Is is hoped the material on this web site may have helped some people who had taken advantage to accessed this web site. That people have found the material to be informative, and insightful. That it has caused the reader to ponder upon its contents. At this point in time, I feel there is more than enough material here which will expose those who would deceive and lead a person astray from seeking the true GOD of Heaven, The Creator, your Heavenly Father. I am fully aware of those people who would lead you on a false path through their deception by the spewing of their so-called truth, rather than GOD's truth. I have exposed such people and religions on this web site for the sake of truth. To help people so that they may not be so easily deceived by those pagan, Baal worship religions with their false god or gods, who would lead a person astray by their clever decption. Some people will realize the truth revealed through the insight of the Holy Spirit. While others may ignore and even scoff at what has been reveald here. These people will continue to follow whatever path they were on before encountering this web site, which is their free choice. I will leave you with these words; Stay true to the teachings which has been revealed through the Holy Spirit which has been made available to you through this web site. Everything you need to know to bring you joy, love and contentment in your life are within the pages of the Holy Testament. You will come to know who you really are and the true magnificence which await you. You will come to know about GOD, His Heavenly Domain and how you can save your soul/spirit from eternal death which will enable you to become an adopted Son or Daughter of the one and only true living GOD. It will lead you on the path of reincarnation, and if you follow the teachings of the Holy Testament diligently, it will guarantee to lead you to everlasting life. Those people who are outside the fold of the Holy Testament because they have reject or ignored the prompting of the Holy Spirit, will have to face the Judgment of GOD based solely upon the positive/negative force within one's soul/spirit. Which is a reflection of how a persons had lived their life through their thoughts and actions. Those people who have spoken against the Holy Testament or the testimony and writings on this web site, will have sinned against the Holy Spirit, and condemned their soul/spirit to everlasting death. Only you can decide who or what you are going to believe and the path you choose to follow. The fate of your soul/spirit will greatly depend upon your judgment and the choice you make. Therefore; Choose well. I will return to our None-Member web site after Sept. 2011 CE, for I will have a great deal to say about those stupid Christian ministries who are claiming that the world and the entire universe is going to end in 2011 CE. Until that time; May your spiritual journey be free of obstacles and strife.

People of the Holy Testament

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