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Your Stories

Scary Story

On Halloween night at about midnight my friend and I went to this old ladies house that is on a farm. When we got their I said, "Let's get out of here!" My friend (Justin) said," Just a few more minutes." Then we heard a sound behind us. We jumped around and all we saw was dusting floating in the air as if something had just been their. Their was a barbed wire fence that had a ripped piece of black cloth and fresh blood on it like something had tried to leave in a hurry but got its coat caught on the fence and it ripped. The bushes started to move back and forth as if the wind was moving them. We ran over behind a small broken down shed to hide. Then we heard a faint voice that was saying, "help me." We started to run and Justin's shoe lace got caught in the barbed wire fence as if it was trying to keep him their. I just kept on running even though I heard his cries for help. I got home and never saw my friend Justin again. A year later on that same night at midnight, I woke up to someone calling my name. I looked up and my friend Justin who I thought was dead was standing over me with a knife in his hand. He had barbed wire rapped around his neck with blood all over it. Then Justin said, " Why didn't you help me when I got caught in the fence? You knew their was something after us! Well it got me and took that same barbed wire fence and hung me with it!" I scream in fright, my parents came running down and turned on the light. I turned to where Justin had been and all was left was the knife and it had blood on it. Ever since that lights have been going on and off without anyone doing it, things have been falling off shelves, doors opening and closing. My room has always been a few degrees colder than the rest of the house since then too. My parents just blamed everything that was happening on small tremors in the ground. Finally I got old enough for college and moved out. My parents moved into a small farm house and I never saw Justin again. Don't believe it? Come down here and you try spending a night in that old house!

This story was submitted by: Anonymous

The Ghostly Ship

when i was very small there was my brother myself and a cuple of my mates went out one nigth about 7 o clock. to the docks in middlesbrough england when we walked right near they little brige leading to the railway to where they ships use to dock to change there cargo.when we started to walk next to they brige we cudent belive what we where going to see.when we looked near the brige we seen a ghostly thing that looket like a pirate ship stood on the railway lines and it looked dead real. so myself went to see as i walked on the little brige to have a good look at it i could see every thing on board of it .but my mates started to stare and started to shout wheres some thing moveing on board as i looked it looked a bit like a pirate with a sword flooting toward me.then i stared to be frighted and started to run near my mates and my brother in witch i had to grag im away in witch we all run as fast as we can as we seen it chasing us down they road. as we run on my brother fell down a man hole and we all started sceaming and crying because it was getting very dark and we had to get my brother out of they hole as we got him out we stared to run strite back home where we seen ower mothers/fathers and told them what we had seen in fight but when they went down they couldet see a single thing

This story was submitted by: Daren

Weird Messages

this happened to my father once, he was seven when this happened before he was born his grand father died and one night he had a dream he was on a highway and a truck would come and ask if he needs a ride he said ok and this was an old man driving a truck and he would ask him questions like how are you and how is your brothers and sisters and he would answer these odd questions the dreams would happen repedatly and one he went whith his father to Odessa to see his grand mother. and he was just going though a bunch of pictures then stoped dead staring at one picture and asked his father who the man in the picture was he said thats your grand father. so he said ok and left and that was the man in his dreams but after that the dreams never happend again.

This story was submitted by: Shandi

Our Dream

when i was about 8 years old, my grampa was in the hospital dying of cancer. he was in the advanced stages and was now comatose. he was close enough to death everyone was preparing for the funeral.i was never very close with my grampa. he didn't live far away or anything, i was just young and kind of shy so i never really got to know him. which is what makes this occurence difficult for me to understand.... now, i have a best friend, courtney, who was the same age as me at the time grampa was in the hospital.she and i were and still are very close. courtney never met grampa and didn't see any pictures of him until sometime after he had died. now... the night grampa was expected to pass away was the same night i had previosly planned to have a sleep-over. my mom was called to go and stay with grampa (her dad) because they thought it'd be his last night. because of this, courtney couldn't stay over. that night dad tucked me in. i had a nightmare.i dreamed i got out of bed and walked into the livingroom and saw grampa sitting in a chair by the front door.he had 2 wires attached to him.the other end of the wires were outside the door. the wind blew and he came to life.he said"i love you. good-bye." i woke up very scared and looked at the clock. 3:00am i finally went back to sleep. later on that day ,courtney came over and told me she had this crazy dream that my grampa came to her house looking for me and that she led him to my front door. she said she woke up around 2:30am and couldn't get to sleep for some time. courtney described exactly what grampa looked like! to top it all mom came home that afternoon to tell us grampa died about 3:00 that morning!!

This story was submitted by: Anonymous

Haunted School

note:i am not sure if this story is true or not some people say that there is a ghost of a carpenter that haunts a school in the philippines.he died when he was hit in the head with a hollow brick and fell from the building.some children claimed to have found bones near the school.some girls say that they hear a voice in the 3rd floor bathroom.once a boy claimed to have seen a man fall down the building and disappeared.i myself had heard water running in the bathroom and nobody was there.some people think it is a hoax,some people belive,but nobody really knows.

This story was submitted by: Anonymous

Ghost Story

I'm 40 now, but when I was 17, I worked at a discount department store where other workers talked about ghostly activity after hours. My best friend was the assistant manager, and he said he had seen boxes fly off upper shelves, etc. I was sitting at his desk in the store room, asking him about the ghost. There were a bunch of rings-and-chains (the kind they use to lock expensive coats to the racks to prevent them from being stolen) hanging on a rack on the other side of the stock room, and they all just moved and rattled together like someone had grabbed them and shook them. My friend said, "Well, there he is." Then he waved his arm around through the air near us and said, "yes, he's right here". I put my arm out where my friend indicated, and that specific spot was really cold, with the air on either side a fine, warm room temperature. It was VERY wierd. My friend also mentioned that people whom the ghost didn't like wouldn't sit at his desk, because the ghost made it very uncomfortable for them to stay there. That whole building was torn down years ago, but they immediately built a grocery store in the same spot. I've always wanted to go in there and ask the people working there if they ever experience anything strange, but I've never had the nerve to do it.

This story was submitted by: Kay

Miss Kate

In the spring of 1992 I was living in shall we say an older aparrtment in Belleville Ill. It was great. Kind of 1930,s-40's building with the hard wood floors and lots of room and a view of the buisy main street three floors below. I worked, and still do, in a restaurant,sometimes late into the night. The other folks in the building were on average much older than I but it was like having a house full of aunts ,uncles and grandparents.I almost had an endless streem of fresh cookies and other baked goodies at my door all the time. All were friendly and life was good. I did note that no one wanted to talk about the person who lived in my apartment. So I didn't ask much about who or where he she was. Ok this is the part where I tell you a little about me. I love ghost stories- I have books and books about them and a big box of vhs tapes with hours of ghost and spookie things an them. And yes more than a few nights I've sleept with a lite on all night- just incase. This was not a bad dream from the attack of the dust bunny monsters. As I said I work in a resaurant. Easter had been a long long day for me and when I got home at 11:55pm After starting my day at 5:00am, well to bed I went, no tv or reading for me. It was April and a spring storm was closing in fast-the rain tapping at the window and on the roof put me to sleep quick. Some where just at dawnish shall we say something almost woke me. I was in that sweet state of more asleep than awake,and ofcourse "had to go " so ok I'm getting up and walking across the hall to the bathroom when she caught my eye. An old lady in a robe and house slippers was kind of there to my right in the hallway. Ok THIS WOKE ME UP! "Can I help you" I asked Like she was going to give me an order for a pizza or something. "I was looking to see who lived here now" she said... A strange time to check out the old homested But she looked harmless I thought. "How did you get in here ?" She did not answer my question but went on to say... "I lived here for 30 years and I came to be with my girl friend Pambula down stairs"... By now I needed to go to the bathroom and well I did by this time think I was just having a dream. This stuff just dose not happen. To make it short I checked arround after "going" and found no one but me in the flat. I went back to bed and fell fast asleep. A few hours latter in then grey of dawn and night the sound of a police raidio and flashing lights woke me up. I thought the cops had come to get the old girl as she had wondered into someone elses place in the wee hours of the dawn. But I was wrong. It was the nice old lady one floor down, the one who kept me in cookies and told me about her single grand daughter all the time-yes I was single at the time- she had passed away in the dawn. Latter that day the others in the apt. house told me of how old Miss Kate had lived in the apartment before me and how she would go to see her best friend Miss Pambula one floor down most often in a robe with slippers. I guess friendship IS forever and Miss Kate wanted to make sure her good and best friend in life had a dear one to welcome her to the next life. I'm sure they are happy to be with each other again, forever. *Note* I forgot to say in my first e-mail that Miss Kate had passed about 9 months before I moved into the place. Some may think I have seen too many monster flicks but this did happen to me. I do feel that love and friendship can cross the gulf between this life and the great beyond. I like your web site and thanks for letting tell you about my story

This story was submitted by: Michael

My Stories

hi my name is karen i have a few different stories i have been told i the past im not a total true believer in the ghost afterlife thing but i am very interested in what is out there i know there is something anyway the one that most sticks in my head is the story of my aunt . she had breast cancer and was getting really bad and she was at the point of being fed through a tube and my aunt brenda was taking care of her at the time well a few years before this i had another aunt who had lost a baby she would have been somewhere around 4 or 5 and anyways on with the story the aunt that had cancer was my aunt wanda she lived in a crickedy ole house that was spooky anyways but she liked it there and she was at the point to where she was so bad she didnt know much about what was goin on around her . well one morning she awoke screaming for my aunt brenda and when my aunt brenda came into the room she told her she was just visited by a little girl about 4-5 and this little girl told her everything was goin to be ok aand that it was time for her to come home this little girl st at the foot of her bed and told her this and she felt it was my little cousin that died telling her this now i dont know if she really knew who it was or not cause a week later my aunt wanda finally died from her cancer now take this story as you will but i am not sure what was really seen or he3ard was it her own imigination or was my cousin really there telling her it was ok to let go and not fight and suffer anymore i dont know so you be the judge

This story was submitted by: Karen

Wayne WV

one night this young couple were on their way to the hospital and the young womans water broke and they were going around this really curvey dirt road and they lost control of the car went over the hill and then it caught on fire. The young man was still alive he was trying to drag her out and she looked up at him and said just get me to the top of the hill and i will be alright well this happened about 1947 and there was no cars on this road this late at night and with the woman 9 months pregnant he tried and tried to drag her up to the top of the hill they got half way up and she was gone she passed on right there in his arms. Five years later the converted the road and black topped it and it all started the young man had to pass the place that changed his life forever everyday the morning the new road was opened he was driving by and he sees a woman with a baby in her arms he stopped and she asked him to take her to the top of the hill he said he knew exactly who it was but she did not remember him and the old man is still alive today and Mr. Jeffers still claims this to be true He said he took her to the top of the hill everyday and she would disapper and the only thing she would say to him was i need u to take me to the top and find my husband David Jeffers and tell him little Davey is home waiting on him....

This story was submitted by: Shelley


Ok this is not really scary but when I think back it was more stupid. About five years ago my cousin came to stay at my house live in a old house dating back roughly to the early 1900,s. My house feels contains a sense that your not alone. She told me about how she had done a quija board recently and how she was now felt that this spirit was following her. She told me how her and her friends had made a quija board and then as they were doing it a glass flew out of her kitchen cupboard and smashed to pieces>scared and shook up they stopped the game and each went home except my cousin who well had to stay alone with the ghost she had just woke up. The following weeks were hell for her and she suffered restless nights and broken mirrors etc as the ghost followed her around and made her life misery. Not being able to tell her mother as well it sounded a bit bizarre she sought other help. So naturally she came to me to ask for help and advice (I have been a Fan and novice reader plus I have a little gift), When she arrived I said to her that whoever this guy was he was sitting beside her and obviously a bit angry this was indicated by the fact (a) I would not sit beside her and (b) there was a cold spot where she was sitting and finally a sense of unease had just entered my house. ThAt day I have never felt so unwell and wanted to know had she left the quija board properly like I had told her. The answer was no and that night I decide I would do my best to get rid of him. Before she told me more I described the ghost and wrote down a name I was right this I will explain later. That night we, that being my sister, my cousin and I sat down to do another quija board hopefully first to get contact with the spirit in my house whom had informed us from previous quija sessions that his name was Andrew. Andrew arrived briefly and told us to be very careful as this other spirit meant no good and would turn nasty if provoked. Andrew left and then Ben arrived .We all knew he had come when there was a chill in the room. He was a nasty spirit and declared what he would do to my cousin and how he would kill her in the most horrible ways, he also said he did not want me there as he did not like so I left asking my sister and cousin to find out what he looked like then got all my crystals I had downstairs and some mugworth and holywater and came back up. My sister looked at me and said I was right about how I had described him, my cousin was terrified. So book in hand I decided to get rid of him put the crystals around the board and holy water on it and then the bible and told him to leave my cousin or every time he came back he would be cast out by me. He left well so I thought .My friend Anne Marie came to me saying there was a man following her an evil man and he crept into her dreams .It was Ben and again I did my best and he turned up in another house then back again to Anne Marie whom he pestered constantly moving and breaking things. I told her then to ignore him and tried for the last time to get rid of him and it worked. However that took three years to do and all the time my friends were harassed and scared since then I have never done a quija board but I know Andrew is still here he still opens the doors at night as if he is watching over us all in my house. MY cousin is fine as are friends but none of them have done a quija board since as well you cant be sure what you l get.

This story was submitted by: Ivyrogue

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