November Alarms

Date Time Type Location Companies
11/01/08 1720 Brush 3242 Birmingham Pike, Morris Twp. 1, 4, 100
11/01/08 2119 Outside Investigation               *Controlled Burn* Crooked Creek Rd. behind Kentucky Fried Chicken, Smithfield Twp. 10
11/02/08 0448 Residential Structure    *Controlled Burn* 3557 Charter Oak Rd., Barree Twp. 1, 4, 6, 11, 18, 19, 1100
11/02/08 1843 High Occupancy Residential Structure Apartment 402, Deforest Apartments, Huntingdon 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 20, 500                   Transfer 19 & 35 to 5
11/02/08 1910 Brush 13667 Smith Valley Rd., Union Twp. 2, 20, 700
11/02/08 1954 Tree Down 11608 Fannetsburg Pike, Dublin Twp. 14
11/02/08 2312 Pole 902 Pennsylvania Ave. Rear, Smithfield 10
11/03/08 1049 Automatic Alarm Deforest Apartments, Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
11/03/08 1230 Vehicle Accident 625 Washington St., Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
11/03/08 1418 Set up Landing Zone Shavers Creek Ball Field 4, 11, Stat MedEvac
11/03/08 1916 Residential Structure 721 Main St., Saxton 3, 5, 17, 35, 36
11/04/08 0810 Vehicle Accident involving a Bear Big Valley Pike in the area of Kidd Lane, Brady Twp. 2, 5, 20, 25, 500
11/04/08 1623 CO Detector 16559 Smith Valley Rd., Union Twp. 2, 20, 700
11/04/08 1820 Vehicle Pedestrian Pogue Rd. & Maddensville Pike, Cromwell Twp. 9, 12, 900
11/05/08 0802 Vehicle Accident Pogue Rd., Clay Twp. 9, 12, 900, 1200
11/05/08 1254 Vehicle Accident 103 W. Morgan St., Mt. Union 7, 700
11/05/08 1945 Vehicle Accident    *Entrapment* Rt. 103 S. in the area of the Beacon Lodge, Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 700
11/06/08 1651 Automatic Alarm Tussey Mountain High School, Saxton, Bedford Co. 3, 5, 17, 35, 36
11/06/08 1903 Vehicle Accident Main & Oak Sts., Saltillo 12, 21, 1200
11/07/08 1341 Brush 1792 Center Line Rd., Warriors Mark Twp. *21*, 22, (36)
11/07/08 1600 Vehicle Accident 16224 Raystown Rd., Lincoln Twp. 3, 35, 300, 500, 1700
11/07/08 1611 Vehicle Accident Croghan Pike, Allenport, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
11/07/08 1645 Vehicle Accident 4014 Cold Springs Rd., Oneida Twp. 5, 6, 18, 500
11/07/08 1756 Kitchen 15653 Fishers Lane,  Lincoln Twp. 3, 6, 17, 20, 35, 36, 300           Transfer 10 to 3
11/07/08 1835 Brush    *Controlled Burn* Oriskany Drive, Oneida Twp. 4, 5, 10, 18, 500
11/08/08 0011 Vehicle Accident 18183 Shade Valley Rd., Tell Twp. 9, (12) 14, 900, Stat MedEvac
11/08/08 0430 Outside Investigation Warrior Ridge Rd., Logan Twp. 1, 4, 100
11/08/08 1445 Brush 10942 Bailey Dr., Brady Twp. 2, 5, 7, 10, 20, 500
11/08/08 1538 Possible Residential Structure     McAlevys Fort Rd. near Guyer Rd., Jackson Twp. 1, 4, 5, 11, 18, 19, 20, 1100
11/09/08 0532 Automatic Alarm St. John's Episcopal Church, 212 Penn St., Huntingdon 5, 500
11/09/08 1911 Vehicle Accident 1734 Ferguson Valley Rd., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 26, 700
11/10/08 0122 Residential Structure    *Working Fire* Drifted Lane, Fannett Twp., Franklin Twp. (11), (12), 14, 51, 52, 53
11/10/08 0458 Brush 18460 Shade Valley Rd., Tell Twp. 14, 900
11/10/08 1620 Vehicle Accident    *Entrapment* Goodman Rd., Morris Twp. 1, 4, 6, 100
11/10/08 1630 Automatic Alarm St. John's Episcopal Church, 212 Penn St., Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
11/10/08 1846 Vehicle Accident Ridgely & Irwin Sts., Orbisonia 9, 900
11/11/08 0852 Vehicle Accident Cider Press & Trey Rds., Walker Twp. 6, 10, 500
11/11/08 1243 Forest 18083 Fannetsburg Pike, Metal Twp. Franklin Co. (12), 14, (21)
11/11/08 1740 Possible Residential Structure 110 Scenic Dr., Oliver Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, (18), 26
11/12/08 0218 Brush Wagner Rd., Walker Twp. 5, 6, 10
11/12/08 1726 CO Detector 107 McCartney Dr., Mapleton 2, 7, 700
11/12/08 2050 Automatic Alarm Westminster Woods, Huntingdon 5, 500
11/12/08 2332 Automatic Alarm Westminster Woods, Huntingdon 5, 500
11/13/08 0528 Residential Structure                  *Working Fire / Fatal* Barben St., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 2, 6, 7, 9, 20, 26, 700               Transfer 5 to 7
11/13/08 0717 Vehicle Accident William Penn Highway in the area of Tops Diner, Henderson Twp. 2, 20
11/13/08 1049 Wires Down Valley & Main Sts., Mill Creek 20
11/13/08 1706 Vehicle Accident Rt. 655 S. near Hall Rd., Clay Twp. 12, 1200
11/13/08 2147 Vehicle Accident Rt. 453 near the Grier School, Warriors Mark Twp. 22
11/13/08 2203 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26 N. in the area of Alky Bend, Oneida Twp. 5, 18, 500
11/14/08 0459 Automatic Alarm Westminster Woods, Huntingdon 5, 500
11/14/08 0716 Vehicle Accident Neelyton Rd. at the top of Neelyton Mountain, Dublin Twp. (12), 14, 900
11/14/08 2255 Smoke Investigation Behind the McConnellstown Fire Station, Walker Twp. 6
11/14/08 2323 Vehicle Accident Rt. 453 near the Sewage Plant, Blair Co. 22, 31
11/15/08 1305 Vehicle Accident 16th & Moore Sts., Huntingdon 5, 6, 500
11/16/08 1513 Vehicle Accident Fannetsburg Pike, Dublin Twp. 14
11/17/08 0230 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 & Rt. 453, Waterstreet, Morris Twp. 1, 4, 100
11/17/08 1203 Vehicle Rt. 75 & Berry Ridge Rd., Lack Twp., Juniata Co. 14
11/17/08 1503 Physical Rescue Jacks Mountain Rd., Union Twp. 2, 20, 21, 700
11/17/08 1844 Odor of Gas 1610 Oneida St., Huntingdon 5, 500
11/17/08 1851 Automatic Alarm Crawford Apartments, Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 500
11/17/08 1855 Vehicle Accident Chestnut St., Mt, Union 7, 700
11/17/08 2316 Vehicle Accident 2197 Shade Valley Rd., Dublin Twp. 14, 900
11/18/08 1717 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 in the area of River Rd., Porter Twp. 1, 4, 6, 100
11/19/08 0516 Garage Monroe Valley Rd., Cromwell Twp. 7, 9, 12, 14, 20, 900
11/20/08 1023 Vehicle Accident Rt.26 South of Marklesburg, Lincoln Twp. 3, 300
11/21/08 0837 Vehicle Accident Trough Creek Valley Pike, Union Twp. 20, 21, 500
11/21/08 0851 Vehicle Accident 10339 Pogue Rd., Cromwell Twp. 9, 12, 900
11/21/08 0920 Vehicle Accident William Penn Highway, Jacks Narrows, Brady Twp. 2, 7, 20, 700
11/22/08 2012 Flue 5925 Orchard Rd., Walker Twp. 6, 10, 500
11/23/08 1039 Physical Rescue Thousand Steps, Brady Twp. 2, 700
11/24/08 1032 Automatic Alarm 500 Washington St., Huntingdon 5, 6, 10, 20, 500
11/24/08 1140 Bulldozer Hill Valley Rd., Shirley Twp. 7, 700
11/25/08 0420 Transformer Rt. 453 & Silver Barn Rd., Warriors Mark Twp. 22, 31
11/26/08 0055 Residential Structure 20229 5th St., Dudley 3, 5, 17, 35
11/26/08 0632 Vehicle Accident 13280 Piney Ridge Rd., Walker Twp. 6, 10, 500
11/26/08 0943 Vehicle Accident 9779 Standing Stone Rd., Oneida Twp. 5, 18, 19 , 500
11/26/08 2241 Vehicle Accident 425 Washington St., Petersburg 1, 4, 11, 100
11/27/08 2017 Vehicle Accident Raystown Rd. at the entrance to Walmart, Smithfield Twp. 6, 10, 500, MedStar
11/28/08 0654 Automatic Alarm Giant Foods, Smithfield Twp. 6, 10, 500
11/28/08 1204 Possible Residential Structure 374 Walnut St., Cassville 10, 12, 17, 20, 21, 1200                 Transfer 2 to 21
11/28/08 1402 Vehicle Accident William Penn Highway & S. 4th St., Smithfield Twp. 6, 10, 500
11/29/08 0717 Residential Structure Gypsy Hollow Rd., Snyder Twp., Blair Co. 1, 31
11/29/08 1116 Inside Investigation Senior Citizens Building, 915 Washington St., Huntingdon 5, 500
11/29/08 2045 Vehicle Accident    *Entrapment* 5723 Old Plank Rd., Todd Twp. 3, 21, 300, Stat MedEvac
11/30/08 1957 Flue 1980 Ridge Rd., Warriors Mark 22
11/30/08 2304 CO Detector 115 S. Shaver St., Mt. Union 7, 700


Note:  Companies in Red - First Due Area