Challenging Christian Ministries Blatant Accusations.

This challenge I have put out has come about by the blatant accusations on what is being expressed and taught on the People of the Holy Testament web site. Just because these Christian Ministries may own radio stations or have access to broadcast their perverted "Christian" doctrine, do not give them the right to lie to those people who may happen to tune in on their broadcasts. People listening in may not be aware that these Christian Ministries are blatantly lying to people. I have found a great many of these Christians Priests and Pastors, be they Catholic or Protestant who miss-interpret what they are reading in their own perverted, apostate bible. I have also noticed that they will readily twist passages to verify their teachings. All these type of tactics they use frequently is being dishonest to my way of thinking. Yet it do not seem to bother these people who are claiming to represent GOD, with their invented, man-made pagan god/gods. After all, why should it bother them if they twist the truth, they are only representing a phony god they call Je-Zeus Christ. Some of these Christians Priests and Pastors use faulty hermeneutics, they lack proper exegesis, and make so many theological errors which become quite evident after listening to these people's sermons or teachings after a course of time, to say the least. I notice they keep repeating themselves to emphasize their lame points. Wasn't it Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, who said that if you keep repeating anything enough times, people will come to believe it to be true? Repeating may be an important element to their inept teaching, but so is telling the truth. Especially when the subject matter is dealing with the delicate subject of GOD. Like giving people erroneous information on on a public airway. I have found, in particular, Protestant ministers, give people the false impression that they are knowledgeable in Biblical studies just because they happen to read from their apostate Christian bible, for the past fifty odd years, while maintaining their level of ignorance, do not make them an expert in the field. Which say's very little about their competency in teaching people the truth instead their false assumptions. These priests and preachers are too stupid to know that they are reading from a Christian bible which the text within its pages had been greatly tampered with, passages altered and that text passages had been inserted which did not originally belong there, by the hands of those early pagan Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox Christian church fathers. What a bunch of dopes these modern day preachers and priests are who think that they are reading from the original Greek or Hebrew text! There are no original Greek or Hebrew text, only copies of copies of Greek or Hebrew text which were greatly tampered with, passages altered, and that text passages had been inserted which did not originally belong, by the hands of those early pagan Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox Christian church fathers. Anyone who claims that they are reading their bible which was written from the original manuscripts is not only ignorant of the facts, but that claim is just as phony as their pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ. Frankly, I do not give a tinkers bell what these Christian people may believe, or how they have come to their faulty conclusions. If these Christian ministers insist to show the world the level of ignorance they possess, that is their own affair. But I will not sit idly by while these, so-called Christian "Preachers" attack my teachings and making unfounded sly remarks on their broadcasts, which had gone too far that I had no choice but to step in this battle. I had ignored those attackers for a couple of years when I first appeared on the scene, but when the barrage of attacks kept coming from a great many of these so called "pious" Christian ministries, I was forced to defend what I preach on my web site. In order to defend myself, I had no choice but to reveal the truth about the Christian's distorted, perverted, apostate doctrines and remind them of the Christians horrific history which these Catholic and Protestant preachers quite readily want to forget and bury. I hope those people who have participated in what had started out to be a one-sided "Spiritual attack" which had started back in 1996-1999 which then has now in 2007 turned out to become the Spiritual Warfare these Christians are wagering. Now these very same Christian Ministries who had started this attack on the ministry I represent, they now act like they are the injured parties in this whole messy affair. Hypocrites! These people need not be so tripe and try to deny what I have stated here, for there are a great many people out there in the world who have taken notice of this "Spiritual War" and the constant attack being made against the ministry I represent. I also have in my possession a good selection of audio tapes which I had taped during their radio broadcasts from these Christian ministries which I have listed on the Facts about these Christian Ministries!! web page. This is the reason why I now demand that they back up those unfounded accusations in a public open form which will hopefully be aired nation wide to prove who is speaking the truth. I believe it is time that the true facts about that perverted, apostate religion of Christianity is fully exposed for the entire world to see its true nature.

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