Harold Camping and Family Radio false teachings.

The questions I want to deal with is Harold Camping of Family Radio speaking the truth? Do he represent the same Christian perverted theology he claims to be outside of? Regardless that Camping has left the traditional Christian churches, he still retains a lot of its teachings that had come from an altered, corrupted bible. I notice that Camping says that whatever a person wants to present some teaching, it has to come directly from the Christian bible. Given that I have shown that the Christian bible had been altered and corrupted from the truth, in many of its passages, what good is it to refer to it? If one reads from an altered and corrupted bible, one can only expect to get an altered and corrupted reading.What an idiotic statement Camping is making to refer to a book that had been greatly altered and corrupted from the original teachings, by those early Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox church fathers. I notice that despite the fact that Camping has left the church, he still bases much of his teachings upon John Calvin's theology. John Calvin was a French Protestant theologian during the 15th Century CE Protestant Reformation movement, and was a central developer of the system of predestination theology called Calvinism or Reformed theology. John Calvin did a lot of preaching on predestination theology which Camping adheres to. John Calvin taught and preached that all of humanity, including himself, was utterly wicked and perverted and there was nothing redeemable in them. That the Christian God, Je-Zeus Christ had died only for predestinated saved individuals. But Yeshua proclaimed that GOD was not willing for any to perish. Yeshua revealed that he came to save sinners, not only to save some certain predestinated individuals. How can Calvin reconcile GOD's desire for all people to have the ability to repent and be saved, if Calvin believed that only predestinated individuals can have salvation? Calvin also taught that people could not be saved by adding works to their faith. But GOD will judge individuals by their works. Calvin makes no sense at all. Calvin studied the writings of the Catholic Bishop of Hippo and Augustine. He continually praised Augustine’s work with numerous references and quotations. Calvin was also a tyrant, who had people killed for disagreeing with his heresy. During Calvin's time in Geneva, some people were burned alive, while others were quartered, tortured and decapitated for denouncing Calvin's teachings. So many people today are naive of such facts. John Calvin died in Geneva on May 27, 1564. He was buried in the Cimetière des Rois under a tombstone marked simply with the initials "J.C.". While Reformers such as John Huss and Martin Luther may be seen as somewhat original thinkers that began the Protestant movement, Calvin was a logician and systematizer of that movement, but not an innovator in doctrine. Calvin was very familiar with the writings of the early Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Christian Church Fathers and the great Medieval schoolmen, and other earlier Reformers. Calvin did not reject the Scholastics of the Middle Ages outright, but rather made use of them and reformed their thoughts in accordance with his understanding of his Christian, apostate, corrupted bible. Camping claims that the entire Christian bible is a law book. That is kind of stretching the meaning, which is Camping's opinion he has interpreted for himself. Camping bases his predestination theology based upon two or three verses he has picked out to back up this theology from his perverted, apostate Christian bible which had been greatly altered and corrupted. He rejects all the rest of the verses found in that same bible which speak about having to seek GOD in order to be saved from eternal death, which is the second death. Camping does not believe that humanity has the free will to choose to seek GOD in order to be saved from damnation and eternal death. According to Camping, you have no choice in the matter. Either a person is predestined to be saved or not is what Camping believes. Camping claims throughout his preaching that no one can do anything to be saved. I notice that Camping makes reference to the story where GOD was going to destroy Nineveh because of the peoples sinful nature. So what do the King and people of Nineveh do? They repented and GOD did not destroy the city and its entire people. The people had taken an action in order to be saved. That contradicts Camping's entire Calvinism doctrine that one cannot do anything to be saved. Had the people not taken any action and had not repented and change their ways, GOD would have destroyed the city and people of Nineveh. But Camping is too stupid to notice that. Camping tells people to study the perverted, apostate Christian bible in the event that they may be one of those people who has been predestined to be saved. Camping accuses people who do not adhere to his particular predestination theology, he accuses those people are not reading the entire bible, something which Camping also fails to do in order to get many false interpretation of verses which he is reading from. Is Camping speaking the truth, or do he represent the same Christian perverted theology he claims to be outside of, will be made quite obvious to the reader who may read this web page. Harold Camping is telling people that his ministry is being guided by the Holy Spirit. That statement is a boldface lie, he is being guided by what he had been taught by his Christian religion with the same phony, man-made Baal Je-Zeus Christ god, Camping's teaching is contrary to what the Holy Spirit is saying. It may interest you to know that this is not the first time Harold Camping has promoted his teachings based upon his apostate, perverted, paganized Christian bible and his own personal opinion, a do-it-yourself interpretation of scripture he falsely claims to be of sound biblical exegesis. An example of this is found when there is a contradiction in the gospel rendition of the two "robbers" also who were crucified with Je-Zeus Christ. In fact, they were two freedom fighters which Rome was crucifying. They do not crucify a person just for stealing. In Mark 15: 27, it just states; "And with him they crucified two thieves; the one on his right hand, and the other on his left". In Matthew 27:44 The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast (on Je-Zeus Christ) the same in his teeth (reproach). But notice in Luke 23:39 where it is in contradiction with Matthew, it reads..."And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed (insulted) on him (Je-Zeus Christ), saying, "If thou be Christ, save yourself and us!". But in this version, the other malefactor rebuked the other one, saying, "Dost not thou fear God, seeing you thou art in the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward for our deeds, but this man hath done nothing wrong". 42 He said onto Jesus, "Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom". 43 Jesus said onto him, "Verily I say onto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise". So what do Camping do with this obvious contradiction? Well Camping just will not accept any kind of contradiction in his infallible, inerrant Christian Bible. So, he tells people that the thief or malefactor must have changed his mind, and reproached the other thief. This way, there is no contradiction in the infallible, inerrant Christian Bible. What this really amounts to is Camping's do-it-yourself gospel, which he accuses others are doing. Then in 1992, during Camping's meticulous calculations, he claims that he had derived from his Christian Bible, something very significant would happen in 1994 because it was a Jubalee year,which led him to believe that the end of the world would come in that year. A Jubalee year falls ever fifty year, so that in of itself is not significant, as Camping makes it out to be. So what was the major events in 1994 that was so significant? Well; Nelson Mandela became the President of South Africa. NATO Shoots Down a Serb Plane. Civil War broke out in Chechniya. Republicans win control of Congress. For the 1994 Nobel Prize; In Chemistry, GEORGE A.OLAH,(in Budapest,Hungary) had received the Nobel Prize for his contribution to carbocation chemistry. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to: YASSER ARAFAT, Chairman and President of the terrorist PLO, SHIMON PERES who was then the Foreign Minister of Israel, and YITZHAK RABIN, who was then the Prime Minister of Israel, for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East, which by the way, did not materialize. See anything here that would lead anyone to believe that the end of the world would come to an end in that year? NO! But this stupid man, that idiot, had published a book during the early part of 1992 CE, titled "1994?" In this book, Harold Camping made the claim that the world would come to an end during the month of September, of 1994. That the fictitious pagan Christian god, Je-Zeus Christ, which he preaches about would return to planet Earth, judge the world, and then destroy the entire world and the universe. Camping made all these bold statements based upon his ability to diligently study his Christian bible, the same Christian bible which had been greatly corrupted, altered and perverted, I might add. When 1994 came and went, his fictitious god had not returned, nor did the world come to an end, nor had the universe cease to exist, Camping was obviously found to be wrong on all of his bold claims. Oh; Camping quickly came up with some flimsy excuse for being wrong and now claims that everything he had said, will now happen in the year of 2011 CE. Camping now claims that the rapture will occur in May of 2011 and in the month of September, the world and the entire universe will come to an end. It will evaporate into a flaming ball. Camping guarantees this will come as he is claiming according to his stupid interpretation on what he reads from his apostate, corrupted Christian bible. Camping's guarantees has about as much value as that coming from a shyster. He also claims that when the "Elect" will hear his message, they will take it seriously. I can tell Camping that the "Elect" do not take Camping seriously, given the fact that Camping is making his wild assertions from his Christian bible which had its text been greatly altered and is therefore greatly flawed. Camping's claim that the rapture and the end of the world will occur in 2011 CE, is not only flawed as his Christian bible, it is totally wrong. He is in error. After May and Sept of 2011, Camping, along with the people who had trusted him with his phony "guarantee", will be standing with mud on their faces and be the laughing stock by those who had heard Camping’s preaching after that date has passed and the "rapture" and the "end of the world" had not occurred. Those poor gullible people who had believed Camping, will look pretty stupid in the eyes of their acquaintances, people in their work place, and to their own family members. I will have a great deal more to say about that idiot, Harold Camping, that perverter of the truth, when the year 2011 CE has come and gone and his fictitious pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ, will have failed to show up, once again, or their rapture had not occured and the world had not come to an end, nor had the entire universe been destroyed. But for now, I will try, as concisely as possible, to tell you why I disagree with Harold Camping's fraudulent teaching in which a great many people have naively come to believe in his perverted teaching. It is interesting that Camping often states not to trust anything he says, but trust the bible, the same Christian bible which had been corrupted. A person would have to be pretty stupid to trust anything which had been altered and corrupted, like the Christian Bible. I can point out dozens of text in the Old and New Testament where the text had been deliberitly altered to reflect the Christian pagan dogma. I can prove this if Camping ever find the guts to debate with me at a public secular foarm dealing with the contents of the Christian bible and of Christianity. Camping is always saying that the Christian bible, the King James 1611 authorized version, is a God-guided faithful translation. That the Christian bible is the "Infallible" Word of GOD, which was "Preserved Faithfully" so that you can trust it. All of Camping claims are false. I will give here just one example of how wrong Canping is, and at the same time show how ignorant and stupid Camping really is. In the first place, the scholars who were authorized by King James to translate the Bible into English did not use the original Hebrew texts. The claim that the King James Bible was translated from the original Hebrew texts is a Protestant lie which can be easily proven. The King James bible was translated from Greek, and the Latin Vulgate and then to all the Western translations made from them. Which contained the errors, alteration and insertion of text made during the translations. The Catholic Vulgate, which was a Christian bible was produced largely by Jerome in the fourth century CE. Jerome had deliberately mistranslated and altered many passages from the first-second century texts. Some Protestant scholars and preachers have gone to great lengths, who have even writing whole books, to attempt to prove that the New Testament was originally written and translated from Hebrew text. The Old Testament in the Christian bible might have been translated from some Hebrew text, though it would have been made at a much later date. James I of England had the Christian bible translated which in 1611 CE, which became known as the King James Bible. The only translated part from any Hebrew text would have been the Old Testament portion of the bible. By the 16th Century, it is possible that there were Old Testament copies written in Hebrew. There were no New Testament copies written in Hebrew, not even in 1611 CE. There were only Greek or Latin copies of the Christian bible during the sixteenth century. Even there, I had found many passages that had been deliberately altered from the Hebrew text to conform with Christian theology when passages referred to their Je-Zeus Christ being God. Sadly, those arguments coming from Camping or other Protestant preachers who make the claim that the New Testament was originally written and translated from Hebrew text, show their ignorance and often involve carefully selected quotes from obscure sources and from modern speculative works. Modern writers often quote each other to produce an argument but it is without substance. Any study of this subject at any public library will confirm that there was no original Hebrew New Testament text to translate from. No amount of personal opinion or wishful speculation will change that fact. One word that was inserted in the Christian Old Testament, is the word "Lucifer". In the Christian Old Testament, Lucifer makes his appearance in Isaiah 14;12 which reads.. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! The first problem is that Lucifer is a Latin name. So how did it find its way into a Hebrew manuscript, written before there was a Roman language? In the original Hebrew text, the words "Helal, son of Shahar", which can best be translated as Day star, son of the Dawn, was not refering to any fallen angel, but about a fallen Babylonian king, who during his lifetime had persecuted the children of Israel. It do not refer to Satan, either by name or reference. One of the early Christian scribes, most possibly by Jerome, had translated the Hebrew text into the Latin tongue used by the roman Catholic Church, and had decided for themselves that they wanted the story to refer to the fallen angels, as mentioned in the original first chapters of the Hebrew text, to whom they gave the name "Lucifer". Why Lucifer? In Roman astronomy, Lucifer was the name given to the morning star, (the star we now know by another Roman name, Venus). The morning star appears in the heavens just before dawn, heralding the rising sun. The name derives from the Latin term lucem ferre, "bringer, or bearer of light. In the Hebrew text the expression used to describe the Babylonian king before his death is Helal, son of Shahar. The name evokes the golden glitter of a proud king's dress and of his court. It is quite obvious that Jerome had mistranslated the Hebraic metaphor, "Helal, son of Shahar" (Day star, son of the Dawn), as "Lucifer", and over the centuries, Lucifer became the morning star, and became a disobedient angel, cast out of heaven to rule eternally in hell. Theologians, writers, and poets would later interwove the myth with the doctrine of the Fall, and in Christian tradition, Lucifer became Satan, the Devil, and ironically, the Prince of Darkness. Lucifer is nothing more than an ancient Latin name for the morning star, the bringer of light. That can be confusing for Christians who identify their Je-Zeus Christ as the morning star, a term used as a central theme in many Christian sermons. In the New Testament, a text was inserted by some early Christian "church" fathers where Je-Zeus Christ refers to himself as the morning star in Revelation 22:16: "I Je-Zeus Christ have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. So people who read the King James version of the Bible, believe that Lucifer is Satan, so says the "Word of God", according to Camping, then if Je-Zeus Christ is the morning star, he also must be Lucifer or Satan and the Prince of Darkness. I have no doubt that this revelation will anger most fundamentalist Christians. Camping often refers to the Jonah and Nineveh story when he is referring to the end of days. He say's that during that time, people will not repent of their sins which will bring the Wrath of GOD upon humanity. Camping is one such person within Christianity, who continues to preach that damnable Christian heresy, that fictitious, pagan, man-made god, Je-Zeus Christ, and repents not of it. If people who listen to Camping or for that matter, to any of those "Christian" ministries, had any good sense, they would flee from these perverted ministries, least they be damned by GOD as Camping and his ministry already is. Harold Camping speaks a lot about following the "Word of GOD". Exactly what "Word of GOD" is Camping speaking about? The so-called "word of god" which is found written in that Christian bible which had been corrupted by the Roman Catholic church? The Christian bible which had its text been altered and is full of errors? People who teach from the Christian bible, who are claiming that GOD is the sole author of that book, that statement is greatly flawed, as is their Christian bible. While a great deal of the text found in the Christian Bible had originally come from GOD, there are also many text therein which came from the imagination of man. First, I will tackle the Christian Bible. Many Christian preachers falsely believe that every passage, every word that is written in the Christian Bible is the inerrant "Word of GOD". That belief is very erroneous. Just as erroneous as their belief that the Je-Zeus Christ which Christians read in the pages of the New Testament, claiming to be GOD, is false. The two books that make up the Christian Bible (Old and New Testament) which all Christian preachers claim that its text had been copied with great accuracy from the original works is not only false, it is a blatant lie. In the first place, I have found a great many passages in the Old Testament in the Christian Bible where the text had been greatly altered from what is actually written in the Hebrew Scriptures. Most of these altered text in the Christian Bible is found when making reference to the fictitious pagan Christian god, Je-Zeus Christ. Those verses found in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible had been manipulated, misquoted, taken out of context, mistranslated, and even invented, from what is actually written in the Hebrew Scriptures, in order to make the Old Testament in the Christian Bible appear as though it is speaking about that phoney Je-Zeus Christ. In the New Testament of the Christian Bible, I have found many errors, contradictions, text that is in complete confusion to actual historical events and actual false statements. Given these known facts which I can easily prove, one has to ask the question; Can the Christian Bible be trusted? The only truthful answer to that question is NO! This is the reason why no Christian preacher will challenge what I say here. Frankly, these Christian preachers have not one leg to stand on when we compare scripture from the Old Testament in the Hebrew Bible, to what is written in the Old Testament in the Christian Bible. But these same Christian preachers will go on and perpetuate their Christian lie to those people that are so gullible because they are completely ignorant, and lack the ability to discern between what is genuine from what had been Bible-tampering. Even the Hebrew Bible, called the Tanakh, I found there are elements within it which contain myths taken from pagan sources, to some phony and actual historical events. To text where GOD had dealt directly with people, and some that were just made up. To those whom GOD had anointed, and other passages written by the imagination of the writers mind. This is the reason why you will find many errors, contradictions, confusion, falsehoods and ambiguous meanings within its text. Reading from that Christian bible will no doubt give a corrupt understanding of the real person of Yeshua. The early Christian "church" fathers, Roman Catholic and Greek Orthrodox had Christianized all of the text which would eventually be in the New Testament. It is a well known fact that Camping rejects the historical facts that it was people from within the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthrodox churches who were the pagan Christians during the forth century, who had put documents together which became known as the New Testament. It was the same kind of man-made process which was used to make the selection of documents that would determined what books would be in the Protestant version of the Christian bible. Camping has the crazy idea that the "Bible" had dropped down, fully intact, directly from Heaven. It is clear that Camping has turned a blind eye to any kind of reality. Would any sane person believe a man who cannot make the clear distinction between fiction and reality? Only an irrational person would reject, would turn a blind eye to what is reality. Camping is one such person who denies actual historical facts. Camping also believes that the entire universe was created six thousand years ago because it say's so in his bible, despite all the known evidence which points to a far greater span of time. Camping once again show how he turns a blind eye to reality. Is that the so-called "word of god" Camping is speaking about that is far removed from reality? I ask only one question, can Camping prove to you without a shadow of a doubt that the Christian Bible is indeed the "word of GOD" as he claims it to be? The answer to that question is no! Camping can not prove to anyone that what is written in the Christian bible is indeed the uncorrupted, infallible "Word of GOD". That so-called "word of god" which Camping is always referring to is from a book which has already been proven to have been greatly altered and perverted with a message of a phony god/gods and is therefore greatly deficient in what is really the true "Word of GOD". The so-called "word of god" of the Christian bible in which this stupid man keeps harping about, is not the infallible "Word of GOD" as he claims it to be. Have I not shown you how deficient the Christian bible is throughout this web site? Camping in greatly mistaken to hinge his beliefs on that perverted Christian bible in which Camping's beliefs system is reflected upon. Reflected upon a book which had been greatly altered and corrupted by the hands of man. By the hands of Catholic monks and bishops. And this is what Camping wants you to place your entire faith upon? To place your entire faith upon a book which is greatly deficient because it had been altered and corrupted by the hands of man? I have clearly proven that is the case. You will also notice when you have been acquainted with his method of preaching that Camping will stress over and over again to only refer to the "Christian bible" to get information concerning the bible and the works written within it. By stressing to refer only to the Christian bible, Camping feels he is on safe ground as long as people do not look elsewhere for biblical information and find out how much of the Christian bible had been altered and corrupted. Camping is deceiving people by his teachings. Camping is afraid that if people should go to other sources to get some information on the developement of the Christian "bible", people will find out how much the Christian bible is flawed and had been greatly altered and had diverted from the original teachings of the real person of Yeshua, whom the pagan Christians had used as a model in the making of their fictitious pagan man-god, Je-Zeus Christ. Camping is clever and sly enough to know that people would find out that the Christian bible is greatly flawed because it had been altered and perverted to reflect the religious teachings of the pagans Baal worshiping theology. This is they reason Camping insist to only refer to the Christian Bible which had been greatly altered and corrupted to prove his point. Camping refuses to have a debate with me on just that subject. Harold Camping also claims to employ a so-called "Spiritual" allegorical method of interpreting his perverted Christian bible. He claims that those people who do not agree or follow his interpretation of scripture, those people are not reading the "entire" bible and are following their own preconceived ideas. Camping seems to imply by this statement that he is the only one who reads the entire Christian bible in order to understand the meaning of verses within a book which I have pointed out is greatly flawed. Notice when Camping speaks about a great multitude of people who are going to be saved, during his prediction of the end of the world in the year 2011 CE, he will readily quote Revelation 7; 9 to support his claim. Revelation 7; 9 reads like this.."After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude, which no man could number, out of every nation and of all tribes, peoples, and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands". These are people who had been saved belong to the true GOD of Heaven, not to that fictitious Christian Baal god they claim is Je-Zeus Christ! Now, what about those verses which speak about many are called, but few are chosen? Verses like Matthew 22:14 "For many are called, but few chosen." Verse like Luke 13:23-27. 23; "One said to him, "Lord, are they few who are saved?" He said to them, 24; "Strive to enter in by the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will seek to enter in, and will not be able."

Once the master of the house has risen up, and has shut the door, and these pagan Christians find themselves standing outside, and are knocking at the door, saying, 'lord, lord, open to us!' Yeshua will answer and tell them, 'I don't know you or where you come from.' Then these Christians will say, 'We preached to people about the salvation of Je-Zeus Christ. And Yeshua will say to them, 'I tell you, I don't know where you come from. Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity!'

Let Camping tell you why those verses do not contradict the great multitude of "Christian" people Camping claims will be saved between now and the end of the world in 2011 CE as he boldly claims. I am sure he will come up with some lame excuse, as is his custom. This is Camping's way of deceiving people to support his faulty do-it-yourself interpretation of scripture. Camping takes one verse in Revelation 7; 9 out of context and conveniently forgets all the other verses in the "bible" about only a few will make it and be saved. Oh; In this case Camping will not mention those kind of verses when it suites him when he speaks about the great multitude of "Christian" people that will be saved by 2011, according to Camping's brilliant but greatly flawed prediction. Camping had put down every other ministry, by saying that they preach a do-it-yourself gospel and that he was the only one who was interpreting the bible correctly. Hogwash! This jerk is just as guilty and is doing exactly what he is accusing others of doing. I have heard on many occations Camping makes the claim that his Je-Zeus Christ is Gabrial, the Arch-Angel. Camping is repeating what the Mormans teaches about Je-Zeus Christ being the arch-angel Gabrial. It seems that Camping is using his own preconceived ideas, his own type of do-it-yourself gospel with his "Spiritual" allegorical methods. We can seeby this example that any scripture passage quoted by Camping is purely subjective, subject to the mind and imagination of this lying person. Camping claims that you need to have his so-called "Spiritual" allegorical method in order to interpret scripture correctly. Well; Camping's Spiritual allegorical method has led him down the same wrong path in his understanding of scripture from what is the true "Word of GOD". Camping will pull out and quote verses which will support his so-called "spiritual" allegorical method of interpretation and exclude those verses which will not support what he is preaching. Camping is doing exactly the same thing as his fellow Christian preachers are doing with their do-it-yourself gospel. Camping also made the claim that you need to know his so-called special "Spiritual" allegorical method in order to understand what the bible is saying. This "Spiritual" allegorical method Camping uses, allows him to minuplate the way he wants to intrepret scritures which amounts to giving his own opinion, rather than what the text is really saying. I notice how Camping manages to take verses way out of context when he explains verses to his audience. Take for example how he takes Chapter 22; verses 18-19 in the Book of Revelation that is at the end of the chapter which reads; 18  "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19;  And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book". This passage refers spicificlly to the book of Revelation, not to the entire bible, as Camping manages to take this passage totally out of context from what it really means to say. Camping tends to do that a lot and manage to bungle the meaning of many verses he quotes from the Christian bible. In Chapter 22; verses 18-19 in the Book of Revelation, clearly states... "18; I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, which is the book of Revelation the arthor was writing, if anyone adds to them, may GOD add to him the plagues which are written in this book. When the book of Revelation was written, it was not part of any combined text, as was when the Catholic church had chosen and put together all the various gospels together which would later become the New Testament. The New Testament did not exist until the late forth century CE. Camping, through his ignorance of early Christian history has the stupid idea that the New Testament was fully formed during the first century CE. This is what happens when people have little knowledge in what they speak of. This is the reason that Camping's interpretation of these verses, about adding and taking away text from those prophecies that are written in the Book of Revelation is so off base, which was not referring to the entire bible. Because of Camping's ignorance, he is once again adding his own subjective interpretation to what the text is saying. That passage is not refering to adding or taking away text from the entire bible, as Camping claims. It is plain to see that his understanding comes from his own imagination, which is not based upon facts. Yet; Camping accuses everyone else who do not agree with him is doing what he is doing with these verses, taking verses out of context. Camping makes that claim because he has the strange idea that GOD no longer communicates to humanity once the Christian bible had been put together by the early Christian "church" fathers. A bible which was put together after its text had been greatly altered and corrupted by the early Christian church fathers. Do Camping not think that GOD would not want to rectify this gross deception? Apparently it seems that Camping would prefer that people are kept in the dark about this gross deception that is taking place which prevent people from finding out the truth. In Revelation 11; 3-10, it speaks about two people who come as GOD's witnesses, testifying to the world of the coming wrath of GOD. According to Camping's Spiritual interpretation on the verse of the two witnesses, Harold Camping states that this is a picture of the Christian Churches and that when the Church's witness is over, GOD, who is Camping's phony man-made god, Je-Zeus Christ, will destroy the Christian Churches. There is nothing in the text that would even suggest that those two witnesses in any way represent the Christian Churches or are from that perverted religion called Christianity. What is recorded in the Book of Revelation, the two witnesses will prophesize for 1260 days or 3 1/2 years (the Jewish calendar has only 360 days in a year). Their message will be to the people of the earth who are about to experience GOD's wrath in the form of judgments. Their message should cause people to repent, but they will not repent, especially those who claim to be Christians who have perverted GOD's truth with their perverted, altered, heretical Christian bible. By the way, the two witnesses will be killed at the end of their assigned time. That has not happened yet. The two witnesses are GOD's messengers who deliver the message that GOD's wrath will destroy humanity along with the planet Earth. There will be a time when the Christian Churches will no longer exist. When the Christian Churches will no longer function on planet Earth. This is the reason why any sensible person will leave those Christian churches, least they will be condemned by GOD, along with those Christian harlot Churches which represent that perverted, heretical religion called Christianity. People should forsake their leadership and not submit to their false theology of their pagan god/gods. Camping claims that the Holy Spirit is no longer present in the Christian Churches. The truth of the matter is that the Holy Spirit was never present or was ever involved with the Christian churches, not even during its very conception. Camping claims that people who are accepting the Christian Je-Zeus Christ as their Savior in the Christian Churches are really not saved since the Holy Spirit is not present there. Well; Camping got at least that right. As you can see for yourself, Camping's use of his "Spiritual" allegorical method of interpretation of scripture, and his unfulfilled prophecy are fatally flawed. It undermines the very nature of GOD's communication with humanity, in which GOD has communicate very specific information for humanity in this age. But according to Camping, any communication that come from GOD, is really of the devil. That the only communication GOD makes in this age is through the Christian bible. Which I have proved time and again, his Christian bible is nothing more than a compilation of perverted, altered, heretical texts which Camping falsely claims to be the infallible "Word of GOD". In Camping's own mind, the Christian bible has to be absolutely true. This is the lie which Camping bases his whole Christian ministry upon. Frankly, anybody who believes what Camping is preaching, is as stupid as he is. People will find that out when Camping's End of the World fails to materialize in the year 2011 CE. Camping and his clicks (believers) are expecting to be resurrected sometime in May of 2011 CE, just before the "End of the World" as Camping is claiming. These people will end up standing looking pretty foolish, when they realize they are still here on planet Earth. Camping and his clicks will be shamed to no end and people who were foolish enough to believe Camping and his ministry, will no longer have any shred of credibility in their eyes. If people do not want to be condemned by GOD, I strongly urge anyone to have nothing to do with Harold Camping and his Family Radio Ministry. In fact, you should have nothing to do with that perverted, heretical religion called Christianity. Camping say's not to trust what he is preaching. Good advice, so do not trust or believe what he is preaching. For he is preaching in error. Remember that Camping is preaching from the very same perverted, apostate, paganized, Christian bible which had its teachings and text been corrupted by the mouth and hands of the early, pagan Baal worshiper Christian church fathers during the second century CE.

Note Update; Harold Camping, who comes from a splinter Protestant Christian ministry, has left his church and has a radio broadcast called Family Radio and an "Open Forum" program which is really only a platform for Camping to sound off his particular brand of Christian teaching. He has the power to cut off people when it is convenient for him, or he will talk at great length to get only his point of view across to people. I had challenged Camping to a real "Open Forum" public debate, but he will not come forward and accept to come to a real "Open Forum" public debate and defend his perverted, apostate Christian religion. I wonder why that is? Can it be that Camping is just another one of those yellow-bellied loudmouths who speak boldly on his broadcasts, but is afraid to confront me in an open public debate? Or can it be that his Christian bible, its so called "word of god" which Camping derives his " Calvin Traditions", is not as reliable as he makes it out to be? Camping will not confront me in a public debate because is afraid that his claims will not stand the test of scrutiny. He knows full well he cannot prove the claims he makes on his "Open Forum" radio program which he places his entire faith upon a Christian bible which is greatly defective. Camping is afraid that this "Open Forum" debate will show the world how uninformed and stupid this man really is for believing in what he believes. I have been made aware of late, that Camping and other protestant preachers are changing and going on a new tactic this week that contradicts what they had been preaching for the past fifty years. It is clear that Camping, along with other protestant preachers are taking a few leafs from my web pages and putting their own twist on what I had written on the history of Christianity on this web site. Only weeks ago, Camping had claimed that the church age had come to an end in 1988 because that is when the Christian churches had started its decline and people need to get out of them because Satan had entered in, and the Holy Spirit was no longer within the Christian churches. Camping even wrote a book called; "The End of the Church Age" which he explained how the Christian churches began to be corrupted in 1988 and has continued its decline to this day. But since Oct,28/2007, Camping and other Protestant preachers have changed their line of thinking because I have made mention of it on this web site and presented the horrific history of Christianity which had caused Camping and some other Protestant preachers to totally switch 180 degree from what they had been preaching all along? I know these preachers are reading our web pages. After a while, Camping once again flip-floped on that teaching and has reverted back to the idea that the church began its corruption in 1988, the end of the Church age. Camping tends to flip-flop on many issues. He had preached for a long time on his "Open Form" radio program about people will be cast into an everlasting hell fire to be tormented for ever and ever. Now, all of a sudden, he switches his doctrine and preaches that a person will not be cast into an everlasting hell fire to be tormented for ever and ever, but that the soul/spirit will be cast into everlasting death. That the person's soul/spirit is annihilated, as I have clearly stated on many of our web pages. He claims that his god had opened up his eyes and got that new revelation from his perverted, apostate bible, when in truth, he and his clicks got that revelation from reading our web pages. Christian preachers like Camping tend to run into trouble when trying to explain away the many contradictions that are inherent in his Christian bible. In the Christian bible, it clearly states both scenarios, which tend to contradict each other. This is the reason Camping tends to flip-flop a whole lot when he is teaching, depending on what he picks and chooses at any given moment. He does this in order to cover up many of the contradictions in his preaching and what is written in his corrupted Christian bible. Now these Baal worshipers are passing themselves off as people of "The Elect". I notice that they have started to give themselves that title only recently. There is no doubt that Camping and his Baal worshipers have taken that from us. Camping tends to take may parts of my teaching and then give it a Christian point of view and apply it to his own perverted Christian teaching and then claims that he had derived that new insight from his perverted, apostate Christian bible. Camping will claim that he better understood that passage because things are being "opened up" and revealed to him which were never really understood before. Isn't it strange that all of this new revelation Camping is getting, only came about just when I had put the People of the Holy Testament web site on the Internet? Camping is going to have to edit or re-write many of his books and writing he had made some years ago. Like his book called; "The End of the Church Age" to reflect his new "enlighten" line of thinking. Camping is now claiming that there is a new covenant being made. By whom, does he mean? I have no idea because he believes in a covenant which is some kind of a covenant made with their pagan, man-made god, Je-Zeus Christ. Camping must be talking about a new covenant which was made by the early pagan, gentile Christian church fathers when these pagan Christians had created their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ. A covenant of altering and corruping the truth in their Christian bible. The only true, new Covenant that GOD had made was the one Yeshua was preaching about, not what the Christians claim. Campings teaching is as corrupted as his Christian bible which Camping is reading from. Its text which had been greatly altered and corrupted by the early pagan Christian church fathers during the second to the forth centuries CE. In case Camping is not aware of it, his New Testament is based upon the same perverted, apostate Baal religion and theology of the early pagan gentiles. Camping falsely thinks he and his believers are the wheat and are apart from the rest of the Christian tares. I would suggest that Camping is highly confused at this point. He is that stupid not to realize that he and his congregation is as much a part of rge tare as his fellow Christians who believe in that same apostate, pagan religion with its phony Baal god, Je-Zeus Christ! How would Camping explain Luke 10;21 when Yeshua, (not that phony Je-Zeus Christ whom Christians claim is their eternal god,) had spoken to his Heavenly Father and said "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent (smart-asses like Harold Camping), and revealed them onto babes: even so Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight." Harold Camping says that we are very close to the end of the world, the end of time. That God is now revealing much additional truths in our day. Truths that had previously been hidden. Of course Camping claims that these new Truths was derived from his aposte, corrupted Christian bible, rather than admitting of getting those truths and revelations from our web site. For a person as old and senile as Camping is, he is a good example of a person who had not necessarily gained wisdom with age, but only remain ignorant longer with age. Here is an incident which will contradict everything Camping has been saying on his Open Form radio broadcats. Camping is telling people who listen to his radio broadcast that he and his fellow believers are going to be ruptured on May 22nd in the year 2011 CE, just prior to the end of the world that will happen in Sept on the same year. Camping wants people to read his books Wheat and Tares, The End of the Church Age, Time has an End and We are almost There, to back up Camping's outlandish claims. So a caller, Bob or Rob Burkly from Pennsylvania, had called on Camping's Open Form radio program and had asked Camping if he would be willing to take up a challenge, and be willing to make an agreement with the caller. That agreement would no doubt bolster Camping's claims which would go a long way to strengthen Camping's position in what he believes to be true on what he is saying. Given that camping and his clicks (fellow believers) are going to be resurrected on May 22nd, just prior to the coming to end of the world in 2011, he would no longer be on "planet Earth" and Camping's house is going to be vacant, therefore; Would Camping be willing to sign over his house to the caller? Well, Camping started to come up with all kinds of excuses why he would not make such an agreement with the caller to sign over his house. In the end Camping stated that if he is wrong about his claims, and he and his believers are not resurrected on May 22nd, and the world had not come to an end in 2011 CE, he would need the house to continue to live in it. Camping said it would be silly of him to sign over his house when he may need it himself. This clearly shows that Camping really does not believe what he claims. Regardless that everything he is preaching is coming straight out from the bible, from the whole bible, from the WHOLE bible, as Camping would say. Camping had always insisted that his books, Wheat and Tares, The End of the Church Age, Time has an End and We are almost There, came stright from his Christian bible. From which he got all his teachings from. From the bible, just from the bible, the whole bible, as Camping keeps harping to people. In Camping’s book "Time has an End", it clearly shows how flawed his assumption are about the reliability of the Christian bible. In the book, Camping say’s the Christian bible is like an instruction manual, like one that comes from a manufacture, which comes with the new product it had made. Camping is assuming that the instruction manual, which came with the product, was never altered in any way. This is where Camping assumption is in error. Unfortunately, what people have for a Christian bible, is an instruction manual, which had been greatly altered by some previous owners. It is like a person who had bought a second or third hand product and the instruction manual, which had originally come from the manufacture, had many of its text blotted out by some previous owners, and words and sentences were added in its place. The person who now reads the instruction manual, can only read it with words and sentences which had been blotted out which had not come from the manufacture. This is what has happened with the Christian bible. The Christian bible text (instruction manual) had been greatly altered by previous owners. Therefore, what people have as their Christian bible is a second hand product with a second hand instruction manual. Lately, Camping has been calling the Jewish God, "Jehovah" derived from the pages in the Old Testament in the Christian bible. As astonishing as it may sound, it is an admitted fact that prior to the sixteenth century, the word "Jehovah," was unheard of. The four letters which represent the name of the Hebrew Godm Y.H.W.H. appears in its true Hebrew form in Jewish Scriptures which is read from right to left. These four letters were preceded by a substitute word "Adonai," to warn the reader that the following word was not to be articulated. The Jews took meticulous care in repeating this exercise in their "Torah" six thousand, eight hundred and twenty-three times - interpolating the words "Adonai" or "Elohim." They sincerely believed that Y.H.W.H. was the awesome name of their God and was never to be pronounced. This prohibition was no ordinary affair, for it called for a penalty of death on one who would dared to utter it, and this taboo has been more successful than all the "DO's" and "DON'T's" of the Ten Commandments put together. If Jehovah is the name of GOD Almighty, and if the Books in the Christian bible were inspired by Him, then it is an anomaly of the highest order, that GOD signally failed to have His Own Name recorded in "His Word" in the Hebrew Bible. In the original text of the Hebrew Bible, you will not find with it the word Jehovah. Only in the Christian bible will you find the word Jehovah. Christians claim that they have in their possession over twenty-four thousand so-called "originals" of the Holy Writ in the Greek language, and yet not a single parchment has "Jehovah" written in it. One must remember that a hundred years ago, all of a sudden, more than a hundred new Christian cults and denominations of Christiandom mushroomed in the United States of America alone. The Seventh Day Adventists, the Christian Scientists, the Menonites, the Christiadelphins, and the Jehovah's Witnesses are among them. The founder of Jehovah's Witnesses for example, was Judge Rutherford, followed by Charles T. Russell who had created a new "church," which became known as "Jehovah's Witnesses, which in its system of organisation and administration had become second to none in the world. This shows the ignorance of Camping. Had he spent as much time to research for facts, as he do reading his apostate Christian bible, he would known what he is talking about. How can any sane person claim that the Christian bible is reliable, given that its text had been altered and tampered with. Only an idiot like Camping. I recall that Camping had insinuated on his open form radio broadcast that I had called in and spoken to him on his open form program. The only place I would want to speak to that claptrap, is on an open public debate to challenge him on the Christian bible and his Christian religion. But Camping is too much of a coward to do that. He avoids to defend what he teaches in his ministry to my challenge for an open public debate on those issues. He prefers to hide and spread his innuendo’s, lies and his perverted Christian teachings like the coward that he is, in the safety of his broadcast studio like the rest of those protestant preachers. Now you know how big of a sham Camping really is. Anyway, Camping has already one foot in his grave, and will soon die and his soul/spirit will be what will cease to exist. He will be looked upon as a fraud, as a deceiver that he is. Need I say more?

To get more information about Harold Camping and his perverted teaching, here are links to articles I had written about Harold Camping and what he preaches.

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