October Alarms

Date Time Type Location Companies
10/02/04 0759 Automatic Alarm Westminster Woods, Huntingdon 5, 500
10/02/04 0920 Vehicle Accident Near Booher Block, Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 26, 700
10/02/04 1158 Vehicle Accident Point Access Rd., Juniata Twp. 10, 500
10/02/04 1557 Search Rothrock State Forest, Jackson Twp. 19, Transfer 6 to 19
10/03/04 0227 Residential Structure   *Working Fire* 4070 East Back Mountain Rd., Union Twp., Mifflin Co. 19
10/03/04 1241 Vehicle Cherryhill Drive off of Rt. 475, Cromwell Twp. 9
10/03/04 1302 Vehicle Accident 9, 900
10/03/04 1330 2 Victims fell off  Scaffolding Monroe Valley, Cromwell Twp. 9, 900
10/03/04 2313 Vehicle Accident Rt. 550 & Dungarvin Rd., Warriors Mark Twp. 22
10/04/04 1620 Vehicle Accident Rt. 655, 4 miles South of Mapleton, Union Twp. 2, 20, 21, 700
10/05/04 1215 Automatic Alarm J C Blair Hospital, Huntingdon 5, 500
10/06/04 1020 Vehicle Accident Greatview Lane, Warriors Mark Twp. 22
10/06/04 1902 Automatic Alarm Westminster Woods, Huntingdon 5, 500
10/07/04 1327 Residential Structure    *Working Fire* 2462 Tyrone St., Birmingham, Blair Co. 1, 22
10/07/04 1423 Set up Landing Zone Juniata Valley Medical Center Field, Alexandria 1
10/07/04 2237 Residential Structure   *Rekindle* 2462 Tyrone St., Birmingham, Blair Co. 22
10/08/04 2022 Vehicle Accident Rt. 305, Porter Twp. 1, 4, 100
10/08/04 2140 Building     *Reported Working Fire/Overheated Motor on a Bed Huntingdon Manor Nursing Home, Huntingdon 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 19, 20, 26, 35, 100, 500
10/08/04 2239 Vehicle    *Working Fire* Oriskany Rd., Brady Twp. 2, 20
10/09/04 1303 Odor of Gas 5th & Washington Sts., Huntingdon 5, 500
10/09/04 1339 Vehicle Accident Walls & Ferguson Valley Rds., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 20, 26, 700
10/09/04 1636 Dumpster Crawford Apartments, Huntingdon 5, 500
10/09/04 1647 Wire Down 5th & Church Sts., Huntingdon 5, 500
10/09/04 2235 Residential Structure 6580 William Penn Highway, Rt. 22 W., Porter Twp. 1, 4, 6, 10, 18, 100           Transfer 5 to 1, 11 on In House Standby for 4
10/10/04 2030 Automatic Alarm Park Furniture & Appliance, 708 Washington St., Huntingdon 5, 500
10/11/04 2155 Aircraft Emergency Mt. Union Airport, Shirley Twp. 7, 700
10/12/04 2357 CO Detector 1530 Mifflin St., Huntingdon 5, 500
10/13/04 1014 Smoke in the Basement 921 McClain St., Mt. Union 7, 700
10/13/04 1234 Automatic Alarm Tussey Terrace, Juniata College, Huntingdon 5, 500
10/13/04 2238 Vehicle Accident Standing Stone Ave. near War Vets Field, Huntingdon 5, 500
10/14/04 0837 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E., Ardenhiem, Henderson Twp. 5, 18, 20
10/14/04 0937 Vehicle Accident Williamsburg Mountain Rd., Porter Twp. 1, 6
10/15/04 0106 Smoke in the Building Kelly Apartments, Saxton, Bedford Co. 17, Transfer 3 to 35
10/15/04 0300 Vehicle Accident with Diesel Fuel Spill Pennsylvania Turnpike, Mile Marker 184.5, Just in Huntingdon Co. 14
10/15/04 1400 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 near the VFW Teener League Field, Smithfield Twp. 6, 10, 500
10/16/04 0301 Vehicle Accident Road to Hill Valley Speedway, Cromwell Twp. 9, 900
10/16/04 1554 Vehicle Accident Seven Points Rd., Penn Twp. 3, 6
10/16/04 2108 Set up Landing Zone Rockhill Elementary School, Rockhill 9
10/17/04 0037 CO Detector Diamond Valley Rd., Logan Twp. 4
10/17/04 0129 Building    *Working Fire* Church of God of Prophecy Rt. 522 just North of Orbisonia., Cromwell Twp. 7, 9, Tower 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 21, 26, 900     Transfer (12) to 9, 20 to 7
10/17/04 1843 Vehicle Accident Rt. 45 & Rt. 453, Morris Twp. 1, 100
10/18/04 0629 Automatic Alarm Mead Products, Alexandria 1, 100
10/18/04 0930 Residential Structure 715 N. Shaver St., Mt. Union 7, 20, 26, 700   Transfer 5 to 7
10/18/04 1233 Physical Rescue 201 E. Pine St., Mt. Union 7, 700
10/18/04 2224 Vehicle Accident Rt. 522 S. between Orbisonia & Shirleysburg, Cromwell Twp. 9, 14, 900
10/19/04 0850 Automatic Alarm Woodland Retirement Center, Rt. 522 S., Cromwell Twp. 9, 12, 900
10/19/04 2050 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26 N., 1 mile South of Wesley Chapel, Miller Twp. 5, 11, 18, 19, 1100
10/20/04 0708 Odor of Gas 5th & Mifflin Sts, Huntingdon 5, 500
10/20/04 1015 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 W., Coffman's Hill, Porter Twp. 1
10/20/04 1305 Vehicle Accident Rt. 45, Spruce Creek, Spruce Creek Twp. 1, 100
10/21/04 0801 Industrial Accident John's Welding Shop, Fairgrounds Rd., Smithfield Twp. 6, 10, 500
10/21/04 1543 Vehicle Accident Rt. 22 E. near the Exxon Station, Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 26, 700
10/21/04 2324 Odor Investigation Shirley & Jefferson Sts., Mt. Union 7, 700
10/23/04 0040 Vehicle Accident Rt. 26 S. & Hartslog Valley Rd., Walker Twp. 6
10/23/04 0544 Vehicle Accident Rt. 453 N., Warriors Mark Twp. 1, 22, 100
10/23/04 1600 Possible Residential Structure Rt. 747, Three Springs 9, 12, 14, 21, 57, 1200         Transfer 7 to 12
10/24/04 0932 Vehicle Accident Rt. 913 at the top of Robertsdale Mountain 17, 1700
10/24/04 1830 Smoke in the Structure 7357 Warrior Ridge Rd., Logan Twp. 1, 4, 100
10/24/04 1939 Vehicle Accident Rt. 45, Spruce Creek Twp. 22, 100
10/25/04 0819 Tree Rt. 829, Cassville Mountain, Cass Twp. 21
10/25/04 0831 Residential Structure Henderson Hollow Rd., Juniata Twp. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 18, 20, 500    Transfer 1 to 10, 7 to 20
10/26/04 1902 Fuel Spill Martin's General Store, Rt. 22 E., Brady Twp. 2
10/27/04 1114 Fuel Spill 101 Foreman St., Three Springs 12
10/27/04 1503 Vehicle Accident Alley behind Vandevender St., Mt. Union 7, 700
10/28/04 1850 Vehicle Cassville 21
10/29/04 0819 Smoke Investigation Huntingdon Motor Inn, Rt. 22, Smithfield Twp. 6, 10, 500
10/29/04 1139 Vehicle Accident Rt. 305 near the Bethel Church, West Twp. 4, 11, 18, 500, 1100
10/29/04 1654 Vehicle Accident Rt. 522 S. near the Huntingdon/Fulton Co. Line, Dublin Twp. 14, 900
10/29/04 1728 Possible Residential Structure Birdvale 2, 7, 10, 20, 700 Transfer 5 to 2
10/29/04 1740 Vehicle Accident Rt. 350 at the Reservoir, Warriors Mark Twp. 22
10/29/04 1834 Vehicle Accident Old Rt. 22 behind Agway, Porter Twp. 1, 100
10/29/04 2050 Vehicle Accident 2788 Charter Oak Rd., Barree Twp. 11, 19, 1100
10/29/04 2123 Vehicle Accident 950 Newton Rd., Wayne Twp., Mifflin Co. 7, 20, 26, 700
10/30/04 1508 Residential Structure      *Minor Working Fire* Rt. 26 S. near the Hesston Intersection, Penn Twp. 1, 3, 6, 10, 18, 20, 35, 300
10/30/04 1717 Vehicle Accident  *6 Vehicles with 1 Entrapment* Rt. 22 in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Smithfield Twp. 6, 10, 100, 500
10/31/04 0920 Possible Residential Structure Parks Rd., Springfield Twp. 12, 57


Note:  Companies in Red - First Due Area