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It has come to my attention that Harold Camping of Family Radio ministry, stated on his radio broadcast that the Christian Bible is not a mixture of borrowed heathen text, but came directly from the Word of GOD. I can not let such statements go unchallenged. Therefore; I will be making it my personal business to expose the blatant ignorance of Camping's teaching ministry and bible school. I will expose and debunk any statements or teachings on his radio broadcasts that are false. To get a better idea of the extent of Camping's ignorance concerning the Christian Bible and what he is teaching on his radio broadcast, click onto this link below, and read about what I personally have found out about Camping's way of interpreting scripture and the level of ignorance this person has concerning his knowledge about how the Christian Bible came into existence and what he is teaching on his radio broadcast.
Exposing the
ignorance of Harold Camping
of Family Radio Ministry.
I had turned on the radio and some Christian protestant preacher was talking about how those new age religions were derived from early formes of paganism. While this preacher was talking on about this topic, I could not help but reflect upon how Christianity itself is as much a part of this heathen culture, with many of its ideas or doctrines, which stem from pagan rites, that these people espouse to, were derived from paganism. Even the Roman Catholic and Eastern Churches, which these Christian protestants got much of their theology and religious beliefs from, had taken a great wealth of pagan ideas and practices into their religion. All their theology, rites and rituals can be traced back from pagan religious beliefs and practices. Their modes apparatus, or function, their vestments, alter trinkets and rites, their many processions, the need to pray to statues or objects, their repetitive prayers and chants, their theology, their church structure, all were derived from pagan ideas and practices. While this Christian protestant preacher was attacking and lambasting those "new age" pagan religions, and claimed that their members will find themselves in a place, Christians call a fiery hell, in which these people are dammed to torment for ever and ever. I could not help think who is calling these "new age" religions pagan, when these Christians have as much paganism in their religion as those they are accusing. Talk about calling the kettle black, when they are as black as the kettle. I do not know about being a house guest of this Satan that Christians speak so much about, but I do know that the Satan they believe and speak about, was derived from pagan mythical traditions. I could not help but think how stupid this Christian protestant preacher really is, when it comes to speaking about the things of GOD. In that he is so unaware of how much paganism there actually is in the religion of Christianity. Frankly; I feel sorry for those people who call themselves Christians. For these people will never hear the voice of the one and only true GOD. Not while these people are worshipping and praying to a man-made god. A fictitious, man-made creature Christians call Je-Zeus Christ, whom they claim is their god. A god which is liken onto the false god Baal, which was created by man since the early dawn of civilization. I tuned the AM radio dial to another station that had not been infested or contaminated with the likes of these preachers with their heathen, Baal worship religion of Christianity.
I had heard through the news media on July/2005 the shocking news of the bombing in England. I feel sad for the people in England, given what they must be going through right now. I could not help contemplate on the lies Blair and Bush had told to the entire world to get them involved in the situation in Iraq. I feel their commentary after this event are nothing but empty words. They knew full well what they were getting themselves into when they attacked Iraq. And despite all of this, the American and British people re-elected Bush and Blair back into office. Well, this is just a part of the New World Order scheme of things that Bush and Blair are a party to. Unfortunately, most Americans and Britisher and a great many Canadians are ignorant of these known facts. Order out of chaos, huh, Bush and Blair? Cause a little chaos here and there around the world so that they may bring the security net up one more notch. How far they will go to get total control, it is anybodies guess. During the evening, I could not help think how stupid some of the traditional Christian beliefs are. Like the one where preachers tell people that GOD had to put His full wrath on Jezus Christ in order that the sins of humanity may be forgiven. One must remember that to the vast majority of Christians, GOD and their Jezus Christ, is one and the same person. In that they claim that their Jezus Christ is GOD. So what are we to make out of that statement? Are we to believe that GOD had laid His full wrath upon himself in order that He might be able to forgive the sins of humanity? It seems to me that GOD had forgiven many times, the sins of humanity in the Old Testament, long before this invented Jezus Christ ever came to be known. So what gives? But what can you expect from those people who claim that their Jezus Christ and GOD are the same person, despite the hundreds of passages in the New Testament which prove otherwise. Another thing that I find really stupid in the Christian belief system is that they say that Satan wants to destroy all of humanity. Then this begs the question; What would be the rational for doing that? After all, this Satan of the Christians wants to turn people away from GOD and have them worship him. That is what Christians claim. So what purpose would it serve this Satan to kill off all of humanity, especially those who openly worship him, who have built a religion based upon a heathen, mythical being? I think that half of the world population rejects this whole thing about GOD and live their lives as they see fit. The rest of the majority of the population believe in one form or another of a religious belief system that is heathen in origin, which Christians are a very great part of. Is that not playing into Satan hands according to what Christians claim? So I have to ask the basic question; What purpose would Satan want to kill off humanity when more people, day by day, are rejecting any kind of GOD is in existence? That alone should bring a smile upon Satan and frustrate the Christian man-made god. Frankly; My personal opinion, people would have to be pretty stupid to believe in the theology of these Christians given the totally absurd ideas that come out of that religion.
I want to relate some of my personal thoughts on religious matters. Keeping on the same theme of how stupid some of the traditional Christian beliefs are, I recall, as some of you who may had the occasion to hear, Christian preachers who make the bold claim during their sermon, on how their mythical man-made god, Jezus Christ, had defeated this equally man-made mythical Satan, during the time when this Jezus Christ resurrected from the grave after his death on the cross. Keep in mind that this event had happened around the early part of the first century CE. Then these same preachers, who are now living in 2005 CE go on and speak about how this same mythical Satan is causing havoc among Christians and people around the world, and is causing the destruction of planet Earth. This is some kind of defeat this mythical man-made god, Jezus Christ had over this Satan according to what these preachers are claiming. Talk about how stupid some of their traditional Christian beliefs are according to the claims of these preachers. I am not surprised by their constant contradictions, they have it in abundance in their religion. But then again, these Christians can conjure up anything they like, even things that are irrational and make little sense in a religious belief system that is based upon fiction. Another ridiculous Christian belief is one where they think that their prayers are being heard by the one and only true GOD, our Heavenly Father. They have the strange notion that GOD will listen and answer their prayers while they maintain that their fictitious man-made creature, Jezus Christ is their god. I had the occasion to hear some of these Christian preachers during their sermons, say a prayer that went something like this... "Oh; GOD, Heavenly Father," or "Father GOD, I beseech you, etc, etc." All the while the god they were praying to, turned out to be their fictitious, man-made creature, Jezus Christ. I kid you not. Therefore; Do not let these Christians fool you. They will use terms like, GOD, Father, Father GOD, Yahweh or the Holy One, in referance to their fictitious, man-made creature, Jezus Christ, as their god. Even I was fooled for a time, by this cunning ploy untill I saw through their clever deception. In the past year or two, some Christian preachers have been using the name of Yeshua in reference to their man-made god, Jezus Christ, in their deception tactics. This Jezus Christ of the Christians is nothing more than an imposter of the real person of Yeshua. They have taken the things of Yeshua and created from it their own religion based upon their heathen traditions. Therefore; The People of the Holy Testament have nothing to do with these Christians. Now that you are aware of it, you will no longer be fooled by these Christian deceiving tactics. How absurd it is for those Christians to claim that they are a people of the one, true, living GOD, and think that their prayers are being heard while they maintain their false belief that their fictitious, man-made creature, Jezus Christ is their god. I do not know who these people think they are kidding, they certinly are not fooling GOD, our Heavenly Father with their antics. It is therefor not surprising then to see how Christians get very upset when someone comes along and speaks the truth about their religion. It upsets their whole traditional religious belief system that they have perpetuated throughout the centuries. The vast majority of these Christian preachers have the strange idea that there is nothing else to know concerning the things of GOD. After all, they claim that all things that relate to GOD has already been revealed in their "Bible" (A Bible that had been greatly tampered with and altered, I might add,) and they have their Christian tradition within their religion that had spanned for two thousand years in which they can relie upon. So in their own mind, they falsely believe that they are correct. I also can recall other religions in ancient history that lasted for a very long span of time where people thought that they were right when they sacrificed their children upon the fiery alter of Baal. Because a religion has lasted for a long period of time, do not necessarily make it true or that they are right. There has been many religions in past human history that had survived for thousands of years which we can look back upon, and see how totally false and absurd their theology were found to be. To my mind, Christianity is no different. Their religious leaders have preyed upon peoples emotions, just like those religious leaders in ancient times, in order to sustain their perverted, heathen, Baal worship religion.
I could not help reflect upon how stupid some of the traditional Christian beliefs are. For hundreds of years, people have believed many long held views that pertain to our world that were untrue. Those long held untrue views which were told to us by those who were in authority are now being examined and challenged for the sake of accuracy, or to use a better term, for truth. In religious matters, many of their long held ideas or untrue views that were told to us, by those in religious authority are also being challenged to get at the truth. For truth will set a person free from pagan superstitions, (Like being possessed by demons). Truth will set a person free from false gods and deceptive teachings. Truth will expose the charlatans and deceivers that are among us. And most of all, truth will set a person on the true path to our Heavenly Father. This is what I am involved in. Another one of those stupid traditional Christian belief that I find troubling is their interpretation on the Creation story and of the Noah's flood story found in Genesis in the "Christian Bible". Christians claim that it was quite alright for people in that era to practice incest because the population of people had to grow. Then at some point in time, all of a sudden, it became a sin. So what is going on here? I am aware that most primitive cultures that had not heard about the "Christian" interpretation of the Creation Story in Genesis, had a long standing taboo against incest. Yet Christians claim that GOD condoned the practice of incest right from the very beginning of creation. Then somewhere along the line, GOD changed His mind and made it a sin. In fact, in some Christian circles, it is even a mortal sin. Very interesting interpretation these Christians have on this topic. One of the greatest contradiction that I find with people who claim to be Christians, is that they can not even act upon what their fictitious man-made god, Jezus Christ demands of them. That is to Love one another. Oh; I almost forgot, that was one of the teachings that was stolen, or should I say, "borrowed" from Yeshua when he had instructed those within his fold to "Love one another". Yet Christians can't even accomplish this task despite that they had two thousand years of time to get it right during their soiled Christian existence. What do we find going on among Christians? One can not help notice the fierce infighting between the various Christian churches, the constant bickering, vicious competition among their fellow Christian churches, the intolerance that they show towards their fellow Christians who may not hold to the same views. The long held battles between the churches from various Catholic sects and Protestant denominations and other Christian religious groups continues to go on. And these Christian preachers have the gull to say that I am of the devil, or that I do not know GOD or the Scriptures when Christians can not even get their own theology straight or get their act together during the two thousand years Christianity has existed? Yeah, Right! They are a good one to talk. Given the track record of Christianity, Christians should be ashamed representing such a religion, rather than brag about it. I can well remember when I had first come among Christians as I presented the Holy Testament to them. They showed no love at all. Rather, they could not wait to pounce on me because I would not agree with their theology. I was not the first one to cast any stones, but they sure had cast a barrage of stones at me. In order to defend the Holy Testament and myself, I created a web site on the Internet and presented the Holy Testament to the general public and explained its content as best as I could at that time. I also wanted to set the record straight from the many lies and unfounded insinuations that were cast about me by these "Christian" people. My focus now was on ex-Christians and people in general. Then Christians really got on my case. I can not count how many "hate" e-mail I recieved from them. There were that many that I lost count. This led me to expose the true face of Christianity. During this time frame, I was made aware that there were a good many protestant preachers and some catholic priests, through their radio broadcast who got pretty nasty about it all. Some were from Canada but the vast majority were from the U.S.A. The truth hurts when it is confronted. They acted like a bunch of vipers, hissing and throwing their venom at me. But I thank my Heavenly Father that I had the amour which He gave me and I was able to cut these vipers down, for their amour was just like tissue paper during that confrontation that had ensued. Now that I have found out that Christians worship a fictitious, heathen, man-made god, I no longer have any dealings with any of them. Their claim that the Holy Spirit is with them is as false as their religion. The Holy Spirit has never been with those who claim to be Christians. After all, they are preaching another Yeshua, in the form of their fictitious god, this creature they call Jezus Christ. Now I can well understand why they are the way they are. You know what? They sure do a lot of talking about loving your neighbour and your enemy in their preaching, but I have not seen it with my dealings with them. What they offer as love, must only be superficial at best. They can well keep it to themselves. I would not want any part of it. It is only when I no longer have any dealings with these Christians and their "religious" groups, that I can find some peace and quiet. Peace and quiet within our own group, and amoung non-Christian people.
I reflected upon the many people that I have met during my travels. Most of the people I had met, are pretty decent, kind and helpful people. What I had found out about these people, is that the vast majority of them had divers spiritual beliefs, or had not any spiritual beliefs at all. These people had grown up in an atheistic environment. Those people who had any spiritual belief at all, was mostly of a personal nature that was outside the established, traditional religions. These people had at one time, been brought up in one of those established, traditional religion, but had broken away from their religion because they saw many defects within its theology. Their religious belief now took on aspects of a variety of religious philosophies that they believed held some basic truth. I also met people who were agnostics, who had a hope that a GOD exist. These people had at one time been exposed and involved in one of those established, traditional religions but had broken away from them for various personal reasons that are common to most people. I also met some Christians. Some of these I found to be decent, kind and helpful people. But the vast majority of Christians I found to be phony. They talk a good talk, but their actions prove otherwise. Some people who claimed to be atheist, on probing deeper, held that there may be a possibility that they might accept that a GOD exist, if it made rational sense. I sensed these people had a sort of "lost hope" that a GOD may truly exist. That was quite surprising to me. It is people like these whom I had met in my travels that I hope to help in Spiritual matters through this web site. For they have a great potential to have a re-incarnation upon their earthly death, given the right guidance. Those people who still have the potential to be saved from eternal death. It is to these people who I will take the time and give what I know, so that they may be better able to re-connect with their Heavenly Father, The Creator.
During Canada Day, I could not help reflect upon the
events which had led Canada into an Afghan/Iraqi war we had not wanted. It all
started with American President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony
Blair's call for a war on weapons of mass destruction in which was later found
out to be a boldface lie. This war on Iraqi had nothing to do with the 9/11
attack of American people in the USA by Moslems from the middle East. How they
cleverly re-named it the "war on terrorism" in which our own Canadian
Government had been cleverly deceived by these people into getting directly
involved with their Afghan/Iraqi Moslem war in which was the perfect vehicle to
bring into effect many enactments in their own countries that would trample
upon the fundamental rights and freedoms of their respective Citizens. Because
of George W. Bush and British Tony Blair's boldface lie, our own Canadian
Government had pushed through Parliament enactments which would also trample
upon the fundamental rights and freedoms of Canadians which is clearly outlined
in our Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms of our Constitution. This is what
ran through my mind this Canada Day. Such is the power of George W. Bush and
Tony Blair's deception. Because of this, we are putting people in our armed
forces at great risk, and spending huge sums of money for a war that was
undertaken under false pretence. Now that Canadians and people of other nations
are involved in this war, we are now left to clean- up this mess which was
started by George W. Bush and his sidekick, Tony Blair. I had always thought that
our Armed Forces was to "Stand on guard for thee, Canada", instead of
meddling in
a war where we are not really wanted and its people would rather see us dead
because of their Moslem religious beliefs.
When speaking about the war on terrorism, I
could not help but think what is happening in Israel and those Moslem people
who call themselves "Palestinians" who continue their acts of
terrorism upon the Jewish people. Knowing what would be the outcome of all
those peace attempts between the Israeli Government and the Palestinian people,
I am not the least surprised that no peace treaty would ensue from all that
effort. When Palestinians say that they want to end the occupation, they are
really saying that they want Israel to cease to exist. This is the reason all
of Israel's peace efforts have failed. Israel will exist as long as the planet
earth exist. Given these known facts, Israel's only alternative left open to
them now is to re-take the Gaza Strip and all of those area's which the Israeli
Government had given over to the Palestinian people. They then need to drive
out, by force if necessary, and exile all those Palestinians who consent and
support these acts of terrorism against Israel. It is bad enough to have to
fight your enemies who are close to your borders, while at the same time having
to fight enemies from within. Getting rid of your enemies from within will be
one small step closer to having some semblance of peace from within the nation
of Israel. Defending the nation of Israel from outside forces is another
matter. This has been my personal view on this issue long before Arafat and the
various Israeli governments were trying to negotiate some sort of peace treaty.
All of the attempts by Israel to secure peace with the Palestinian people was
in vain, along with the continued acts of violence committed by Palestinians
had proven me to be correct on this issue. All of Israel's peace attempts have
failed with these Palestinian people whom the vast majority are Moslems. When
do you draw the line and say enough is enough? By now Israel knows that by
giving up the Gaza strip and other area's in order to allow the Palestinians to
have their own Government and a country in the hope for peace had not changed
or improved the situation. What did the Palestinian people do? They elected a
terrorist group that want to destroy Israel and kill off all the Jewish people.
Israel had even built a wall to separate itself from the Palestinian people as
part of their peace plan. Yet all of these things had not stopped the acts of
terrorism by these Palestinian people. I wonder how many more Jewish people
need to die before the Government of Israel will finally realize that they can
no longer pursue any kind of peace agenda with these Palestinian people? How
much more Jewish blood must be spilled before the Jewish people themselves and
its Government come to this conclusion? I know of no other country who had done
so much to obtain peace. What sane Government would allow or even tolerate to
have such an enemy from within its nation who is bent on acts of terrorism to
remain within its boarders? To have peace with a people, where there can be no
peace. ____________________________________________________________________
The news coverage during July/2006, has been on the war between Hezbollah, which is
a Lebanese Moslem terrorist organization, and Israel. There are
Lebanese Canadians who are out demonstrating against Israel because it is trying to protect
its nation and people from that Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist organization. I could not help notice that during the news media interviews of these
Lebanese demonstrators, in Canada and throughout the world, they blame the USA and Israel for
what is taking place in Lebanon. Not a word was mentioned by these demonstrators as to who had
started this trouble which led to the devastation of Lebanon. It is strange that everyone but
the Lebanese demonstrators knows who had started this new crisis in the middle-East. Yes;
everyone but the Lebanese people, know that the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist organization had started
this mess and brought this misfortune upon Lebanon. Talk about blaming the wrong people.
Lebanon had enjoyed six years of peace after the end of their civil war in which they were
able to re-build their nation and had enjoyed one of the best tourist season this year until
the unexpected, surprise attack upon Israel by that Moslem Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist organization
which had crossed over into Israel and attacked an Israeli sentry border post and killed eight
Israeli soldiers, taking two as hostage. Then Hezbollah from within Lebanon started shelling
missiles upon northern Israel, coinciding with the attacks by the Palestinian Hezbollah organization
in the Gaza Strip. How these Lebanese people can blame Israel for what that terrorist organization in
Lebanon had done, escapes me. Their kind of thinking only shows me how demented these Lebanese
people are when they can no longer recognize the true facts of the situation. These people
must have adopted the deceiving, lying tactics from Christians, those lying wonders. Christians
had refined the art of using these tactics to a very fine point. A Lebanese said in a news
interview that Israel may win this war against Hezbollah for now, but in time, Hezbollah will
come back to fight on another day and be much stronger than ever. Another interesting and very
revealing statement was made by the Prime Minister of Lebanon. While they claim that their
Government is too weak and fragile to stand against or send its troops after the Hezbollah
terrorists to disarm them, they are quite willing to send their troops, fighting alongside with
Hezbollah to go against Israel if the Israeli army should enter into Lebanon. It is well known
by now that the Lebanese Government, and a great many Lebanese people are helping and abetting
Hezbollah, while others are secretly on side with that terrorist organization. Their allegiance to
Hezbollah is misplaced given that Hezbollah knew full well what would be the outcome of their
rash attack upon Israel. They had knowingly put all the Lebanese people in great jeopardy due
to their actions. Hezbollah is also well known to hide among the citizens they happen to be
with in whatever country they happen to stage their terrorist campaigns. When the Lebanese
people see their dead or wounded, they can thank Hezbollah for bringing this misery upon their
nation and people. Had not Hezbollah made that unexpected, surprise attack upon Israel, the
Lebanese people would have continued to enjoy living their normal lives in relative peace with
Israel. Now because of what Hezbollah had done, the Lebanese people normal lives have turned
into misery. The Lebanese people can only hold Hezbollah accountable for their present
condition and circumstance. Put the blame where it rightfully belongs. Anyone can plainly see
that Hezbollah in Lebanon has thousands of missiles and is so well armed that they could have
supplied arms to the Palestinians in Israel. The Lebanese Government is structured much like
how the Palestinian government was set up. In that the Hezbollah terrorists had free reign to
do their dirty work all the while giving Israel and America the pretense to be at peace. We
can see during this war the great amount of arms the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists had acquired
over the years and were able to stash thousands of missiles all over Lebanon and to entrench
fortifications throughout southern Lebanon, shows how the Lebanese Government had to have turned
a blind eye or even participated in this activity. When the Prime Minister of Lebanon said that
he would send his troops to fight alongside with Hezbollah, that tells me that his personal
allegiance is with that terrorists Hezbollah organization.
Israel and America were utterly duped by the present Lebanese Government as to its involvement
in helping and abetting that terrorists Hezbollah organization. Now the cat is out of the bag,
so to speak, the Lebanese Government will have to answer for its actions or deliberate lack of
action. I have heard that many Lebanese people, aside from those people who are totally
immobile that are in a hospital, say that they can not get out of the war zone. I find that
very hard to believe. Any people who do not support or side with Hezbollah would not remain in
the war zone. They can retreat to a safe distance until this war is over. Any person can walk
at a very easy pace with a packsack if need be, and can still cover at least thirty miles a day.
I know because I have done it many times. No one has an excuse that they can not get out of a
war zone because of the condition of the roads or because some bridges were bombed out. Those
people who remain, do so because they choose to remain and they are totally responsible for
their own safety. Personally, I have a very hard time dredging up any kind of sympathy for
those Lebanese people who support a terrorist organization like Hezbollah. I also hear that
Kofi Annan at the UN is asking countries to give humanitarian aid and money to rebuild Lebanon.
Why should people in the west give any kind of humanitarian aid or money to a people who
support a terrorist organization? Hezbollah was stupid enough to bring this devestation upon
the people of Lebanon, so let their terrorist Hezbollah organization supply the aid and rebuild
Lebanon as it was before they started this stupid war. After all, it was Hezbollah who had the
bright idea to start this whole mess in Lebanon. Of course someone would have to make sure that
no arms are being smuggled in with that humanitarian aid and reconstruction of Lebanon. As for
trying to forge a peace treaty with these cut-throats, I think it is a waste of time and effort.
The only language that these brainwashed Islamic Hezbollah people understand, is to take them
head on and utterly defeat them to the point where they are utterly humiliated that they no
longer have any grandiose scheming intentions. I could not help notice that these Moslem people
believe that Hezbollah, is "the party of GOD". What a stupid, ridiculous, sick joke that is
coming from a terrorist organization. This claim by these self-deluded people is not only
stupid and ridiculous, it is also a hollow one. Just as hollow as the claims of the Christians
who also claim to be a "people of GOD" when in reality, the only people they are, is a people
of a fictitious, man-made pagan god. A man-made pagan religion that a good percentage of it is
full of crock. The truth of the matter is that those people who adhere to the religion of
Islam had fallen from grace with GOD, The Creator, a long time ago because of their own deceit,
malice and murder which had along the way perverted their religion of Islam into a deceitful,
man-made religion. The people of Islam are no more a "People of GOD" than are the Christians.
These are the sad facts on Hezbollah's false claims. Peace loving Moslems would be better off
to drop that Islam religion which is like a red hot iron that scorch the hands, soul and spirit.
Instead of Islam, Peace loving Moslems would be better off to become a People of the Holy
Testament. It is there that they will become a "People of GOD". Son's and daughters of the true
living GOD. Anyway; According to the news media, Kofi Annan and Saudi Arabia
want to have an immediate cease fire in Lebanon before Israel can defeat Hezbollah. Oh,
that would suite Hezbollah just fine so they can claim another false victory. Kofi Annan says
to give diplomacy a chance to end this conflict. Yeah Right! The United Nations had already
invested a good many years and effort trying to forge a peace treaty with these self-deluded
radical Islamic people which had failed at every step of the way. These people can never live
in peace for very long, be it with themselves or with their neighbors. It is just part of their
twisted, perverted, Islamic religious beliefs. The only way to end this war is to disarm these
demented people one way or another. Many Canadians who were in Lebanon were caught off guard
and found themselves in the middle of this unwanted war. I have to admit that Stephen Harper
and his Conservative Government, (which I had not voted for in the last election), and our
civil servants had done a very good job in taking quick action to get our Canadian civilians
out of Lebanon given the sudden, unexpected, surprise attack upon Israel by the Lebanese
Hezbollah terrorist organization. Out of the thousands of Lebanese Canadian civilians that were
brought back to Canada, I wonder how many of those Lebanese people secretly side with and
support this Hezbollah terrorist organization? That is a scary thought, having a bunch of
demented Moslem terrorist among us.
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