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Interesting Faith No More Stories

This section includes stories sent to me from the survey. With a band as unpredictable as Faith No More, it's not surprising that many fans have witnessed or taken part in, an interesting or bizarre event at some point. The accuracy of these accounts rely on the integrity of the people who submitted them in the survey.

Name: Dave
Story: "FNM Was playing at Mojo Music festival in New Orleans august of 97, and in the middle of Last Cup Of Sorrow, Mike Broke a drumstick, and quickly discarded it off the front of the 30' high stage, and as i was surfing the pit way down in front, i was hit by the errant stick, but some ass decided to filch it for himself, so i was souvenierless. But it was still cool."

Name: Ninjaboy007
Story: "I met Patton outside the metro in Chicago on the California tour...he was just sitting in front BSing w/ fans while wearing a Hawiian shirt & seemed really really normal. Kinda was tough to believe that this guy was THE true weirdenss behind so much freaky ass music. You'd never know it to look at him...appearances are decieving huh?"

Name: Dave
Story: "Ok, well this isn't a FNM sort of was at a Mr. Bungle concert. I know this is going to be nothing special compared to what others will write, but i don't really care. They played "I Feel For You" and throughout the entire freakin' song Mike P. was staring right at me and pointing when he sang the chorus. it was pretty freakin' cool."

Name: Ben
Story:: "I saw FNM live in Cleveland, OH in 1997. In the middle of the show, someone threw a very large sausage up onto the stage. Patton picked it up, took a few bites, and said something like, "A little spicy...thanks!"

Name: Frank
Story: "Last year on the first Mr. Bungle "california" tour, w/ Dillenger Escape Plan, before the show me and my friends went to eat at a foriegn restaurant... i believe it was Romanian? anyway we sat down and who do you think waled in and sat down for a steak...... Mike Patton.... no big deal it was just weird to eat dinner in the same room with him."

Name: Jessica
Story: "faith no more's appearance on saturday night live when michael tried to climb into the fan"

Name: Alessandro
Story: "when fnm play in my town (Brasmlia, Brasil) mike in the last song (war pigs) jump over the bench of soccer players, and fuck the shit!! hehehe.. i think he hurts!!"

Name: anonymous
Story: "RUMOR: I went to college at Humboldt State and was told by a girl who grew up in the area that she saw Patton piss in his shoe and drink it onstage with Mr. Bungle."

Name: Laura
Story: "i met mike patton three times. i got on stage at a n angel dust show the second time he remembered me from the first time. and recently i talked to him for 15 min. his hair touched myface and his lips touched my ear!!!!!"

Name: Darren
Story: "Mike Patton and Big Jim Martin have a pissed fight outside a pub in Brixton, shortly after the show."

Name: anonymous
Story: "mike patton with john zorn and ikue mori at the knitting factory....stunning.... mike patton with marc ribot, kato hideki and sim cain at the knitting factory...equally as amazing."

Name: anonymous
Story: "at one show someone threw a beer bottle of piss on the stage ...and mike patton took it and dumped it all over his head ..and the crowd just like stood there and stared they didnt know how to react"

Name: Glenn
Story: "I have an interview that clearly states that Jim did not play guitar on War Pigs

What Is Faith No More's Appeal?

When asked in the survey, why Faith No More is so appealing to them, some fans gave the following responses:
