History on Christianity
An overview on Christianity
The rest of the New Testament reads about those Apostles who are trying to maintain the faith from those who are trying to pervert the true teachings. It is during this time frame that the perverted, paganized "Christian" are going among the masses and perverting the truth that had been handed down. I will touch upon the Book of Apocalypse (Revelation) on our.. "Things to Ponder Upon" web pages some time later.
In order to get some understanding of why do Christian believe in what they believe, one must know what had transpired during the development of Christianity. We are fully aware that Yeshua's apostles believed and had the understanding that Yeshua would return to them within their lifetime to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. When that event did not come to pass, they began to formulate various ideologies. It was during this time frame that many ideas began to developed among the early Christian. They began to invent new theologies based upon the original founder, Yeshua. The early pagan Christian began to preached another gospel, another Yeshua, who became to be called and known as "Jesus Christ ". In their new teachings, they believed that this "Jesus Christ" came to found a new religion that will become his Church. All during those early years, there were many writings about to explain their new faith among the rest of the pagan gentile people. Because of their lack of understanding the real Yeshua, these early Christian began to claim that this invented, man made "Jesus Christ" was not only a High Priest to them, but that he was also a god-man. In essence, he is their new god. These perverted idea was to be the mainstay within the new religion that would be called Christianity. These newly formed ideas and difference of opinion, began to spread among the paganized Christian. It was this event that had caused the early Judaic-people of Yeshua, to break away from the new form of Christianity. These new idea's that began the newly formed Christianity claimed that this "Jesus Christ" who is the man-god that would replace the true GOD, These paganized Christian began to claim that this "Jesus Christ" created the Universe, planet earth and all Creation. It is this teaching that had caused the permanent rift between the Jews and the gentile Christian. Out of this newly formed religion called Christianity, dogmas were being created that resembled very little from the original teachings of the Faith. Unlike the Old Testament, the New Testament had been reworked many times and had many insertions added into their text that greatly altered the true facts of the original teachings and ideas of Yeshua. I know this practice continues on to this day. There are many places I have found in the text of the New Testament that had been reworked or even obliterated from much older works. I can not help wonder if this was done deliberately to fit the image of their dogma, their version the Christian Church want to present to their followers of the newly formed perverted Faith. Out of this came the new religion called Christianity as it is presently found today. It is a very corrupt newly formed Jesus Christ. Many writings were added to the account of what happened during the lifetime of their newly created "Jesus Christ" in order to fit their new theology. All this began during the first and continued into the second century. Many letters and writings were exchanged between the various house "churches" that had cropped up around Rome, Greece and Asia Minor. By the late third century, many of these scattered independent house-churches came together to form the theology that would become the present form of Christianity. Out of great deliberation and infighting, they would recognized twenty-seven documents out of the many writings that were around at the time to form what was later to become the New Testament. By this time, much of the oral traditions had been lost by the reworking of the original belief and teachings of the original founder of the faith of Yeshua. By the forth century AD, the Councils were forced under pressure by Constantine I. to pick one "cannon" from among the many to stop the infighting and bickering about dogmas and of their various beliefs. During the early era of Christianity, various churches had their own sets of "gospel" writings which were considered by them to be their canon. There was a great difference in beliefs within these various canons. Each of these regional bishops considered their "canon" or sets of gospel documents, to represent the true Christian faith within the entire Christian church factions. During the selection of who's cannon should be used as the only doctrinal source, the bishops were fighting among themselves as to which one should be used. The arguments, infighting and bickering had gotten so bad without any resolution in sight, that Constantine had to put his foot down and finally pick one "cannon" to stop all the infighting and bickering by these babbling idiots, so that they could get on with it. The finality of choice of the canon would put an end to the squabbling and set into writing what Christian were required to believe. What they had picked from those many "dogmas" was set in place so that nothing could ever be added to their dogmas as special revelation. It was Constantine who wanted and convinced this to be done, for the sake of peace among the Christians. It was also during this time frame that they, this newly formed Roman Catholic Church switched the seventh day Sabbath of worship, to the Sunday worship. Constantine demanded that Sunday worship was to be the day of worship. It was the worship day of his pagan Sun God, which was on Sunday. The churches sold out to this pagan King and began to worship on Sundays, the first day of the week. Later, the "Rome Church" had also put their stamp that claimed that their,"Jesus Christ" was GOD (totally Divan)". From then on, the real GOD, the Heavenly Father, no longer had any respect for Christians, and they had lost the Keys of Heaven and Earth. I can not help but remember the phrase... "What would a person have gained, if you had reigned the whole world but have lost your very soul in the process"? The Roman Catholic Church" had lost its very soul and the Keys of Heaven and Earth from then on, regardless what the Roman Catholic Church may now claim. History do not agree with the Roman Catholic Church when it makes the claim to have direct succession to the original Apostle of Peter as written in their decree of Psedo- Isidorean. This decree is totally illegitimate because they were found to be forgeries. Also; The Roman Catholic Church had been the first to pervert the teachings of Peter to have any true succession. The Roman church became the paganized group of gentiles who had formed the new Jesus Christ myth. Secondly; The apostle Peter, and John, who belonged to the Jerusalem group that became known as the "Hires". James, the biological brother of Yeshua who was later to become the group leader. After James death, a cousin of James became the group leader of the true faith. They, along with many Esseanes had fled and settled in Syria after the total destruction of Jerusalem. These people of the original Jerusalem group of Yeshua was known as the Nazarenes, while the now paganized gentile group were dubbed with the name of Christians. The original Jerusalem group of Yeshua would never had accepted the idea that their founder of the faith was a god, or their GOD. None of the true, original Apostils would have claimed that Yeshua was a god-man or God, the Creator. It would have been a blasphemy to their very heart and thinking. It was Paul's paganized Christian that had found its way in Rome that made the claim that this newly invented- re-created Yeshua would become the new "Jesus Christ" that is a god-man, who would later in time would be seen as GOD, Himself. It was these paganized Christian that would later become what is now the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church's of Christianity. At least Paul understood what was happening when he had finally admitted at the time close to his earthly death and said " I know nothing but Christ crucified..". The Papacy, as we know it today, did not start until 400 years later in Rome. Before that time, (around 300 AD), the title "Pope", meaning "Papa or Father", (which was a title they were forbidden to adopt), was originally applied to all the bishops of these many independent, separate home-churches. Also, the epistles of Peter (1st and 2nd letter of Peter) in the New Testament was written at around 150 AD and could not have been penned by Peter himself, during his lifetime. Someone else had written those letters under Peter's name. All during the spread of Christianity, centuries of brutality and slaughter was made against the pagan people to convert them to Christianity. The second major schism came at about 1054 AD that split the Eastern Orthodox Church from the church of Roman. This divided them from the Western Roman Catholic Church. Also, It was only in the 8th century AD that the Roman Catholic Church had made the claim to have the Keys of Heaven and of Earth and claimed to be the seat of all Christendom. This was confirmed with the advent of Charlemagne (Charles the Great) 742-814 AD king of the Franks, who was the founder of the Holy Roman Empire. The next great schism of the Western Roman Catholic Church came about around the 15th century. That schism split the Roman Catholic Church to form the Protestant Churches. There are now thousands of various protestant denominations within protestant Christianity that had originally broken away from the mainline Protestant churches. From the forth to the early 17th century, the use and concept of the Inquisition came into being within Christianity. People were being branded as adherents to the "Devil" or were possessed by demons who did not agree with the Roman Catholic Church. Those who were condemned were sectarians, Jews, heretics, innocent people who were branded as being possessed or were identified as witches. Those people who would deprive "The Church" of their land, wealth and valuable possessions were also accused as being possessed by Satan or Demons and were thus killed and burned at the stakes and the lands and valuable possessions were given to the church. All of these people (and many where Christian themselves) suffered the most hideous forms of torture and burning at the stake by the hands of the Roman Catholic Church. By the 12th century, Pope Gregory IX had established the Inquisitorial office for Italy and had the gall to name it the "Holy Office". During the 15th to the 17th century, both Catholics and Protestant Christians got into the act of burning people at the stakes when they continued to upheld the idea of witches, devils, goblins, vampires and werewolves and promptly persecuted people as such. Those people who did not tow the line of the Christian faith or who choose to remain outside that faith. There was a great deal of torture and stake burning while they turned a blind eye to slavery of Negro people in America. During this time span Christians also treated the native indigenous people throughout the America's, the "new" found lands with such ferocity and treachery that would put even barbaric people to shame. Then during World War II, Christians once again turned a blind eye to the systematic execution of approximately millions of European Jews during the German Nazi regime of 1933-1945 CE. Hitler was greatly influenced by the demonizing of the Jewish people by the Roman Catholic Church. After all, the Catholic Church had instigated the hatred of Jews over generations upon generations of people within Christendom. During the Nuremberg Trial, one wonders if the Roman Catholic Church itself should have been put on trial as being an accomplice to what had happened in Germany. For the hate propaganda that they had spread throughout the centuries among the German people. Hitler and most all of the German people, in fact, most of all the people within Europe, and even in America, were brainwashed into hating Jews, thanks to Christian teachings, be it came first from "The Roman Catholic Church" and progressed through the Protestant ranks. But what did the Roman Catholic Church do? Why it had sneaked away like a thief in the night and pretended it had nothing to do at all with instigating hatetred upon the Jewish people in which the German people and Hitler were brought-up on since their childhood. Yes; The Roman Catholic Church pretended it knew nothing about the hate campaign they had instigated. Speaking of turning a blind eye, about the same time frame, native indigenous children were taken away from their loving parents and placed into Christian run institutions to duly Christianize the children into the white man's world. These children were beaten, mentally and sexually abused and molested. This practice also happened to many "white" children who were placed under their care. They too were mistreated, beaten and sexually molested. These people of The Holy Orders also took normal children and placed them in their Christian institutions and branded these normal children as insane so that the institution may receive more money for their care. They would then place these sane children in strait jackets, starve them, be beaten and sexually molested for years and years while the church and government officials (Establishment) turned a blind eye to all of these atrocities. Many of these innocent children died at the hands of these so called "people of Jesus Christ". Its times like these that this thought comes to mind.. "It would be better for these Christians to tie a millstone around their necks and be cast off into the deep then if they should hurt or abuse and lead astray from GOD any of these little one's". During the years after 1965, Christianity began its slow decline throughout the world because of the hypocrisy that was found to be within this religion. After the big fiasco of the Vatican Bank laundering money for the Mafia, and the sudden death of a Pope who had tried to correct the situation, it continues its decline to our present day where it is struggling and fighting very hard by the hand of Pope John Paul II for its very survival. Yet the Roman Catholic Church to this day, have the gall, the impudence to claim that they still retain and have the Keys of Heaven and Earth that represents Yeshua. That they are the one and only "True" church. That they have the Absolute Truth. Give me a break! Please.. The history on protestant Christian was no better. I must mention in all fairness that not all Christians were that bad. Some even went against their church teachings or propaganda that was being espoused during those dark days. I do not mean to tar all Christians with the same brush. I am quite aware there are exceptions to the general rule. There were some Christians who did a great deal of good in helping people. I am only stating that the majority of Christians followed the same path as their established churches. Given the trend of what has happened within Christianity in the past and how it continues into the present, it will only be a matter of time when only the very ignorant will stumble into and believe in Christianity. I had hoped this would not have been the case, but you owe it to yourself to know the whole truth.
I would strongly recommend to those people who have an honest interest in how the "Christian" religion developed during those early years between the 1st to the 6th century CE, get books on it at the public library. It will be interesting, as well as an eye opener for those people who are seekers of truth.
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