Believing in faulty Religions

While writing these articles on this web page, I could not help thinking that people, billions of people, in fact, who had existed over the span of time had come to believe in various false, pagan religions which most are now put into the rightful category as ancient pagan myths. I find it very hard to believe that intelligent human beings have allowed themselves to become so duped by these pagan religions that they were willing to set aside their judgment of sound reasoning and cast it off into the wind. I realize that most of these pagan ancient religions had some semblance of truth hidden within those myths, some were even gems, but unfortunately, these truths are surrounded with a whole lot of untruth or fiction, that it has managed to tarnish those truths that much, that they become nothing but part of the lies. We have religions like those of ancient times with its various fictitious divine beings, which presently exist today. Such as the various shades of Hinduism, Shinto, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, while Sikhism, Islam and Judaism adheres to the one, single GOD, though all their theologies has many pagan ideas and teachings imbedded into their sacred books. All of these religions mentioned above have the same type of hidden truth within their myths, untruths and fiction built into these religions which may make it sometime quite colorful to look at, but they also makes it very difficult to be able to rely upon them when it comes to the truth of GOD. Studying these religions over the past years, with all their myths, fiction and some with outright blatant lies, they are not something I would want to depend my very soul/spirit upon. I had once heard a seemingly nice, friendly, intelligent Jewish women who had converted to Christianity, say that the GOD of the Hebrews, was the Christian, fictitious Je-Zeus Christ, because he was born a Jew, he was a human being, and he was also GOD. This is one of the three gods the Christians claim to have in their apostate religion. The mother of this Je-Zeus Christ, is an average, regular human being, very mortal. She was not a god. According to their theology, Mary, had become pregnant by one of those other Christian gods, the one called the Holy Spirit. That intercourse resulted in the birth of Je-Zeus Christ. The other two gods Christians claim that exist, one is idientified as the Father, and the other god is the Holy Spirit, within their pantheon of gods in their peculiar pagan religion. According the way Christians explain it, these two gods are really this other god, Je-Zeus Christ. A christian had tried to explain that to me, and the more he tried, the more he got confused about the whole thing. So if Je-Zeus Christ was also the Holy Spirit, it stands to reason that this Je-Zeus Christ, had disguised himself as the Holy Spirit god, and had made his own mother pregnent, so that he could become fully human. Talk about how perverse the Christian mind works. So this Je-Zeus Christ had impregnated his own mother! His mortal, human mother is known among many Christians as the "Mother of GOD". Imagine that! Such is the thinking of those people who are gullible enough to believe in such a pagan religion. Can you imagine a person who is highly educated, very astute, working for a huge firm as management or in a high executive position, was handed a business document by some employee which had contained serious errors, fabricated data and lame brain ideas which made very little sense, such a document would quickly be put into the trash can and the person who had handed in such a document, would be booted right out of the office. Yet; Would you believe me if I told you that such people, would willingly except such a falty document as fond in the New Testanent, when it comes to believing in a religion and take it to be reliable and factual, and not bother to check the information? There are literally thousands of people working in these kind of high positions who willingly accept religious documents with serious errors, fabricated theology which make very little sense, and accept this as their religious beliefs. It is strange how some people's brains seem to function. Frankly, I would question such a person's judgment if I had to depend upon it. These people may as well pick up a good fiction book like Harry Potter, with all of its miricles brought about through casting magic spells, casting out demons and the like, and make that their religion. They can get any number of the millions of fictitious novels that are around, and make that their religion, for all the good it will do them. At least they realize right from the outset, that what they are reading is fictition. Unlike those pagan religions like Christianity, which try to pass off and convince people that their fictitious novel, the Christian Bible, is factual and realible, because everything in it they falsely believe to be the truth. It makes me wonder if these people can distinguish between truth and fiction, between fantasy and reality, given what they are led to believe in their Christian pagan religion. Even if they placed their hand on their fictitious Christian bible and swear an oath upon it, I would still have a hard time believing them. Then again, if they swore upon Popular Mechanics, or Field & Streams, which are based upon factual, reliable information, albeit not on religious matters, they would have a much greater chance to convince me they are telling me the truth. Some people may think I am being overly audacious, brash or obnoxious, because of the way I am pointing out how incredibly stupid the whole Christian theology is, which a great many people falsely base their entire faith upon. Sometimes, one has to go to these extreems, in order to make a point.

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