Southern Huntingdon High School, Cromwell Twp. 9, 900
03/20/06 1017 Vehicle Accident Rt. 45 in front of the Spruce Creek Tavern, Spruce Creek 1, 100
03/20/06 1050 Automatic Alarm 115 Woods Lane, Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
03/20/06 1357 Brush 100 Stable Lane, Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 26, 700
03/21/06 2024 Trailer Rt. 865 near Bellwood, Blair Co. 22
03/23/06 1038 Flue with Extension Race Track Rd., Penn Twp. 1, 3, 6, 10, 18, 20, 35, 300  Transfer 7 to 20 
03/23/06 1141 Brush Hartslog Valley Rd., Porter Twp. 1, 4, 5, 6, 10
03/23/06 1714 Extinguish a Controlled Burn Corbin Rd., Barree Twp. 11, 1100
03/24/06 0312 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26 S., Walker Twp. 6, 10, 500
03/24/06 1913 Outside Investigation Eberly Rd., West Twp. 11, 1100
03/24/06 2322 Vehicle Accident Rt. 829, Union Twp. 2, 20, 500
03/25/06 1315 Woods Rt. 164, 1/2 way up the Mountain, Bedford Co. 3, 17, 35
03/25/06 1457 Woods Waterfall Hill Development, Clay Twp. 12, 17, 21, 57, 1200
03/25/06 1914 Apartment D 7 Federal Drive, Mt. Union 5, 7, 9, 20, 26, 700, 900
03/25/06 0035 Commercial Structure     *Honest Mistake-Cancelled during Dispatch* Fashion Bug, Giant Plaza, Rt. 22, Smithfield Twp. 10
03/26/06 1315 Tree Down Rt. 26 N. near the Whipple Dam Store, Jackson Twp. 19
03/26/06 1832 Brush & Vehicle  *Working Fire* 9220 Corbin Lane, Barree Twp. 1, 4, 11, 19, 1100
03/26/06 1747 Vehicle Accident Diamond Valley Rd., Logan Twp. 4, 100
03/27/06 0155 Residential Structure *Working Fire / Double Fatal* Fleck Rd., Springfield Twp. 2, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, 20, 21, 26, 56, 57, 700, 900, 1200         Transfer 10 to 20
03/28/06 1134 Vehicle Rt. 522 S. near Bumgardner and Flasher Oil Co., Shirley Twp. 7
03/28/06 1346 Mountain Pennsylvania Turnpike, Mile Marker 198.4, Franklin Co. (12), 14, 15, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 57
03/28/06 1728 Vehicle Accident Loop Rd., Porter Twp. 1, 100
03/29/06 0752 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 W. & River Rd., Porter Twp. 1, 100
03/29/06 1334 Building 20732 Path Valley Rd., Fannett Twp., Franklin Co. (11), (12), 14, (21)
03/29/06 1413 Brush Rt. 994, 3 miles from Three Springs, Clay Twp. 9, 12, 1200
03/29/06 1518 Brush Country Club Rd., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 26, 700
03/29/06 1533 Brush 16824 Shade Valley Rd.  14
03/29/06 2015 Brush Trout Rd., Wood Twp. 17
03/30/06 1341 Vehicle Accident Colerain Rd., Spruce Creek Twp. 1, 6, 11, 22, 100
03/30/06 1408 Forest Sandy Ridge Trail, Rush Twp., Centre Co. 22
03/31/06 0746 Vehicle Accident 12634 Guyer Rd., Jackson Twp. 11, 18, 19, 500, 1100
03/31/06 1044 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26 N., Alky Bend, Oneida Twp. 5, 18, 19, 500
03/31/06 1052 Vehicle  Main St., Cassville 21
03/31/06 1125 Brush Dunroven Rd., Todd Twp. 17, 21
03/31/06 1321 Brush Behind Barron's Garage, Pogue, Cromwell Twp. 2, 7, 9, 12, 14, 21
03/31/06 1933 Brush Rt. 747 across from Hancock's Store, Shirley Twp. 7, 9, 20, 26, 700 Transfer 10 to 20


Note:  Companies in Red - First Due Area