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Our Guardian Angel

Isaiah Michael Lowden
Jan. 24, 1998~Jan. 24, 1998

Losing Isaiah

Our hearts are broken, my eyes are red and swollen
The precious gift of God, our little boy was stolen
Isaiah came and Godspoke for this child
Our hearts left dry, our minds run wild.
We love you little boy, for your face forever in our minds
Our love for you is the most precious kind.

A poem for our son, Isaiah
Love, Mommy

I found out I was pregnant on October 8, 1997. My husband and I were very excited. It would be our first child. I was only eighteen years old and I was scared. I went to every appointment and I changed my lifestyle. I wanted a healthy baby and pregnancy. I went for a sonogram on January 21,1998 and the doctors said everything looked great. I was 21 weeks pregnant and healthy. Then on the morning of January 24, 1998, I started to have pressure and could feel some movement in my uterus that wasn't normal. My husband rushed me to the hospital in less than five minutes. I was wheeled into the ER and a swarm of medical people came rushing. I shouldn't be in labor they kept saying. I was so out of it I couldn't tell what was going on. The doctors gave me Potosin, but two hours later my water broke. I went into active labor and when I could push the Doctor had a look of disbelief on his face. My baby would be born breech. It only took two hours to deliver Isaiah. He weighed only 1lb., and was 12inches long. He had a head full of hair and long fingers like his Daddy. He was beautiful. He passed away that day and I held him and the Priest baptized him and I kissed his soft forehead good-bye. The pain of labor and being poked and prodded couldn't amount to the pain of our baby dying before our eyes. I couldn't believe a healthy baby could just come and go so fast. Still today any pain I have or fears they cannot amount to the pain we carry every hour every day.

We tried to have another child, but sadly on May 6,1999, I had a miscarriage. I was three months pregnant. I didn't expect to lose this baby. Our hearts were broken a second time. All we have left are the memories and souls of our two precious babies.

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This site created by Judi
Member of MMIAS