After hearing what those Christian
Priests and Preachers, be they Catholic or Protestants, have been saying concerning the
near future, tells me they have not a clue of what humanity is in for. Maybe it is just as
well that they are really ignorant about what is in store for them, for it would drive the
average person into utter despair. This was the reason I had not revealed the full extent of the chaos that
will befall all of humanity, some to a lesser or greater degree. Depending where a person
is situated upon the world. What I had revealed in "The Future of Humanity" in the Holy Testament, is
nothing compared to what was given for me to see. Those who claim that their phony
god, Je-Zeus Christ will be coming soon, within the next few years, are going to be
greatly disappointed. The Christians "mysteries", of their three-in-one false gods which
is based upon pagan worship which was derived from ancient Babylon. The only thing
Christianity represents, is a fictitious demi god that goes by the name of je-Zeus Christ
whom our Heavenly Father has already cursed. As I had said before, humanity can thank
these Christians and all other Baal worshipers for bringing the wrath of GOD upon the
people of this world. Now that the secret agenda of what Christians were planning to
do, that is to deceive people, once again, is out of the bag, people will not now be so
easily deceived. Anyways, there will always be someone around to remind the general
public of how Christians are trying to bring in their false Messiah, by hook or by crook.