Out of step from Religious Clutter

Hopefully, the Holy Testament text has been made clear enough for people to understand what had been revealed to me. Now, my hope is that people will take the teachings of the Holy Testament to their heart. This we do so that people who do not survive the dark perilous times, their soul/spirit will at least have the opportunity to have a reincarnation and be re-born. The Holy Testament is available for those people who want to know the truth about GOD and be saved from eternal death. To me, religion is based upon reality in the spiritual realm which deal with knowing GOD and our relationship with Him, Most religions that I have observed rely on superstitions borrowed from pagan cultures which only confuse people and give an unreliable understanding of GOD, His Heavenly Domain and the Heavenly Hosts. Unfortunately, even the books known as the Old Testament had not escaped the borrowing of superstitions derived from pagan cultures. In order to learn about GOD and his Heavenly Domain in a clear, unobtrusive manner, to understand "The Way of GOD", one has to be prepared to get rid of most or all the beliefs and traditions one has accumulated from their former religion. For those beliefs and traditions had come from superstitions borrowed from pagan cultures which were derived from man and the imagination of the mind. It is necessary to acquire the knowledge from knowledgeable sources which we need and can rely upon. If other religions are out of step and deal in pagan superstitions, very obscure ideas which lack common sense and reason, we know that those religions are man-made and believe in a phony god which lacks substance. That is their problem, not ours.

When a person is prepared and has managed to clean or clear the mind of all that pagan religious clutter, one can then peruse the spiritual path of GOD. These people are now ready to fully dwell into the Holy Testament which will teach and guide them to their Heavenly Father, The Creator. Note; Before a person can clear their mind of religious clutter one had acquired from their former religion, it would be helpful to know how those religious beliefs came about and how they had evolved over the passage of time. With this knowlage in hand, one will better be able to identify what is religious clutter which has cluttered the mind of the majority of people who consider themselves to be religious. A person also needs to be aware that in every religion in existence, there are kernels of spiritual truths, a seed, imbedded within an outer shell, the husk as I calls it, where every kind of pagan superstitions which stem from various pagan cultures along with their false gods which had formed their religious beliefs system reside. These kernels of spiritual truths are retained in the Holy Testament, while the outer shell or the husk which contains pagan superstitions, mumbo-jumbo religious rituals and beliefs are discarded and cast away onto the ash heap of time which came from the imagination of the mind.

Know that your Heavenly Father will not leave you as orphans to those who seek Him. It is for this reason that the Holy Testament is freely given out, so that people may come to know Him. For those people who associate themselves with the People of the Holy Testament, they will not find priests, preachers or some person to accuse or control or bully them. Our only overlord is GOD, our Heavenly Father which our Beloved Brother Yeshua has introduced to us. You will not find Priests, Preachers or physical religious buildings such as temples, churches or mosques among us. Neither do we have mumbo-jumbo rituals, blood sacrifices or hundred of codex laws that burdens a person like a giant millstone, found within the People of the Holy Testament. For we believe that the Holy Testament is clearly written, that it needs no interpretation of its text by Priests or Preachers. The temple we have is a Spiritual Temple, one in cyber space and in our hearts. The thirty commands of GOD which is found in the Holy Testament is our guide to living a full life which is pleasing to GOD, our Heavenly Father. The Very Elect are the guardians of the Holy Testament and of the faith. The elect are the People of GOD. May the Holy Testament be carried in the hearts and mind of those who seek GOD and become a son or daughter of our Heavenly Father. Blessed be those who do seek GOD.

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