Fallacy of Christianity

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So now we read that Yeshua has grown to the age of twelve. We find him at the temple while his parents had left to go back home to Nazareth. We read that the temple priests and wise men were amazed at the wisdom of such a young little man. The writer put in this passage to show the wisdom of Yeshua at such an early age. But this text also contradicts or backfires from the previous text of Simeon and The Prophetess during the presentation of the child in the Temple for Yeshua to receive the Circumcision Rite. Did you notice that this is the same boy that had been brought into the Temple for Circumcision where Simeon and the Prophetess had given thanks to GOD, and claimed to the crowd that was there that this child was the long awaited Messiah whom the people looked forward for their deliverance? Are we to believe that these Temple Priest's and wise men just forgot that this boy, this little-man standing and speaking before them was their long awaited Messiah? Come now! I find this very hard to believe. Let's forget this point and move on, shall we? The next thing we read in the New Testament is the story about John the Baptist who is in the wilderness, baptizing the people throughout the land. John is around 30 years of age by now. About the same age as Yeshua who also come's onto the scene after so many years of silence about his growing-up years. It is during this time that John recognize Yeshua as the Messiah, the one who would redeem the nation of Israel. John had expected that Yeshua would be the one who would lead the Jewish people to fight against the Roman Empire. This was what all the Jewish people at that time expected from their Messiah. John was no exception. Now we read that it is here where GOD, say's to Yeshua that "He is well pleased with His beloved Son. On you my favour rests." Notice that GOD had said this only after, John had baptized Yeshua. The Holy Spirit came upon Yeshua to confirm this. One has to ask the question, why was this statement being said now, and not during the time of Yeshua birth? Here we can see that John the Baptist used the Essences method to baptised Yeshua and the people. To cleanse away the unclean person. The act of baptism was the washing away the unclean person. We know of this through the documents that had been found, called the Dead Sea Scrolls. The oldest documents in existence that the Jewish people have on hand. The Essences was an ascetic sect which flourished in Juda from about 200 BCE.-100 CE. There was a wide variety of small Essenes communities throughout Israel, (which was later renamed Palestine by the Romans). These Essenes did not adhere nor involve themselves with the traditional Temple crowd, (Pharisees and Sadducees). These people observed strictly all of the Mosaic laws (Ten Commandments & Secondary Laws) that had been written. The Ten Commandments and the setting up of the Sanctuary was established and written by Moses. All of the other writings,(Secondary laws) was established and written by other Elders (Israelite priest leaders) that was written under the pen-name of Moses. But let us get back on track from this little history and continue on with the story of Yeshua. We see that John the Baptizer is imprisoned by Herod and sends his followers to Yeshua. John wants to know when is Yeshua going to make the move against the Roman Empire in Israel? Is he the one? John wanted to know if Yeshua was the Messiah that they had been expecting? After all that had happened during Yeshua's baptism and John's declaration that Yeshua was the Messiah? We now find John wondering if he had made a mistake about Yeshua being the Messiah? How often have I heard Christian Priests and Pastors say that when you come upon passages that are about the same event, mentioned by more than one writer and contradicts the other writers that is found in the New Testament, it is because these events took place more than one time. It is clear that this is not the case in the temptation story. Rather, it is clear that the writers wrote about the same event yet there are contradictions found within it from one writer to the other. It is obvious that the temptation story had been copied from some other source. Then the writer had re-written it so as to give the impression that he was an eye wittiness to that event. But that was a foolish notion because Yeshua was alone during the forty days in the wilderness for them to have been an eye wittiness to write about that event. So now Yeshua goes into the wilderness and fasted for forty days and nights. This story is found in Matthew, Mark and Luke where Yeshua was being tempted by the devil. Why did he do this? Had he nothing better to do? The truth of the matter is that Yeshua had to go into the wilderness to contemplate on the events that had just taken place with John and the baptism in the Jordan river. Yeshua had to sort out what all of this had meant. What was going to be his motive, his actions? There were many questions that had to be answered at a time like this. It is sad that Christians can only see the surface of what they read in this text and not see the actual cause of his deliberation and concern that Yeshua had at this time in his new role. But Christians will go on believing in that Satan myth story as I have already covered on many of our web pages. Once Yeshua come's out of his seclusion, we read that Yeshua find's out that John, the Baptizer, had been arrested and beheaded by Herod and wisely leaves Herod's jurisdiction and withdraws to Galilee. But in John,s writings, Yeshua had already been at the wedding at Cana, dealt with Nicodemus. In John 4:1-3 we read that Yeshua was baptizing more people than John. After this, Yeshua spent time with the Samaritan woman at the well in Samaritan. Did his thing with the multiplication of the loves, walked on the sea of Galilee, encountering the man born blind, and then John state's... in John 11: 40-42, "Then he (Yeshua) went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been Baptizing earlier. So far, John had not been beheaded and is still very much alive. John never mentions the death of John the Baptizer in his writings. Now let us go to Luke. Here we read that John had already been beheaded by Herod before Yeshua did his thing with the multiplication of the loves to feed the five thousand people, Luke 9:7-9. In Matthew, we read that the death of John the Baptizer happened just before Yeshua did his thing with the multiplication of the loves that fed the five thousand people. This clearly shows that these people (The early church fathers who had assembled these text together) to make the story of Yeshua were not the original, real disciple's of Yeshua that was with him at the time, as it is made out to read here. These collections of separate sheets of text were assembled and compiled by the early church fathers in this fashion so that it would hide the fact that these scattered individual text were mostly copied from some other source, maby that of Mark. As we carry on with this little examination, this will be made quite clear to the reader. But my dispute is not with the original writers of the text, but with those early church fathers who had tampered with the text, who had added to the text, and corrupted many original meanings that had made the gospel and turned it into the paganized, corrupted version known as "Christianity". I also dispute how these Christians, Catholics and Protestants, try to twist and interpret scriptures to fit their perverted dogmas or doctrines regardless what the truth may be.

To be Continued....


I will not deal with the miracles that Yeshua had preformed because they are teachings about having FAITH. So let us continue in this exploitation and see what other things that are... false, corrupted or make no sense at all. I have passed many places that need to be pointed out because they have already been covered in the pages of... Things to Ponder Upon. It seems that only John 11:1-53 gives the story of the Raising of Lazarus. Simply put, Yeshua brought Lazarus from the dead after Lazarus had been dead for a time. Time enough for his body to be rotting away and it stunk like hell. Reading this story, many, many questions jump to my mind. Lazarus was living in a town called Bethany. It is just on the outskirts of the city of Jerusalem proper. In this town, you have a mixed bag of people, as most towns have. You have those people who adhere to the Temple priests. You have people who belong to other faith's or sects, such as the Esseans. Then you have people who were Hellenised and follow the Roman religion. Then you have a large proportion of people who do not give a damn, one way or the other about any religion. Because Lazarus had lived there ever since he was born, he, as well as Mary and Martha, Lazarus sisters, were well known to this community. The story say's that Yeshua arrives onto the scene only after Lazarus had already been buried for some time. That means that the funeral had already taken place. That means that some of the townspeople, as well as some (friends) from the nearby city of Jerusalem, who had took part in Lazarus funeral and gave their respects to Martha and Mary had already long taken place. Now here is where I find it very strange. After Yeshua raised up Lazarus from the grave, reading the text further, the people there seen not to think this was not such a big deal. Reading the story, you have the feeling that the towns people take this thing as if it happens all the time. Can you imagine a person from your own town, who you know very well, and had been to his funeral, and days later he is up and walking around as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened? You would think that all of the towns people, even the people in the city of Jerusalem would know about this event. I would think that such news, about a person who can bring dead people back to life, the Roman authorities would like to know more about this thing of having dead people come back to life. Do you not think? But we hear of no such report in any of the journals or writings from sources outside of John. You would think that people walking around after they had been dead and rotting for some time would hit the Roman News Headlines.. of the day! But no, not a whisper from any other sources. I can well imagine that the Roman generals would want to see this man badly, who can bring dead people back to life. They would want such a man in their army, to bring their dead military high officials back to life. O.K., let's move on... Let us look at the last discourse of Yeshua to his Apostles before he was arrested. In John 14: 1-7 We read... "Do not let your heart be troubled.. Have faith in GOD, and in me. (Yeshua is obviously not speaking only about himself). So how can Christians reconcile their statement and belief that Yeshua is GOD? Yeshua also said.. "In my Father's house, there are many dwelling places, otherwise, how could I have told you that. I am going to prepare a place for you, and then I shall come back to take you with me". Well when Yeshua returned to Heaven, did he come back to take his Apostles back to Heaven with him? Not that I am aware of. We know that the Apostles were waiting for that day to arrive. After all, it was suppose to take place during their lifetime. But what do we find, all of the original Apostles had died-off and Yeshua had not come back for them. In fact he never did return for any of the believers during their life time. The next story that I find very hard to take, is when Yeshua was supposed to have his trial. The one that would end up putting him to death. The part I want to take particular attention to is where Pilate is supposed to have asked the question to the people... John 18:38-40. "Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?" And the people shouted back... Naw.. "We want Bar abbas, not this one!". So Pilate let Bar abbas go. Do you know who Bar abbas was? He was a leader (a freedom fighter) of an insurrection against Roman Rule. You mean to tell me that Pilate would let such a dangerous man to the Roman state, like Bar abbas, the leader of an insurrection group to be let go just like that? Give me a Break! I was not born yesterday! Another place I want you to look at is when Yeshua had just died on the "cross". It reads here in Matthew, Suddenly the curtain of the (Temple) sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked, boulders split, tombs were opened. Many (dead) bodies (Here we go again, with dead people coming back to life again.. Am I reading a Harry Potter Book?), who had fallen asleep and were raised up. These dead bodies came forth from their tombs and entered the holy city (Jerusalem) and appeared to many. A centurion with his men who was keeping watch over Yeshua is said to have been terror-stricken at seeing the earthquake and everything else that was happening. Matthew 28: 51- 54. First of all, there had been no such earthquake of that magnitude that had taken place that would have split the earth to such a degree at the time. That this earthquake would have caused the earth to split right through, on up to the Temple Mount. There is no record or account of this event from ever happening from any other sources. Such a quake would have earned a mention from many other historical sources. Secondly; We know that the Temple had not stopped functioning after the death of Yeshua. Such a massive earthquake would have rendered the place dangerous and un-useable. Also, such a massive earthquake, enough to split huge boulders and cause a deep rift in the ground are not in ant historical record. Thirdly; We have people once again coming out of their tombs and walking about the city. Some of these dead people must have been walking skeletons, with all the flesh had already rotted away. Other's would have been in the state of deep decay! While others, those who had happened to die just a few days before this event, were like walking Zombies. And we are supposed to believe that all of this really had taken place? I know that there are a great many Protestant preachers out there in never-never land, who actually believe that these events had taken place. After all, it is in the Bible, the infallible word of God as these people like to put it. They will say that it is written in the "Bible" so it has to be true. Have you encountered in your own research of this event having taken place where dead people had got out of their tombs and walked around in the city of Jerusalem? I have not. There must have been thousands of eyewitness about to have see such an event. I suppose that these Protestant preachers still believe in the American version of Santa Clause, or the Tooth fairy, or in things that go bump-in-the-night. After all, why not? They still believe in a real live devil, in demons, in magic spells and the like. (This sounds so much like the Harry Potter books that Protestant Christians are so much opposed to.) So why not believe these passages! Despite these facts, these Christian Protestant pastors always make the claim that everything in the Bible is the absolute truth. Sooooo, They have to believe that these things must have really happened! After all, it do come from.. GOD's WORD, don't it? So far, I have just pointed to passages that are problematic, that are very obvious. That jump right out at you without having to go too deep into it, as other passages that are not so obvious but are just as bad, faulty and untrue. Time to take a coffee break! To be Continued...

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