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Unexplained Pictures Page

Picture taken at our camp 2 years ago. We had just bought the camp and I had made this sign and had just nailed it to the tree and decided to get a picture of it. At the time I didnt notice anything. But when the picture came back this is how it looked. I honestly cant tell you if this is anything or not. The photo is being analyzed now.

UPDATE: Today I got an email from M.A.J.D.A. Paranormal Investigators concerning this picture. Here is what they had to say: "I took your pic into photoshop...I lightened it, darkened it, as well as inverted it into a negative, I cannot see anywhere that it is a camera strap or ray of light. My opinion of it is that is is a fast moving orb in motion. As it is transparent no matter which program I take it into to analyze it." Update added 1/23/02

This photo was taken in my basement; it is 100% real. Sent in by Nancy I have been spooked for years in my own house and now I have proof that their is something here! Can you see the face in this picture? It is near the metal bar on the ledge. I plan to move ASAP!

HI! I am a 28 year old, mother of 3, living in western Pennslyvania. In March of this year my husband and I went to Gettysburg, Pa and visited the parks at night. We had just purchased an Olympus Digital camera and were excited to use it for the first time at ghost hunting. This is just a sample of what we got that night. The weather was cool, about 60 degrees and calm. We made sure not to kick up anything while walking. I have lots of pictures like this. This picture was sent in by Tiffany.

This one was sent in by an annonymous submitter:

We had some friends over and took lots of pics and this is what turned up on one . My boys have seen the ghosts on several occassions and say there is a man and a young girl, I have experinced the ghost too, I was sitting at my computer in the dining room we have a sliding glass window that leds to the back yard and was very hard to open the rollers were worn out ,it took both hands and some muscle to open it , suddenly the door opened and there was no one there at that moment I was convinced that the ghost was very much alive and well .

These ones were sent in by: Butterfly


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