Mr. Harold Camping; I have noticed that you, a pathetic armature in Biblical studies, along with your apostate, perverted Christian ministry have tried to debunk, in a very indirect way, of course, everything I have written on my web pages listed on the Town of Haileybury and the People of the Holy Testament web sites, which are both hosted on the Angelfire / Lycos network. On your radio program, you claim on may occasions that those people who do not interpret the Christian bible passages as you interpret, are not reading the entire bible. Some of your interpretations I have noticed are way off the mark. It is obvious listening to you that you are conjuring up made up ideas from your own faulty views rather than what the Spiritual meaning really is. On other accusation, you claim that those people who receive visions, dreams ect, are not getting these from GOD, but from Satan, the devil, as you point out many times. You also claim that people who do not agree with your teachings are not using the proper hermeneutics. You have also made unfounded assertions that the bible, King James Version, is derived from the original Greek or Hebrew text! Where do you get that stupid idea? There are no original Greek or Hebrew text, only copies of copies of Greek or Hebrew text which were greatly tampered with, passages altered, and that text passages had been inserted which did not originally belong, by the hands of those early pagan Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox Christian church fathers. These are the text the Protestants had used to translate their bible into their various languages, including the text for the King James bible. Anyone, like you Camping, who claims that they are reading their bible which was written from the original manuscripts is not only ignorant of the historical facts, but that claim is just as phony as your pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ. You give people on your radio program the false impression that you are knowledgeable in Biblical studies just because you claim to have studied from your apostate, paganized Christian bible for the past fifty odd years, you know what you are talking about. I say hogwash to your claims. It is quite apparent listening to what you are preaching, you have only maintaining your level of ignorance during all that time, and do not make you an expert in the field. Your level of competency is very poor in this regard, and you are in no position to be teaching people instead your false assumptions. Your claim that the world is going to end in 2011 is a good example of this. People rely a teacher to be teaching them the truth, and not the lies that spew out of your mouth. I contend that you are not only an ignoramus, a fool, but that you are a liar. If you insist to show the world the level of your ignorance, that is their own affair. But I will not sit idly by while you, make those accusations mentioned above. Your Christian ministry is targeting not only Canadians, but to people around the world on the public airways with your radio stations. I am fully aware that you and/or your students have been reading our web pages in order for you to gain Insights while at the same time try to debunk what is written on our web sites over the past years. Up to now I have let it slide and just wrote about you on my web pages which I am cretin you are fully aware of. Making such bold claims on the public airways without backing them up, is easy to make such unfounded claims. I mean backing up your claims against real history, and not from that pathetic Christian bible which can not stand the test of scrutiny, which I intend to can prove. You are not only a fraud, but a menace to society as a teacher in religious matter. I am putting out this invitation to challenge you, Camping, since that Rod Hembree and his Christian ministry had refused to take up the challenge, like the yellow-bellied loudmouth that he is. If you are a any kind of a man, you will take up this challenge for an open debate on these very key issues, like who in fact is the real GOD, details about the Christian Bible and the origin of Christianity. An independent secular television station can be contacted and a place to have this truly "Open Forum" can be established where neither one of us has any advantage or control over it, and back up your bold claims you make on your Christian radio program. The way you speak on your radio program, you appear to be so very confident and cretin that you are correct in what you claim on your broadcasts. Therefore, you should have no problem at all to accept this open challenge to defend the claims you make on your Christian ministry program. Please inform me if you accept this open invitation to this "Open Forum" debate. Please have the courage of a gentleman to respond, yes or no to thisopen challenge. If you agree to this open challenge, we can work out the details, the time and place for this debate to take place.
Jean Pall /
People of the Holy Testament