Rod Hembree Life Lessons Ministries...
I had the occation to get aquainted with this Christian ministry when they
came "On Line" so to speak, in 2002 CE. This father and son team started this
Canadian Christian ministry to perpetuate the fundalmental Christian lie by
decieving as many people as they can through their Christian programming.
Here is what Ron Hembree had said on January 2005; "As we enter the 16th
year of taking viewers through the Bible, our prayer is that the materials
prepared and presented will deeply impact individual lives and our society".
Indeed Christiabity had deeply impacted upon individual lives and their
societies. Look at the hundreds of thousabds of people which had been
murdered by Christians in the name of their fictitious, man-made god, je-Zeus
Christ! Read all about that in your history books. For the past years, their
ministry have tried to debunk much of what I have written on this web site.
Oh; This moron will go out of his way to point out things which will valadte
the bible and his perverted Christian teachings, and he will omitt facts or
anything that may contradict historical events written in their Christian bible
or his Christian teachings. This is the type of deception I have found coming from
these "Christian" preachers. They do this by omitting much of the true facts and
leave the impression to their listeners and viewers that I do not know what I speak of.
Here is some of their tactics that they use to decieve their audence. One time they were
talking about the first century stone ossuary which had been discovered that
was believed to have held the bones of James, the brother of Jesus, also
known as "James the Just." The ossuary carries an inscription that says, in
Aramaic, "James son of Joseph, brother of Jesus." which was discovered on
October/2002 CE. in Israel. Of course the Press made much news about that
find. The authenticity of the ossuary itself was generally accepted that it
was made during the first Century CE. Laboratory tests performed by the
Geological Survey of Israel confirm that the box's limestone comes from the
Jerusalem area. The patina-a thin sheen or covering that forms on stone and
other materials over time-has the cauliflower-type shape known to develop in
a cave environment. More importantly, it shows no trace of modern elements.
The patina covers the inscription on the box as well, indicating its ancient
origin. What is not agreed upon is whether the entire inscription dates to
the first century. Rochelle Altman, a paleographer, quickly argued that,
while the first part of the inscription ("James son of Joseph") dates to the
first century, the second part ("brother of Jesus") shows signs of being
written by a different hand at a later date, which she estimated to be the
around the third or fourth century CE. I too question the autenticity of
the entire inscription. Had that ininscription would have frome the first
century, it would not have been written as.."brother of Jesus", but would
have been written as "brother of Joshua or Yeshua. The word "Jesus" came
into common useage only during the 17th century CE.
But many scholars questioned whether
all or part of the inscription was a forgery. I also question the
According to BAR's web site (, "Laboratory tests performed by the Geological Survey of Israel confirm that the box's limestone comes from the Jerusalem area. The patina-a thin sheen or covering that forms on stone and other materials over time-has the cauliflower-type shape known to develop in a cave environment; more importantly, it shows no trace of modern elements." The patina covers the inscription on the box as well, indicating its ancient origin.
What is not agreed is whether the entire inscription dates to the first century. Rochelle Altman, another paleographer, quickly argued that, while the first part of the inscription ("James son of Joseph") dates to the first century, the second part ("brother of Jesus") shows signs of being written by a different hand at a later date, which she estimated to be the third or fourth century
These fine Christian people spoke of how wonderful it was to have this
"evidence" about their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ. This discussion took
place well after this "ossuary of James" was proven to be a fake, yet these
Christians omitted that fact and left the impression that the artical was
genuine. I have listened and taped many of Rod Hembree teachings on his life lessons on his
radio broadcasts. What that Rod Hembree and his studio clicks have been
saying on their broadcasts, I have found these morons to blatantly lie while
perpetuating their apostate, pagan religion with their phony man-made god,
Je-Zeus Christ. I found this man, as a Christian no less, that he will not hesitate
to lie on many of the topics he preaches to defend his apostate religion. In fact,
that moron has not the guts to come out and take me on in an open public debate
on the issue of Christianity. This moron is bold enough to challenge anyone with his
lies about his so-called "historical" Je-Zeus Christ which Christians claim was a real
person and had really lived. This moron also accuses historians of re-writing history.
Those who do not buy into the Je-Zeus Myth. The only people who have done any kind
of re-writing of history concerning this padan god, Je-Zeus Christ, were the pagan
Christians themselves. This moron is bold to make all these claims while hiding behind
his broadcast studio, but he is too much of a yellow-bellied loudmouth to confront the
issue head on and defend his claims and his apostate Christian religion in an open public
debate where one can scrutinize his statements and claims. Such is the fiber these Christians are
made of. I wonder how such a person, as a Christian no less, can walk in his community with any
sense of honesty or credibility, while he spread his lies in order to defend his apostate,
pagan religion. I had sent two e-mails to Rod Hembree last month and challenged him to
an open public debate. Here is my proof to back up my statement that Rod Hembree
refuses to
defend his Christian religion in an open, public debate with me.
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