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This section is a help page for downloading, saving, and installing the PhotoOp screensaver from "Free Unique Screensavers." To download the saver, click on the saver link and you should get a pop-up screen with 2 options. Check the box next to "save this program to disk" and hit ok. You should see a screen like the screenshot below.


Pay attention to this window because this is where you are going to save the file. Windows will remember the last time you saved something, and that particular folder should be in the little window to the right of "save in." If this is your first download, your screen may look similiar to the above example with the "C" drive in the window. My suggestion is to create a new folder on your "C" drive just for web-downloads. To create a new folder in "C," first make sure you have the "C" in the "save-in" window. You might have to use the down arrow in the window to "click" it up. Then, click on the "create new folder" icon. I have it circled. You'll then see a new folder in the main window with the words "new folder." Change the text to downloads or whatever you want to call it, and then double-click on it. It should look the screenshot below.


Click on "save" to start the download. The download should take about 1-12 minutes depending on internet connections and traffic. After the download is completed, you should see a screen like below, unless you checked the box "close this dialog box when download complete." You could click on "open" to install the saver now, but I strongly suggest that you don't. I suggest you "close" the box, go to the download folder where the saver file is saved, and run it through a virus program. You should never run any program downloaded from the Net without checking it for viruses first. I scanned my savers before uploading them to the site, but it's wise to be safe than sorry. I use McAfee VirusScan and they have a 30 day trial program that you can download for free.


Ok, to find the file you just downloaded, go to your "My Computer," which can be found on your start menu, then click on "C." Find the folder you saved the file in and click on it to open it. Click on the file you downloaded to start the install. You should see a window like the screenshot below.


The window to the right of "App Directory" is the default directory where the program will be installed. I'd suggest accepting the default but you may change it if you wish to. If you leave the 3 boxes checked, the screensaver will launch right after installation, and will then become the current screensaver. If you uncheck the boxes, you can use your display settings to launch this saver. Click on "Install." The program will install itself onto your system and this should only take a few moments. To launch the saver or change the settings if the saver is now running, go to your START menu, SETTINGS, CONTROL PANEL, DISPLAY, SCREEN SAVER. Or right click on an open area on your desktop and click on "properties." Under "screen saver," use the drop arrow and scroll down to select the saver you downloaded. Click on "settings" if you wish to mute the music or make any changes to the 18 different transistions that are available with this saver. There is also a help file on the settings page. That's it!! Click on the OK button and enjoy your saver. :-)

If you wish to uninstall this Saver, go to C:\Program Files\PhotoOp\ (the default directory of the installation) and open the folder with the name of the saver you want to remove. Click on the "setup.exe" and you'll then be brought to a setup window where the Uninstall button is available.

This screensaver is best viewed with a 800 x 600 display setting and "high" or "true" color. You can check your settings from the "Display" screen and clicking on "settings."

One more note.. if you have trouble hearing the sounds, you may need to download the Windows Media Player which is a free download and adds 12 additional audio formats, including MP3 and RealAudio. Click HERE to get it.


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