Fallacy of Christianity

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The Acts of the Apostles in the new testament describes the origin and the spread of the New Faith communities during its early times. Remember that we had a look at the last discourse of Je-Zeus to his Apostles before he was arrested. In John 14:1-7 We read... "Do not let your heart be troubled.. Have faith in GOD. (He is obviously not saying he is GOD.), and in me. In my Father's house, there are many dwelling places, otherwise, how could I have told you that. I am going to prepare a place for you, and then I shall come back to take you with me". Well, when Je-Zeus arose after the ascension, did he come back to take his Apostles back to Heaven with him? Not that I am aware of. We know that Jesus apostles were waiting for that day to arrive. After all, it was suppose to take place during their lifetime. But what do we find in the New Testament, all of the original Apostles were killed or had died off by then. This John, who was to write the book of Revelations was not one of the original Apostles that had been with Yeshua. By the time the Temple was destroyed by the Roman army in 70 Ad., most of the original Apostles of Yeshua were by then 80 years of age, or older, if they all had lived that long. It was during this time frame that the "new faith" had undergone many new changes that will have eventually caused the "New Way" to become corrupted into the paganized heathen religion that was to become Christianity. It is clear reading this chapter of the New Way, that all of the original Apostles of Yeshua spoke of GOD as being the one of their forefathers. They had referred to Him, as Lord, and referred to Yeshua as lord. It was only much later in time, when the original Apostles had all died off that the early church fathers began to substituted what was meant to referred to GOD onto their fictitious man-god, Je-Zeus Christ. To the original Apostles the word Lord had always referred to GOD, The Almighty, the Creator. This change happened over a span of time that would eventually recreate Yeshua as their (man-god) to become GOD, and designate this new "Je-Zeus Christ" of Christianity as GOD of the Old and New Testament that would become the newly formed corrupted, paganized "Christian" religion and community. During the time frame between 70 to 150 AD., These newly paganized, heathen Christians were going in every direction in there teachings of the original Apostles of Yeshua, that neither one of these Christian "churches" had the full truth any longer. One of the earliest church fathers, who came onto the scene, after all of the original Apostles of Yeshua had died off, was Clement of Alexandria. Clement of Alexandria was born in 150 AD. and died in 215 AD. He had lived for fifty-five years. He was a church father (Bishop) and theologian of the early Christian Eastern Orthodox Church sect. He started his ministry around 170-180 AD. He was born in Athens and spent most of his time in Alexandria. His most important work is the trilogy "Exhortation to the Greeks" the "Tutor" and "Miscellanies. His is the earliest works (documents) of the teachings of the early Christians that is on hand. Teachings and works a good hundred years after the facts, after the actual events that had taken place with Yeshua and the original Apostles. While the central core of the teachings remains intact, how it is presented, (the outer layer that encompass it) can change a whole lot during that time span. These early church fathers wrote their own version of the Hebrew Bible into Greek that had been copied from the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament. The term is derived from the Latin word Septuagint ("seventy"; hence, the customary abbreviation LXX), which refers to the 70 (or 72) translators who were once believed to have been appointed by the Jewish high priest of the time to render the Hebrew Bible into Greek at the behest of the Hellenistic emperor Ptolemy II. The legend of the 70 translators contains an element of truth, for the Torah (the five books of Genesis-Moses to Deuteronomy) probably had been translated into Greek (around the 3rd-2nd century BCE.) to serve the needs of Greek-speaking Jews outside of Israel (Palestine) who were no longer able to read their Scriptures in the original Hebrew. The translation of the remaining books of the Hebrew Old Testament, the addition to it of books and parts of books (the Apocrypha; q.v.), and the final production of the Greek Old Testament as the Bible of the early Christian church form a very complicated history. This new version (translation) that the early church fathers had made was also named the Septuagint. A different version from the original Septuagint B.V. that is now lost. Because this new version called the Septuagint, rewritten in around the 3rd century CE, was used by all of the early Christian church fathers, What had remained of the original, was sheets of text from sources that was incomplete, were in extant only in fragments, and their history is even more obscure than that of the original Old Testament as found in the Septuagint B.V. would eventually become the New Testament of the compleat Bible that would be used by Christians through out the world. Therefore; A lot of errors and corrupt teaching had greatly accumulated into the now new religion that is called "Christianity" that would in effect change many of the original sayings and understanding, of what had actually been believed and written by the original Apostles of Yeshua. Sadly, this is exactly what has happened during the development of Christianity. I would strongly recommend for those people who have an honest interest in how their "Christian" religion developed during those early years between the 1st to the 6th century CE., is to get books on it at their local public library. It will be interesting reading, as well as an eye opener for those seekers of truth.

To be continued...


The rest of the New Testament reads about those Apostles who are trying to maintain the faith from those who are trying to pervert the true teachings. It is during this time frame that the perverted, paganized "Christians" are going among the masses, perverting the truth that had been handed down. I have already touched upon the Book of Apocalypse (Revelation) on our.. "Things to Ponder Upon" web pages. The Apostles believed that Yeshua would return for them during their life time. Even Paul, who had come onto the scene much later, believed that not only the return of Yeshua would come during his life time but also that the day of the Lord would soon follow. Paul believed this at the start of his new ministry. He would later, near the end of his life, change his mind on this belief.

Here are statements that he made while he believed that Yeshua would return and that the "Day of the Lord (GOD)" would soon follow. This you will find in 1 Thessalonians 4: 15.. "We say to you, as if the lord himself had said it, that we who live, who survive until his coming... and in 5: 1... " As regards specific times and moments, brothers, we do not need to write you... You know very well that the day of the Lord is coming like a thief in the night...

Also in Romans 13: 11, It reads... "Take care to do all these things, for you know the time in which we are living. It is now the hour for you to wake up from sleep, for our salvation is closer than when we first accepted the faith." In this passage, it is clear that Paul was anticipating Yeshua's return. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 it reads..." You know very well that the day of the lord is coming like a thief in the night..." It is clear that Paul speaks about the need for the preparations for Yeshua coming during their lifetime.

In Peter 1:13, It says..." So grid the lions of your understanding. Live soberly, set all your hope on the gift to be conferred on you when Yeshua, the Anointed appears. It is clear that Peter is expecting Yeshua to come back within his life time. When that event had not taken place after all of the original Apostles had died off, those who followed the faith after them had written the Book of Apocalypse (Revelation) believing that the Day of the Lord (GOD) would have to come at a later date. This is why the early paganized church father's placed the book of Apocalypse (Revelation) at the very end of the combined books that would become the Christian bible.

Speaking about the letters that were supposed to be written by the original Apostles, there are three letter's that are attributed to John that could not have been penned by the same person. The writing, style and wording used in these three letters shows a clear distinction from one letter of John to the others. The John, who wrote the book of the Apocalypse, (Revelation) was one of the last, late apostles (not one of the original Apostles of Yeshua), who wanted to give a last warning to the churches and to the majority of the people who had already perverted and paganized what the original Apostles had taught. During this era, the converted pagan people are being taught the perverted, paganized teachings from within their own ranks. These people were well on the way of falling away from the true faith, the true teachings. Eventually, the true teachings had given way to that paganized, perverted man-god, teachings that became so popular, that became the religion we know as Christianity. The Christianity of the second century CE, to what has been handed down to us today.

I think that one of the greatest problems with Christianity is that many Protestant's fail to realize, or just do not want to believe that the New Testament that they hold, be it whatever version they may have, had been greatly tampered with during the stages of early Christianity by the Roman Church (now known as the Roman Catholic Church). Whatever documents they had at that time, they had plenty of time to change its text to conform to their teachings during the fourteen hundred years before the controversy began that led to the reformation. The Catholics must have been smiling when they learned that copies were being made from their "altered" text that had long been, let us say... re-adjusted. These reformers got what ever documents they could get their hands on, (because the Roman Catholic Church watched out for that), and translated these text to German and later into English. This is the reason why one can come across verses in the New Testament that contradict itself. Here are some examples.. One of these passages that had been added by the early Christian scribes can be found in the gospel according to John, in a newer version, Chapter 1; verses 1 to 5. The true beginning of John follows in verse 6. That verse 1 to 5, better known as the Prologue in older versions of the NT where John then starts on verse 1 after the Prologue text. This Prologue text was inserted probably by Jerome or some early church father of the pagan, heretical, perverted religion of Christianity to make their fictitious Jesus Christ to represent as being god. There are two other verses that had been added in the pages of the New Testament that give the idea that their fictitious Je-Zeus Christ is god, which by the way contradicts the rest of the entire New Testament that is refering to the original Yeshua. Look at the Book of Revelations. Notice here it goes at length to point out that their newly formed "Jesus" is the Alpha and the Omega. The First and the Last, The Beginning and the End. Yet the rest of the Testament, even Yeshua's very own words declares that there is GOD, the Father. That Yeshua is sitting at the right hand of the Father. That Yeshua is on Earth, while GOD is still in Heaven. Nothing is confusing when you know the truth of the matter. Please do not try to tell me that the Roman Catholic Church would not have dared tried to tamper with the gospels or the Book of Revelations. For if you believe that, than you are more naive than I am! Most Protestant and Catholic preachers or Priests are totally ignorant about these facts! Given that there are so many interpretations on the rendering of many passages found in the New Testament within the religion of Christianity, it is quite obvious to me that many Christians have not a clue as to what the original teachings has to really say. Yet Protestant and catholic all claim to know and understand all of its meanings. This alone should tell you that most of these "teachers" be they Protestant pastors or catholic priests are just groping in the dark. Something like... The blind, leading the blind.

Now I will have a look at some of the teachings that come out of the mouth of these Protestant and catholic priests and preachers. As I listen to the audio tapes sent to me, I will make comments on the teachings found therein. My first look at these tapes that come from some of these Protestant teaches claim that Angel's do not have bodies, that they are not of the image of man. These Protestant pastors must be reading from a different "Bible" than the one I have. For I read in the Bible that I have, about Abraham meeting GOD, (there are many Protestant preachers who claim this was really their fictitious Je-Zeus ), and two Angels at his camp. Who are begged to sit down under a tree and dine. Then the two Angels go to Sodom. These Angels appeared to have bodies. Genesis, 18: 1-33. What about in Luke, John, Mark and Matthew, who speak about Angels. They seem to have bodies also, who wear their white garments that was dazzling as snow. Matthew 28: 1-7. Mark 16: 1-8. Luke 24: 1-8. and John 20: 11-14. The whole Bible is full of stories that depict Angels having form, having the image of man. I also hear that these Protestant preachers are trying to convince people that the snake in the garden of Eden was indeed a real live snake that spoke to Eve. That Satan had transformed himself into a body of a snake. Really! Sounds to me like a story one can find in one of those Harry Potter books! And these very same preachers denounce the Harry Potter books as demonic. These preachers or pastors have not the brains to know that these tales only represent a meaning. They are not to be taken literally. There are so many errors being said by these pastors on this tape that I should devote a web page on them so that the general public can see how phony these preachers really are. People need to find out for themselves the validity of these Protestant Bible thumping preachers. I hear these preacher talk about having to be weary of unscrupulous teachers of scriptures. Yet they are too stupid to realize that they are among those of unscrupulous teachers of scriptures. I see that there is a Christian Protestant preacher who claims to be a "Last day Prophet of GOD". Listening to his preaching, he should be re-named the "Last day Prophet of Perversion". There seem to be an abundance of these, so called, prophets within the religion of Christianity, all of them contradicting each other. All of them making the claim that GOD has spoken to them. Yet, these preachers and prophets continually give out perverted teachings. There are so many tapes to go through, that it will take some time to make comments on these Protestant and Catholic pastors teachings that I have on hand.


You know what I notice about these people? I find it quite interesting that these people speak about being "born again" while they continue in their perverted, heathenistic teachings. I have also scanned many local Canadian T.V. religious broadcasts. Most of these are from America. There are only a very few broadcasts that can be said is truly Canadian, that originate from Canada. Those that are found, most of these Christian broadcasts bring in their preachers from America. On the local AM/FM radio stations, I find a few Canadian Christian broadcasts, but they too have been Americanized by the same perverted teachings I have found coming from the USA I have found out that the vast majority of these Canadian Protestant churches have their head office's in the USA Most of these so called Canadian preachers have received their " Doctorate of Divinity Degree's from American Protestant institutions. Half of these Preachers are Americans who had come to Canada to escape some sort of film-flam shady business they had done in the USA Most of these Christian broadcasts and Churches were established, not because they were lead by GOD, or lead by the Holy Spirit as many of these people claim, but by their own determination and craftiness that got them to where they presently are. I am not surprised by all this pervert teaching that is taking place within the religion of Christianity . Rather, I am more surprised that Father had been so patient with humanity. I wounder why these Christians think that I am their fellow brother, when they continue to pervert all of Father's intentions. Corrupting and perverting what had been given. This is not only being done by Christians, but also by Jews and Moslems who had professed to carry the message and teachings of our Heavenly Father. This perversion goes a long way back in history that has continued to our present day. Now I can understand why it was so hard to find people of truth. I should not really have been so surprised by this, given all that has transpired over the span of time.

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