Typical Letters from Christians

Over the span of time since I had established the People of the Holy Testament web site, I had received a great deal of e-mails from Christians and Christian ministries. This is one I have just recently received, which is a sample of what I get on a daily basis. This e-mail was one of the better one's written by a Christian which do not contain any profanity which I can safly display on my web site. It reads......

Holytestament Mailbox: Subject Will the real Men of God please stand up ?!!!!! --- Standard Header Full Header

Sent Date 08-03-2007 10:54:04 PM

From marlon harris

To holytestament@lycos.com

There is so much to say and yet little time to say it. So, for the sake of time I'll keep this brief and to the point. You need to know that everything your typing, teaching or writing is DEMONIC!! You have been possessed, influenced, and oppressed by Satan, but the worst part about it is YOU DON"T EVEN KNOW IT!! What you are hearing in meditation, and seeing in REVELATION is given to you by none other than Lucifer himself.............the fallen Angel. Those beings that Satan are telling you have no free will. What your teaching is a DOCTRINE of DEMONS. OF course, I know this because of God's very own word! NOT, because of some kind of meditation or saince.( This world consist's of ABSOLUTES) God's word is absolutely TRUTH! Satan is the Father of all LIES! In fact, if you really want to know what you are operating under, it's called the spirit of ANTICHRIST! It's in the world and my friend you are hearing and obeying what you hear! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! NOT BECAUSE I SAID IT OR YOU DON"T BELIEVE IT BUT BECAUSE IT IS AN ABSOLUTE!!!!!!!!! Every KNEE shall BOW and every tongue shall confess....................You either confess it now or you'll say it while you are suffering and agonizing in eternal punishment. ( YES, There is a HELL) The greatest trick Satan has ever performed is convincing the World that he does not exist!! At first when I read your beliefs on the web I was offended......... but trully I feel sad and sorry for you, and anyone else that has been decieved. In fact you are so decieved, that you aren't even aware of why you have not mentioned who you are! What is your name! The secrecy. So that we may NOT PRAY FOR YOU by name. That's the true reason why Satan has led you not to mention who you are. God does not desire for any to parish!! SO I will pray for you and the Holy Spirirt will intercede for your soul whether I know your name or not! Jesus is the Prince of Peace..............Have you ever met anyone that has experienced a TRUE conversion? There are some of us out there! True Christians, baptized in the Holy Ghost.......and I invite you to email me back with any questions or dialogue that has crossed your mind in this email..........I hope not to offend you...........truly but only to speak the TRUTH!!! R U Willing to open a Dialogue? Thy Kindom Come ! Gripped by Grace, Marlon

Here is another letter we have recived from a Christian named Noel. It reads..... so where will I read about what you DO believe.? I guess you dont need to believe that Satan means Accuser and is the accuser of the brethren. Seems you might put him out of a job from what I have read. have you any written exposition on John ch 8 Noel.

My answer to this person Noel was; Who said anything about you being a brethren? You are not one of us. By the way, you of all people is trying to teach me about Satan, especially when I have pointed out on our web site where and when that pagan myth had originated from? If you are too stupid to know that or what we believe by now, after having read some of our web pages, then no one can help you. Please take your comments elsewhere. We do not need your kind of stupidity here. Jean Pall/ People of the Holy Testament.


This is the type of thing that Christians are famous for. They will inundate people's mailbox with this kind of trash. They are very persistent in spreading their perversion, apostate, heathen religion, this rubbish around to non-Christians. Now you may understand the reason why I have finally decided to confront these type of people head on. These Christians have been itching for a Spiritual Battle or Warfare with me for quite some time now. Being that these Christians are so persistent about it, they will have their way. This is the reason I have challenge one such Christian ministry with this confrontation who has over the past few years had a field day making me out to be the fool and has verbally attacked our Holy Testament teachings on a daily basis. Now we shall see who the real fool is, and who has the truth. Fortunately, this Christian ministry I had chosen to confront, is located right here in Ontario, Canada. It is located not far from where I live. I am speaking about Rod Hembree, of Life Lessons Canada Ministries, and The Stream TV.com

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