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Your Stories

The Haunted Trailor

I heard this one from my mother in law and she is good about telling the truth. About twenty years ago her and her ex husband moved into an old double. There was always this dark redish stain in the upstairs hallway there was also a light right above it. Every night that light would come on and go off at a certain time. She would even unscrew the lightbulb and it still came on. The stain in the carpet also never went away as much as she cleaned it. After she had lived there for two months she found out from a neighbor that a women had been murdered ther in that hall two years before and that stain was the womens blood.

This story was submitted by: Anonymous

A Visit Unforgotten

It all began at the age of seven. This was a Sunday afternoon, everything seemed just fine, it was a sunny day with no clouds in the sky, and the family decided to go to the cementary to visit the tombstones of those in our family whom passed away. As the family was standing by the graves I wondered away to a part of the cementary I have never seen before. It was very old,in fact it must of been the first part ever built. As I walked towards a tombstone that laid on the ground, I began to turn it face up when suddenly there was a crash of thunder, I jumped back dropping the stone back on the ground. Suddenly a streak of lighting hit the near by tree.My family came running towards me to see if I was alright. They kept saying to me"Come with us, never go in this area of lost souls never". As we walked away I kept my attention on that part of the cementary as if I was begining pulled to do so.

This story was submitted by: John

The Little Girl

One day I was alone in my swimming pool. I was practicing different dives. When I was at the bottom of the 7ft section, my cousin came in on a float. It was over me so I couldnt get up and I was running out of air fast. She couldnt hear or feel me kicking because it was so thick. I started to give up, knowing I couldnt get out, and I just felt so helpless like I was dieing. All the sudden my cousin jumped off the float! I yelled at her thinking that she knew that I was under there. She said she didnt and that she saw a little girl point at the pool and she hopped off the float. Later that day we explained what the girl looked like to my dad. He said his little sister drowned in a pool that same way. He said it seemed like her soul couldnt rest till she helped me!

This story was submitted by: sh0rty

Grandpa's Visit

This story happened to my mother about the time I was 1-2 years old. I had only met my grandfather when I was 1 1/2 years old. A year later my grandfather died of cancer in Mexico. But my Mom said that after the funeral service she returned home in San Diego. Well, my Mom owns this house right near all these graveyards and she recalls seeing someone in the backyard. My mom's room has a view of the backyard and she recalls a hat that my grandfather had. She says that after she went outside to see who would play a cruel joke like that, she found no one. So she went on sewing on her sewing machine. Next to her room there is this hallway and you can hear anyone walking in it pretty clearly, and she heard footsteps, there was no one there but the hallway itself was pretty cold, almost 5 degrees lower than the rest of the house! Well, anyway, no one is there so my Mom goes back, and the next thing she knows there is someone patting her back like her dad used to. So she thinks it's my dad and she whirls around and she hears moaning but there is no one there. My Mom is not crazy but this is really weird, because when she goes back she started crying. She missed her dad and saw him in pain during the last hours of his life and she begged to God that he forgive her father for all his sins. After that there was nothing after that. My mother was not very religious during that time, she had no other choice! The weird part is this: after she grieved for about an hour or so she heard someone laughing in the house and that kind of relieved happy laugh and she has never had any disruptions after that from my grandfather. Weird huh?

This story was submitted by: Anonymous

Jonny X

I always spend a lot of time at my grandmother's house and my best friend lived there. When I was about 3 or 4 i had a best friend that was a little boy ghost named Jonny X. I was the only one who saw him, but my parents knew he was real because they heard him or something once. I still hear ghosts and sometimes and I thought that would be a nice little story for your page. me and all my friends have seen, or even met ghosts.

This story was submitted by: Nikki

Strange Things

While lying in bed one night trying to get to sleep, I had heard my name being called and the voice came closer and since there is a street light right out side my window to my bedroom I had also saw the person the voice had come from. It was my boyfriend and since he had dropped me off earlier that night and had headed home it surprised me. He kneeled down toward me as I lied in the bed and reached for my face and then disapeared. And many other strange things occured in the house hearing the voice of my mother calling me when no one had been home. Also the footsteps on the second floor of the house. By the way I am happy to say I have moved. But things have been happening here as well. I will keep you informed.

This story was submitted by: Anonymous

Group Home Ghost

I used to be a counselor at a group home for the developmentally disabled. Six people lived in that house. One night as I was doing my paperwork, I saw something streak out of the room. Thinking it was one of the residents who liked to play games, I ran down the hall after her. I said "gotcha" but found nobody around (awake that is) and nobody in the bathroom. All other doors of the other rooms had been closed. The only room with the door open had both its occupants sleeping! Very perplexed I wondered what I had seen. I was also bothered by the fact, that the "something" had feet that never touched the ground when it ran. I soon forgot about it until the next staff meeting. That is when another staff person brought up the fact that he had also seen the "phantom." A few weeks later after that meeting, I watched that same bedroom door go from completely shut to open when nobody else but me was in that house. I could never get any background on that house. I still continued to work there until the agency closed down.

This story was submitted by: Angie

My Daughter's Friend

I call this ghost my 12 year old daughter's friend, because it seems to be drawn to her. We hear this spirit cry, and we hear it laugh. It stays in my daughters room when she goes to her dads for visits. It turns on the radio at different hours of the night in her room. She let my daughter see her only once. She was floating above her bed in the corner. My daughter and I have thought of trying to contact her and find out why she is here and why she is drawn to Kathy. We need help in doing this, so if anyone knows how to do it, please let us know.

This story was submitted by: Sherry (she needs some help with this haunting and welcomes email from someone that can help. You can reach her at

Unexplained Knocks

I'm a 45 year old separated man, quite sane, the father of four children, and I live in a 160 year old wooden farmhouse in South Salem, New York, about 50 miles north of New York City. I've lived in the house for ten years, and while I've heard occasional knocking, nothing like what happened last night. I was alone in the house and heard some loud knocks between 9 and 10pm, in the wall behind my bed. These were loud, rhythmic knocks, generally four or five or six, at uneven intervals. They came very quickly, generally two knocks, then a brief pause, and then three or four more knocks. I've heard these before, perhaps three times over the ten years I've lived there. All night, the four to six knocks would come randomly, waking me up. These were not animal noises - they were quite loud - as if someone was hitting a wooden beam with a brick, but very rapidly. They were not from water hammer from the heating system. They were right behind the headboard on my bed. Around 4:00 am I was up and exhausted. I noticed my clock reading 4:15 am and heard two quick knocks, a pause, and then three quick knocks. The next episode came at 4:35 am - two quick knocks, a pause, then three quick knocks. The next episode came at 4:55 am - two quick knocks, a pause, then three quick knocks. The next episode came at 5:15 am - this time two quick knocks, then four quick knocks. These were louder, more rattly. I banged on the wall in response. By 5:35, I was ready and waiting - just three knocks in rapid succession this time. These knocks were coming precisely 20 minutes apart - just about 10 seconds before my clock minute readout changed to 6. At 5:55am, I had dialed into my voicemail at work and, holding the phone to the wall, waited, but no knocks came. The sky was lightening at this time. I called my ex-wife in the morning, and she had no recollection of ever hearing any knocks. So - I'm new to this and would like to know if this is unusual, or odd, or atypical of these kinds of events. Any help you might provide would be appreciated. I'm hoping for a better night's sleep this evening.

This story was submitted by: Harvey(here's another person that could use some input about what could be causing these knocks...if you have any ideas email them to me and I'll pass them on)...


This happened to my husband and he's given consent for this to be told. We were laying in bed one night talking when my husband fell suddenly and deeply asleep. I was annoyed at first, then concerned when his breathing became slow, spaced and shallow. He was icy cold to touch. I called his name a few times but got no response. I lay next to him, frightened and unsure of what to do. He was in this state for only a few minutes when he awoke in shock, sat up straight, looked directly at me and asked me if he'd left the bed. I said he hadn't. He then ran out of the room, down the hall and into the living room searching for something/someone. Finding nothing, he came back to the bedroom, sat on the bed and told me this... I've just been speaking with Dad in the living room (his father died 12 months previously) He was a young man again, not looking old and ill as he was when he died. I walked down the hall and saw him sitting in the chair waiting for me. I began to ask questions but he said he had only a short time and that I was to listen. He explained to me why he had to die (in order for our baby son to live). He said he came to watch over us and the baby from time to time and he told me he was proud of me as a son (the only time he's ever said that). He then faded until he was gone and the next I knew I was back in bed. My father-in-law died when I was 5 months pregnant with our first child. He appeared to my husband when our son was 4 months old. During the delivery, complications occured which resulted in a frightening but ultimately safe birth. During this conversation with his Dad, my father in law described the birth in detail and explained he was needed on the other side to guide proceedings. I've never been comfortable with the "saving the baby's life" part of this story but I do believe my husband saw his father, whether it be as a ghost or perhaps an out of body experience. I was laying next to him in the bed, something certainly happened.

This story was submitted by: Marlene...

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