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While I was reflecting upon that speech British Prime Minister Tony Blair had made at the Labour Party Conference, back in March of 2002. He was talking about the possibility of developing a "One World Order" that will eventually become a reality as our world is ever increasingly becoming a global village. Then he went on to discuss about what form will this "New World Order" take. Will it become a society that will benefit only the few, or will it become one that has the room, the capacity and the will to benefit all the people within this global society? Since that time British Prime Minister Tony Blair had made that speech, there has been a lot of speculation on this subject. Such as; Will this "New World Order" be based upon a Democratic, Communistic or Dictatorial system? Will this "New World Order" power and control, be in the hands of the multi-national business corporations, or will it be in the hands of a separate and fully independent council? Will this "New World Order" be guided upon secularism principles of freedom of choice, or will it be guided by the moral and ethical values that will reflect the Will of GOD? These were the things that I was also now pondering about because the New World Order is coming to its fulfilment. Later that evening, I was meditating upon what Father had revealed to me some time ago when I had written the "Future of Humanity" and saw the outcome of humanities destiny. Because the vast majority of people have chosen to reject the Will of GOD, people will be deceived into believing that this New World Order will be the answer to humanities problems. The truth of the matter is that the "New World Order" will appear to be the answer to humanities problems but it will be based upon a predatory, capitalistic, dictatorial type of system that will favour the multi-national business corporations, and be in control by those few people who control the banking system with its economic credit system. This New World Order system will eventually benefit only the few. The Roman Catholic church will manage to piggy-back its way onto this New World Order system. Despite that, it will be guided by the moral and ethical values of its own charter of "Human Rights" which will be totally secular in nature. After a time, this New World Order system will end up to become a dehumanizing totalitarian society that will be ever more corrupt, cruel and ruthless. It will become a social system much like the one described by George Orwell in his novel, titled... "Nineteen Eighty-Four" that was written in 1949. And what will become of the Roman Catholic church and the religion of Christianity? After a time, the Roman Catholic church will be cast off from the New World Order system and come to its demise, along with the downfall of Christianity and all other religions which had blasphemed the Most High GOD, our Heavenly Father, with their man-made fictitious god or gods, and will join the ash-heap of discard. This will be the time when people will no longer tolerate the lies and deception of all these religious institutions and people shall ravaged and tear down their worship centers and their ministers and followers will suffer the great wrath of the angry population. After a time, the Great Shaking of planet earth will come to bring about the end of the New World Order system. This will be a most horrendous time for people living on planet earth.
Here is something interesting that I have been made aware of. It appears that a Christian ministry or church which calls itself.. "The Glory to GOD", broadcast on a radio station somewhere in the USA who do not like what I have to say on our Internet web site. It is clear from this audio tape I have on this Christian ministry sermon, that I had outrage this preacher because of the truths that I bring out on our web site that speaks about his perverted, apostate Christian religion. If this is the case, then all I can say is well and good. I am glad that the truth offends him. It is plain to see that these protestant pastors just can't stand the raw truth when they hear it, and so they must malign me in order to ease their perverted and guilty concinnous. I am glad that I outrage people like him who pervert the truth, in the same way as Yeshua had outraged those Scribes and Pharisees when he had confronted them. How little things have really changed from the time when Yeshua was here on earth compared to what these peoples attitude towards GOD, is now in our present age. Did you know that this preacher at this "Glory to GOD" ministry, is telling people that there is now three individual gods within their branch of Christianity? According to this apostate preacher there is, from what he had said on the audio cassette tape recording I have. On this tape he is trying to explain the tri-god, three-in-one god, concept of Christianity. The way this preacher explains it, he would suggest to people that there are actually three individual gods within the Trinity. It seem that this Preacher is speaking about some tri-god, three-in-one god, concept from among the great diversity of what already exist in the teachings and dogma of Christianity. This preacher is now separating the "Three-in-one-god" that most Christians already believe in, by making three individual separate gods out of them. According to this preacher, he claims that there is one god who is the Father, another god who is the Son, (This one is the main god of the Christians whom they call Je-Zeus Christ), and the other god is the Holy Spirit. Three separate individual gods that make up their kind of Trinity. Is this the beginning of a new trend or branch of apostate Christianity that is flowing out from among the Protestant harlot churches? Three gods! I wounder how long it will take for this preacher to have a whole pantheon of various mythological gods like they had back in ancient times? This preacher, with his glib attitude, who has maligned me at every chance he gets, is nothing more than one of those pious frauds that GOD condemns. That do not surprise me in the least, for I have been maligned by those people from within the Roman Catholic Church to those would-be self-appointed Protestant prophets with their fictitious pagan sun god, to those two-bit fly-by-night Protestant Christian ministries. Personally, I have found all of these various Christian radio and TV ministries are cut from the same apostate, perverted cloth as their big sisters. But then again, what would you expect given that they all belong to the same perverted heathen religion? Have you heard some Protestant preachers or false prophets speak about a true, and a perverted form of Christianity? I have. Such comments that are coming from these people are totally ridiculous, given that there is no such thing as a true form of Christianity that is not perverted. For Christianity itself, is a perverted religion that had strayed from and had perverted the true, original teachings of Yeshua and what the original congregation of Yeshua had represented. How often have I heard Christians say that they have found GOD, when in truth, all they had found was a fictitious, man-made, Sun god, they call Je-Zuse Christ, who is nothing more than an illusion, an imitation to the One, True GOD, of Heaven. These Christians come from those same TV and radio ministries I have been talking about on our web pages, be they located here in Canada, or in the USA. What these Christians are getting is a false sense of confidence that they will be with GOD, the Heavenly Father, when in truth, they will not. This is the saddest part in all of this whole messy affair. I wounder how many people in the last two thousand years have fallen away from the true GOD of Heaven, by being deceived into believing that apostate, perverted religion called Christianity? There must be millions upon millions of people who have been deceived into believing that Christian apostate, perverted religion. How sad, how sad indeed. I have often heard Christian Preachers and those who think to be Prophets claim that they speak to Father. Had Father truly spoken to these people, Father would have revealed to them that I was speaking the truth. Therefore; I know that these preachers and would-be prophets are phony and are telling lies when they claim that they have heard directly from Father, who is GOD, our Heavenly Father. But now in these latter days, there are people who have, and are now seeing the truth behind the curtin of this Christian great deception, this perversion that is like the stench of cow-dung which is not only keeping people away from these apostate, perverse Christian ministries, but it is also driving people within it, away from it. What gets me angry is that most of these "family" type of TV and radio ministries play on people's lives in order to feather their own privet family nest egg by their misistry that is really a business to them in order to obtain people's money to furnish their lavish lifestyle that is totally contrary to what Yeshua had taught. These preachers amount to nothing more than a bunch of deceivers, more like shysters of the worst kind. Now, because the truth is starting to come out and expose this whole Christian fraudulent religion to the world, through many sources, I might add, people are starting to realize the truth about it and are walking out from that perverted, paganized, apostate religion with its corrupt theology. This is happening despite all the effort Christians have done to saturate the airways with their Christian radio and TV broadcasts and the thousands of Christian web sites and chat rooms that are on the Internet. Despite all of these things that Christians are doing, they are now having a real hard time trying to convince people that their perverted, paganized, apostate, religion and theology is one which represents GOD, through their phony Christ. In fact, it causes some Christians to seriously question the religion they are involved in. Given that large segments of people within the Christian religion have in practice done almost everything that is contrary, not only to GOD's Will, but also to the will of our Beloved Brother Yeshua, do you not find there is something dreadfully wrong with this picture that these Christians are trying to paint and present to the people at large? What they preach, do not match up with their deeds as we can plainly see through their past history. All of their Christian worship and prayers are an abomination to GOD, the Heavenly Father. Would not any serious minded person who want to connect with GOD, The Creator, their Heavenly Father, not question the validity of this perverted, apostate religion called Christianity given their pathetic preformance during their nearly two thousand year track record?
Here is a rather long entry that I made during January 1st, 2004. It reads like this... Regardless how these Christian Priests, Pastors or false Prophets are trying to debunk most everything that is written on our web site by telling half-truths and outright falsehoods, this I am not concerned about because I know that when people look into the matter for themselves, they will find out that I have been telling the truth. I will continue to express my views on that perverted Christian religion so that it may save some people from falling into their trap of perversion. Now the wrath of GOD is revealed from Heaven to all the people of the world through our web site. These Christians along with all those people who have forsaken GOD, the Heavenly Father, will find out in due time they have angered GOD, the Heavenly Father by their ungodliness and unrighteousness. But those people who would become known as Christians had the truth from the beginning when Yeshua had revealed the invisible things of Father's Heavenly Domain two thousand years ago, but these Christians had perverted it. Christians were given the knowledge and understanding of all the things that were made, even GOD's eternal power and Godhead through our web site or through the Holy Testament and yet, they have mocked it. So now all Christians are without excuse. These people have preached another gospel than the one Yeshua had taught. Therefore; those Christians who retain their perverted gospel, they shall be a cursed to everlasting death. Because of these facts, Christians need not even think that they have been saved or that their sins have been forgiven. For they have not when they had prayed to a fictitious, man-made god. They had the chance to come to know the true GOD, as was revealed by our Beloved Brother Yeshua, but these paganized Christians had chosen not to glorified GOD, the Heavenly Father, but they have choosen instead to glorified their fictitious man-made god, even a false Christ. Most Catholic Christians had also chosen to glorified their man-made, mother-of-god rather than glorified GOD, the Heavenly Father. It is this religion that was spoken about in the book of Revelations who have made a false god, a man creature that they call to be their god and upon it they worship his image. Who was this church that gave birth to this religion with its fictitious, man-made god-man? I think people should be able to figure the rest of it out for themselves. Despite all that I have spoken on these things to help people see the light, neither one of the various Christian religious sects, accepted this truth, but they have choosen to defend their great abomination. I can not help wounder how any true Jewish person could not see through this great deception that has blasphemed against Almighty GOD. Those who have embraced this abomination, this perverted Christian religion with its man-made god only shows that these Jewish people allowed themselves to be led astray because they lacked the wisdom to see through this falsehood. Because of this lack of wisdom, all Christians became ever so vain in their imaginations, their foolish soul/spirit had darken like a lump of coal. Professing themselves to be ever so wise, but as I have revealed to everyone, they had become nothing but fools. These Christians had changed the glory of GOD into an image of their own making in the creation of their man-made god. This false Christ that these Christians call Je-Zuse Christ. By doing this, they have in fact replaced the one and only true GOD of Heaven into the form of their fictitious man-made god creature. Christianity had defaulted against GOD and the New Covenant that Yeshua had made during his last Passover feast when they had replaced the One true GOD of Heaven. All of the prayers of Christians are like the strong stench of cow-dung to Father because of their abomination. They will know by now, having read our web pages, that the Christian religion stem from a collection of pagan myths and gods. They will become aware by now how Christians had subverted the original meanings of passages in the New Testament that were originally written. People all over the world by now will know that Christians had re-written many passages of scripture that would become the New Testament, during the early century when this pagan religion had evolved during its development after they had broken away from the true fold. People will come to know of the many forgeries that were made by these pagan Christian churches to give people the false impression that they belong to the true fold that had originated from the person of Yeshua. I hope that people went to the public library and found history books on Christianity and the Satan myths that reveal the full truth about that religion. I am sure that people will also find out for themselves of the many horrendous murders and outright slaughter of innocent people that were committed by these Christian churches. Had they not killed people, adult and children, those people who had not fully ascribed to the Christian religion or had other points of view to its theology? History shows that this is a true fact. People will also come to know of the evils and atrocities that were committed by Protestant Christians during their own history. They will also become aware by now of how corrupt many of the Christian Popes and Protestant Pastors, had been throughout the passing ages. People will see for themselves how the vast majority of Christians have perverted GOD's Holy Laws within the Ten Commandments. Some Protestant Christians sects have even done away with the Ten Commandments altogether, because of their false understanding of what they read in scripture. I have also been hearing on some of those USA Christian broadcasts that their Pastors are telling their congregation that all homosexuals, be that they were born that way, or were converted to that lifestyle, should be killed in the name of their fictitious god. Is this going to be another form of Christian witch hunt, like they had in the USA in the 16th-17th century? They say these things because they have not the full knowledge of what is truth. These people lack the fullness of understanding of what was meant when the people of old had written in their text about this subject in the Old Testament. The same holds true when people rely on many of the text in the New Testament which had been shown to have been corrupted by the early "church" fathers about their invented man made god that they claim is Je-Zeus Christ. Many atrocities have been committed due to ignorance. I am sure that people all over the world will come to know about this matter of Christian witch hunts, after having read our web pages and take a good second look in various history books or on the Internet to get greater insights into these people atrocities that were brought about by their ignorance. People all over the world will come to realize the true nature of these Christian Priests, Pastors and false Prophets that they have been sending their money to and supported these shysters with their money-making business ministries. I will also challenge these Christians who believe in their fictitious god-man, Je-Zuse Christ. Not in words, for I have already done this, but this time in the form of a wait and see attitude. Let us see how events will actually unfold. So let us put this whole matter to the ultimate test. In the unfolding of events and the passing of time itself. In the meantime, let us examine this false teaching once again, concerning what the Christians call the second coming of their god-man Je-Zuse Christ. I have noticed that there have been a great many Priests, Pastors and false Prophets who are talking about this topic to their congregations since 1998 on to our present day. I am sure that the general public who are not Christians are also hearing these Christians Priests, Pastors and false Prophets on their TV, radio broadcasts and on the Internet, are claiming that their Je-Zuse Christ is coming back very soon to this planet to establish the Kingdom of GOD. It seems that despite all that I have revealed on these web pages, the vast majority of Christians, along with their Priests, Pastors and False Prophets who have read our web pages fail to believe that what they preach is a perverted false doctrine. In any event, regardless weither they believe or not, I have news for these Christians who believe that, "Je-Zuse Christ is coming back very soon" Great Lie. I make this statement because what these people are saying, it is a blatant, outright lie when you consider that this Je-Zuse Christ whom they are speaking about is only a fictitious, fabrication that had been invented by the early pagan Christians during the late first to the forth century CE. This Je-Zuse Christ that these Christians are speaking about is nothing more than a phantom, an illusion. Yet this is what millions of millions of Christians believe is coming back. This is like believing that a tooth fairy actually exists, and it will come and take your tooth you have placed under your pillow and give you money for it. Or believe that Santa Cause really exist, and that he actually comes with his flying reindeers and sled each year to bring gifts to Children at Christmas time. I can also tell people that the second coming of Yeshua, (not the Christians fictitious man-god Je-Zuse Christ) will not be coming back now, or in the near future. What Christians are talking about and are expecting, stem from a mis-understanding of what Yeshua had spoken, which was later perverted and written into the New Testament by these paganized Christians on this topic. There will be no restoration of the Kingdom of GOD on this planet because the vast majority of people had failed to uphold in practice, Yeshua's original teachings. What Yeshua had taught was when the people abide in GOD's Will and have the Kingdom of GOD within them, within their heart, only then would the Kingdom of GOD will be manifest to become a reality. That it would translate from the heart into action for the actual living Kingdom of GOD to be established on Earth. But these Christians have thwarted this action at every step of the way. First; Through their corrupt understanding of Yeshua's original teachings. I can well remember Christians tell me many, many years ago, as far back as 1967 that you cannot mix politics and religion together in order to bring about and establishment of the Kingdom of GOD here on Earth. They also told me quite bluntly, that only their fake Je-Zuse Christ can establish the Kingdom of GOD at his coming. So all through the two thousand years of time, Christians have been sitting on their duff waiting for their fictitious man-god Je-Zuse Christ to return to do the work that they were supposed to do. Second; Christians have perverted the whole of GOD's plan when they had refused Father's fellowship when they created their own god, in the form of their fictitious god, they claim is their Je-Zuse Christ. Speaking about the word "Christ". Is that not suppose to mean Anointed? So who had Anointed this phony Christian god, another god? This concept sounds like something that comes out from Greek mythology. The truth of the matter is that it had been Christians who had anointed their man-made god. GOD, our Heavenly Father had Anointed Yeshua as a son, not another god. This concept or belief that Christians hold to only shows how perverse their thinking had become to even suggest such a stupid thing. Yet this is what the vast majority of Christians are claiming with their false christ. There had been Christians in the past who had tried to bring about the Kingdom of GOD. That is to say, to establish the Kingdom of GOD on Earth, like the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches had tried to do and had failed in their attempt. They could not bring about the Kingdom of GOD on Earth while they refused the fellowship of GOD, the Heavenly Father. This they tried to do while worshipping their created fake god, Je-Zuse Christ and tried to bring about the Kingdom of GOD by their own means instead of doing it with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But then again, they could not be guided by the Holy Spirit for the Holy Spirit was not present among them while they worshipped a false god of their own making. Given all of these facts, these Baal worshippers Christians can sit and wait for another two thousand years for their fictitious man-made god to show up or return to Earth because this phoney god of theirs will not be coming to establish any Kingdom of GOD, now or in the future. How do I know this? Because in the first place, this god of the Christians is only a make-believe, phony man-created god. Secondy; I know that the time of Yeshua's request for Father to stave off His original intentions has run out of time for the Kingdom of GOD to be established here on Earth. What I do expect to happen, Father will instead send extraterrestrial beings to come with their star ship to pick us up, those of the Very Elect, and take us to a new earth before World War III begins. This event will become known to the people of the world when it happens. How could anyone miss seeing this, unless they are sleeping while this event is taking place. Those people who are left behind, who had heeded what was revealed to them on this web site or in the Holy Testament, those whom I call the elect, will have the assurance of re-incarnation where they too will be with us at a later date. What Christians can expect from their great deception, is a man-made New World Order system that is not of GOD. Now these Christians will also experience persecution because of their lying tongues and for deceiving people. Then a time will come when many people will be killed, including those Christians who had managed to evade the great persecution. For a horrendous great devastation will come by the dreadful event of the great shaking of planet Earth. After this great event has passed by, which will also cause the total collapse of the New World Order System, there will be many wars that will ensue between peoples and nations, based upon survival of the fittest for basic clean, fresh water and food. These wars will eventually escalate into an all out war, World War III. After a thousand years has passed by a fleet of starships will return to old planet Earth to take those survivers of World War III, those who they will take, and then destroy the rest of humanity that are left behind along with the entire Milky-Way galixy. This is what people know as the Great Day of the Lord, which had always ment the Great Day of GOD. This is what these Christians can expect instead of the coming of their fictitious man-made god. All that people need to do is to read the pages on our web site, The Real Yeshua, and the Future of Humanity to get the full impact of what I am talking about. In the meantime, people will come to realize that all this talk about the return of this Christian fictitious man-god whom they expect to return, will in fact turn out to be nothing but an outright lie. This false god will never come now, or in the near future or even in the far distant future. This Je-Zuse Christ of the Christians will certainly not be coming during this generation as most of these Christian Preachers, Priests or False Prophets are claiming and preaching now. People in time will come to realize that I had been speaking the truth all along. People from all over the world will now know the true facts after reading through our web pages. They will know the truth about the religion of Christianity. Given all of these known facts about the religion of Christianity, how can anyone in their right mind believe that a fictitious, man-made god will actually come to earth given that this creature Je-Zuse Christ, this invented thing, had never actually been known on earth before. At least not until the paganized Christians had invented him during the very late first to the forth century CE. There are going to be a great many Christians who are in for a very rude awakening and will no doubt be greatly disappointed when this creature of theirs, their false god, fails to show up at all. The blame will fall upon the heads of those Priests, Pastors and False Prophets who had given this false expectation to their people. No doubt this will be the catalyst that will bring about the great persecution against these Christian Priests, Pastors and false Prophets of perversion and their worship centres will be razed to the ground because of their lying tongues and for deceiving the people. When this fictitious, man-made god, this Je-Zuse Christ fails to show up, it is not because GOD had lied to the people, it is because these Baal worshippers Christians Priests, Pastors and false Prophets had lied and had perverted the true message and teachings of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Well, I will be around when this event of the coming of this phony god of the Christians fails to show up. I will probably be out working on Farr Island, or I may be someplace in an out-of-the-way place among natures wilderness. But you can be sure that where ever I may be, I will remind these Christian, Priests, Pastors and false Prophets all what they have spoken against me and expose their deceitfulness and stupidity. So those of the Very Elect and I, will sit back and wait and watch as the events of history unfold, and we will all, meaning all the people of the world, will find out soon enough, who of us, these Christians or I, have been speaking the truth.
Here is my entry for Feb. 28th.2004. It reads as follows... I greatly suspect that during this time-frame, the Vatican will be trying to cut a deal with the UN to partnership with the Roman Catholic Church in order to place all of Europe (UN) under the guidance of this said church under the appellation or label of order, unity, stability and peace. In other words, Pope John Paul II will be wanting to put all of Europe under the thumb of the Roman Catholic Church within the whole UN system. This is what this church had done during the time of Charlemagne and the advent of the Holy Roman Empire. The Vatican made a similar kind of secret deal with Hitler during the beginning of his dictatorship. So what will this mean to the people under UN rule? Once the Vatican has consolidated its power with the UN, and rules alongside with the new World Order, it will cause all people, great and small to bow down to its fake god and to its mother-of-god image. Also; All people within the UN/Vatican rule, who may be of another religion, or no religion at all, who do not bow down to its rule will be considered by the church to be heretics, and will come to be regarded as enemies of the church and its UN society. Meaning that if you refuse to accept the Catholic doctrine fully, or refuse to become a subject under Catholism, or refuse to ascribe to their beliefs and doctrine during this time frame, Catholics and their heads of governments alike will agreed with the Vatican that any people who do not tow the Catholic line threatens their UN society and therefore will be labelled as being in heresy with the New World Order. The crime of this heresy will once again be defined as any person who will deliberately deny any article of the Catholic religion. So what will that mean to all the people under the UN rule? In the past, this had caused large scale roundup of all people who were believed not to tow the Catholic doctrine. These people would be considered to be in heresy of the Roman/Vatican rule and be handed over for torture and execution if these people did not relinquish their freedom of thought or beliefs. Something like what had been done during the Roman Inquisition. So the new Un-holy Roman Empire will once again have raised up from the heap of ashes. Is history going to be repeating itself? This is what these Protestant Christians will get for their expected second coming of their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ and his new world order that they have always been talking about and had been waiting for all this time. One might say this is GOD's poetic justice for these Protestant Christians, for worshiping a false, man-made god. Well; Their protesting days will be over. These people will be grabbed by the scruff of the neck, so to speak, and be turned into good little Catholics, like it or not. These Protestant Christians should feel right at home under this New World Order/Vatican system. After all, they believe in the very same false Christ dogma as the Vatican. So much for that kingdom of god of the Christians, Ummm..., I meant to say, kingdom of the UN/Vatican. The more I look at this move the Vatican is making, the more it conferms that this perverted religion is the one that was spoken about in the book of Revelations who have made a false god, a man creature that they claim to be their god and upon it they worship his image. If this is what these people are saying, and really mean it, what do that say about their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ? I'll leave that one for people to mull over in their own mind. If the Roman Catholic Church thinks that this partnership with the UN will bring order, unity, stability and peace, I personally can see a lot of rebellion going on during this era against this UN/Vatican new world order rule. I have no doubt that this was the vision I had seen where it will be the time when the New World Order will dump the Vatican like a hot potatoe, when the general non-Christian public will rebel against Christianity and cause the destruction of the Vatican and all who claim to be connected with that perverse religion of Christianity. Something has just occurred to me when I think about all of this. I can not help but recollect a time when Protestant Pastors had been saying over the past recent months that the UN global system is of Satan the devil. In that Satan is ruling over the (UN) new World Order. Christians have been talking a lot about this fictitious Satan lately. Given the great extent that Christianity has perverted GOD's Will, and how they have perverted His writings in the New Testament by creating a false god of their own making, which is an abomination to the one true GOD, our Heavenly Father and have pervert His Laws in so many ways, one would think that these Christians are actually working for their fictitious Satan. I notice that a great many Christian groups have saturated the airways via their radio and TV broadcasts and they have thousands of web sites and chat rooms on the Internet filled with their perversion and abomination. Yet Protestants claim that the airways and Internet is the domain of this fictitious Satan, that old devil. Being that this is what these people believe, then it stands to reason that this Satan must love these Christians, if he is capable of love, for all the perversion these Christians are creating to frustrate the rest of humanity by leading people astray and cause them not to believe in the one true GOD of Heaven. One has to really wounder just what god are these Christians really bowing down to? Could this Satan of the Christians be masquerading as their man-made, god-man they call Je-Zeus Christ? After all, this false Christ is a real counterfeit to our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Just as those Christian prophets are a poor counterfeit to the real Prophets of GOD. Given that this may be the case, let me ask people this question again. What religion and church will be riding on the back of the new World Order that have created a false god creature which Christians claim is their god that is written about in the book of Revelations with the coming of this revived Un-holy Roman Empire? Here is a heads-up and a warning for all non-Christian people of what is about to come. Those people who place their faith in the true GOD, their Heavenly Father, fear not, for you will overcome this Christian perversion and their false man-made god religion. The religion of Christianity will become a has-been religion that will be relegated to the pit of debri as just another one of those man-made pagan religions. No longer will people need to ask, do you know the true Word of GOD? For it will be inbedded deep into the heart and mind of the people of GOD. No longer will their be phony and corrupt Priests, Pastors or false speritual guides or prophets along with their centers of worship of their false god or gods that will lead people astray from the true Word of GOD. For the true Word of GOD will be in their foreheads, it will dwell within the hearts and mind of the people of GOD. But don't mind me. I was just sitting here thinking out loud, on how events are unfolding as they must, while I was contemplating on how perverse this Christian religion has really become.
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