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Your Stories

My Dear Laura

Hello, My name is Hollee, and my girlfriends name is Laura. I am now 22, and I have seen and also heard several ghosts before. One ghost that I know for a fact, was my girl friend Laura. When I was only 12 years old, she past away with cancer. I was there in the hospital room when she died. I felt her spirit leave me. We were so close, are blood type even matched. About 7 years later when I was about 18 years old, I was laying in my bed... trying to get some rest, from a long hard day at work and also school. I heard slamming doors from the kitchen. At that time my parents were away on there Vacation, that they have to take every year. I got out of bed, to see if it was just my parents, and if they got out of there plane early, or if it was something more then that. and of course it was. I walked closer to the kitchen, where it remained to have slamming door noises. I seen my best friend Laura in her hospital clothes in front of me. My reaction was very bad. I screamed at her, and told her to go away.... you are not apart of me anymore, I dont need to bring you back into my life, it was tragic when you left everyone, and I dont think I could every get over the past! She just looked at me, with glare in her eyes. and came towards me and patted me on the shoulder, but her hand went right threw my shoulder. I shivered and backed away, I felt like I was in a ice cube, or even made of one. I told her I was sorry, and to forgive me. She just nodded her head, about 5 or 10 times. I was getting so creeped out, I told her that I loved her, and that I know even though you are gone, we will be friends til the end. Then she disapeared. I walked into my room, and fell straight to sleep. Till this day I still hear slamming doors, and my name being called out. But it doesnt scare me anymore. I talk to her sometimes. but I feel like I am talking to thin air, but I know she is standing next to me.

This story was submitted by: Anonymous

Ghost Story

I have a ton of totally weird stuff that has happened to myself and my family. But this is the most touching one. In July 1997, I was pregnant with my fourth child. I had been having a overwhelming feeling all during my pregnancy that something was terribly wrong with the baby. I thought it was just a case of pregnancy paranoia, but as my due date got closer the feeling became more intense, almost debilitating. My due date was July 30th, and on July 1st my doctor performed an ultrasound because he thought the baby might be breech. During the ultrasound he told myself and my husband that the baby was in the correct position, that the baby was a girl, perfectly healthy, over 7 pounds. I walked away from the office feeling elated that nothing was wrong. But on the 17th of July I was terrified again. I just knew something was very wrong and that the baby was in danger. As I lay in bed that night, I did something that most people I've told this to thought was just plain crazy. I began talking with my great grandmother who had passed away in 1992. I felt like she was right there in the room with me. I didn't actually see her, but felt her presence so strongly. We had been very close up until she was placed in a nursing home too far for me to travel and see her. Anyhow, I told her, "Granny, I know something is going wrong with the baby. Please if there is something wrong will you see her through the delivery?" I got no response, but felt very peaceful. The next day I awoke normally, but by 3 o'clock I was in terrible pain. My husband took me to the hospital where I was hooked up to various monitors. I was contracting, but the doctor on duty was getting ready to send me home as a case of false labor. My doctor's partner happened to be there and she took a look at the readings from the monitors. She took my husband aside and told him that she would like to deliver the baby as soon as possible, because the baby was in distress.... her heart rate was dropping dramatically with each contraction. They gave me Pitocin to speed things up, gave me an epidural and at 5:03AM on July 19th my daughter was born. But here's the touching part. She was born with a knot in her umbilical cord. It had been there for some time and she had literally been starving to death inside of me. She weighed only 5 pounds and was as skinny as a rail. She has grown into a lovely 4-year-old today. To this day I credit my dearly departed Granny with her being alive. I named my daughter after her, and she is almost identical in looks to my Granny when she was a child. Every time I hear her laugh or smile, I can see my Granny. She has my Granny's beautiful red hair and striking blue eyes. I know that this is proof that our loved ones truly do watch over us after death. I am eternally grateful.

This story was submitted by: Rachael

Heaven Angel

Hello, my name is Hollee, I have another amazing story that happened to me. When I was a little girl, probally 7 or 9... I believed in Ghosts and spirts. When my parents, nor brothers were home I would grab every single candle in my household, and light them up in my room. I tried to communicate with my grandfather that died in a fire when I was a baby. I heardly remember him, I have to look at pictures to remind me. My mother would always tell me that when I was a little baby he called me his Heaven Angel. My mother said that the name Hollee ment heaven to him. One night when I got upset at my parents, for omost getting a divorce...I was going to run away because I was so angry. All of a sudden a heard someone whisper "My Heaven Angel". I turned around and to see a shadow of my grandfather standing there. At first I had no idea, who he was. because I didnt get to see him...before he died. Because I was only little. Then I looked over at a picture I had of my grandfather and me together. He was holding me, and tucked me in to his arms. He was standing right by the picture. He said never tell anyone that you seen me, and also that it would be alright. and then he held his arms out, so he could tuck me into his arms. But when I ran up to him, he disapeared, out of thin air! I screamed come back... and my parents came in and said what is the matter? I lied to them, and said I am upset about the divorce, even though I really was. All of a sudden a glare came between my parents and I, and they told me they would never get a divorce, and be together for as long as they lived. Till this day the remand married, and happy!

This story was submitted by: Anonoymous

Friday the 13th

I used to not believe in ghosts but about 7 years ago on friday the 13th my friends were looking for something spooky to do and they knew of a couple of haunted placed to go. I really didnt want to go because even though I was a skeptic I was really spooked by the placed they wanted to go to. Nevertheless we piled into our friends Bronco and headed out to a house at the end of a street where there is a bridge but the bridge is out. The story is that there was a family of a Husband, Wife and twin boys and the Husband went nuts, hung his twin boys and then shot the wife and then himself, and where the bridge comes into play is that the two boys were hung from a tree right next to the bridge. Now fast forward to that present time, the bridge needed rebuilding and NO ONE would continue construcition on it because the workers kept seeing two apparations of little boys and hearing screams coming from the haunted house(which has been abandoned for YEARS). So, when we came upon the street that was the dead end leading to the house and bridge, it was winter time we had been driving for about 25 minutes and the heat was BLASTING and it was very warm and cozy in the truck. The INSTANT we turned onto the street it became ICE COLD in the truck and thats about the time when i started to beg them to turn around but unfortunatley i was with 3 adventurous guys. When we got to the end of the road he did a U-turn so we could just take off and then he turned off the truck, we sat for about 10 minutes deciding if we wanted to get out and check the inside of the house(which by the way i was in hysterics by this time because i was so frightened) so we decided not to get out and to go to another haunted house instead, but when the driver went to start the truck it WOULD NOT start!! This is a true story, I have never had anything like this happen to me before and I can tell you that as much as I am interested in paranormal activity I dont think I could ever withstand such an experience again.

This story was submitted by: Cassie

Haunted Apartment

Ok, this is a short story that happened to me when my mom and I lived in an Apt. in Albertville, Alabama. My cousin and I were upstairs playing in the window (it had like a platform where u could sit in the window) anyway we saw my mom's dog sitting outside. ok well my mom had locked all of the doors where nobody could get in or out. She yelled up at us and said "FIONA! who let the dog out?" i walked to the stairs and looked down at my mom. "We didn't we thought you did," my cousin said. My mom looked up at us horrified. "Well i locked the doors!" she said. "One of you had to have let her out." my cousin and I looked at each other. We walked down the stairs and saw the lock was still locked and the bolt was still bolted... We moved out because of something else that happened to us in that house but another story

This story was submitted by: Fiona


i was 14 years old i got into some trouble at home so i went to go spend a few nights over at my friends house, well he was into witchcraft and all that... i had no problem with it as long as it wasn't around me ... the first night i woke up at 3:34 am and noticed something crouching on my friends chest while he was asleep. i thought i was just seeing things or half asleep...after my eyes accustomed to the dark i noticed it was the most hideous demon looking thing ive ever seen...bits of flesh ripped off its little bony body. long stringy hair and fingernails. it was looking over my friends chest...i couldn't say a word all i could do was sit in the corner and watch what was going on till morning. the next night same thing ...i woke up at the same time to see the same apparition sitting on his chest. I was still unable to say a word till morning. i finally told my friend what i had witnessed the past 2 nights he believed me wholeheartedly ... the last night i was there he stayed up to see if he could see it ...but he finally passed out. soon after that i fell asleep also. woke up at the same time and saw the same apparition crouching on my chest i stayed motionless and speechless ...even though at the time i was atheist my mom was Christian and i remembered hearing stories that she would tell me, being able to rebuke them in the name of god so i did, it vanished. i went home the next day... but i kept hearing stories of the different occurrences witnessed by my friend, shortly after i stayed there they moved turns out that the spot that the house was built on was a old 18th century cemetery....this all happened 4 years ago after my friend lived there the house stayed vacant till last month when it was torn down.

This story was submitted by: Chris

A Spiritual Event

I'm not sure if this is a ghost story as much as a spiritual event. My teacher's mother-in-law was at a shrine somewhere, when she saw a beautiful rainbow. She grabbed her camera, and took many pictures of it. When she got back, and got her pictures developed, she noticed that one of the pictures clearly shows a man, in a robe, with long hair, and a hole in each hand, and foot. She was sure that this was Jesus, as she is very religous. She ran to the shirt she was wearing that day, and grabbed her rosary to pray. She looked down at it, and saw that it was golden.

This story was submitted by: Matthew


I came across your site, and I can say, that I have had many of the same experiances as some people. We have knocking from our basement door lots, and when you open it up, you can hear footsteps running quickly down the stairs, but if you look for the source, it is no where to be found. We have mysterious lights outside our house, and we didn't know what they were, until one day an oil company came over, and started drilling. After drilling for about 2 mins. they told us they had uncovered the foundation of a very old house. The lights, we noticed were in the same spot as the house. After the house was uncovered, the lights stopped. I have many stories, and I think I may bore you with all of them, but I will try and make them short. Our furnace will start up in summer, even though we dissconect it. Recently, we have discovered a very small door, mabye 5 inches high, by 5 inches wide in our basement, leading towards the east. We then disscovered that the tunnle lead to an undergroung chamer, where there had once been a mass burial. We haven't opened the door since, but our priest fears we have let out ancient evil spirits. I am obsessed with matchboxes, and I never knew why. A couple of years ago, my grandmother told me why. (I don't have parents, they were killed in a fire) She said that when I was about 3, I spoke of a black man (not black skin color, but black color all over) and he would sometimes show me a matchbox. No one else had ever seen him. One day I saw him with a matchbox, and told my mom, and she didn't belive me. Only minutes later our house was engulfed in flames. My dad got me out of the house, and went back for my mother, but they were both killed in the fire. After the fire was put out, and we were rummaging through the ashes, we found a perfectly good matchbox, without burn marks sitting on our charred couch. I have many more, but I'll stop now.

This story was submitted by: Matthew

The Chain Link

I was at home with my younger brother one afternoon. We were sitting on the sofa in the den, watching t.v., when we heard a jingling sound. I thought it was just the chime outside the house so I paid no mind. Then I heard it again. This time I thought it was my dog Mr. Fudd, because sometimes he jumps up and hits the chime, I went outside to see. It wasn't him he was in his doghouse. Again I heard the sound while I was standing outside. There was not breeze and the chime was motionless. When I walked back into the house I noticed three chain links on the floor. They were from a jacket my uncle used to wear. I knew this because I was in the cellar the day before cleaning up. I went up stairs into the cellar, picked up the coat and saw that three chain links had been ripped from the sleeves!

This story was submitted by: Cliff

My Spooky Story

im louise and im gonna tell you about a ghost called sol. it's not a person, it's a horse! see i have my own horse and my my mum drops me and my mate at the farm every day. it was a nice, sunny afternoon but tragic for my friend tracy as she had lost one of her horses 4 days ago. he had broken his leg and had to be shot. anyway. I glanced around the fields, looking at the horses. we were waiting for my mum to pick us up but as she pulled up she got out the car and said "that horse shouldn't be in that field." My friend and i looked to see a dark chestnut horse with a white blaze. it looked real, solid but it couldn't be! SOL! It had vanished by the time we got to the field and to this day when im down the farm i can still here him whining in the distance and every year, on my friend's birthday you see him in the field and people have said that at night they hear him neagh from his stable. I can tell you now all this is true! if you believe or not! i've seen it with my eyes!

This story was submitted by: Louise

~More Stories~

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