Is Christianity a Monotheistic Religion?

There is much confusion on the topic if Christianity is really a monotheistic religion, and who can forgive the sin's of a person who had transgress against GOD. I'll touch on the topic of forgiving sin's first, being that it is an easier topic to examine than is Christianity really a monotheistic religion. The monotheistic religion and the forgiving of sin's by one GOD is found in Judaism and Islam. There is no question at all as to who worships the one GOD who forgives the sin's of people who had transgress against the one and only single GOD. There is only one GOD who has the full authority to forgive the sin's of people, those who had transgress against the Laws of GOD. In the perverted religion of Christianity the question of who can there be three gods in the one GOD is in itself a contradiction, just like the religion of Christianity is in contradiction with the Congregation of Yeshua. In Christianity the forgiving sin's, by their gods is kind of murky. Some Christians maintain that only the Christian god, Je-Zeus Christ has the power to forgive sin's, while other Christians maintain that priests can forgive the sin's of people who had transgress against their gods and the church laws. So who is right? Those Christians who claim that their Priests have the capacity to forgive the sin's of people who had transgress against the church maintain that one of the Christian gods is their phony Je-Zeus Christ, who is fully GOD, as well as fully man, and therefore he had the power to give his pagan, gentile Bishops the power to forgive sin since this god, Je-Zeus Christ, had done away with or replaced the Laws of the one true GOD. Christians who are trying to resolve this apparent contradiction with what is written in their Christian New Testament, is really an exercise of futility because we know full well that many of the text in the New Testament had been greatly altered, text were added in the verses to conform to the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox early church fathers pagan theology. So let us examine how the early Christian church fathers came to this pagan conclusion. Their first error they made was to claim that their phony Je-Zeus Christ, is fully GOD and fully man. That claim alone flies in total contradiction to the words spoken by Yeshua, the Anointed One, when he had made statements like; Matthew 7:21; "Not everyone who says to me (Yeshua, the Anointed One), 'lord, lord,' will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven". Matthew 10:32-33; "Everyone therefore who confesses me (Yeshua, the Anointed One), before men, him I will also confess before my Father who is in heaven". Verse 33; "But whoever denies me (Yeshua, the Anointed One) before men, him I will also deny before my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 11:27; "All things have been delivered (reveled) to me (Yeshua, the Anointed One), by my Father. No one knows the son, except the Father; neither does anyone know the Father, except the son, and he to whom the son desires to reveal him". Matthew 12:50; "For whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother." Matthew 15:13. "But he (Yeshua, the Anointed One) answered, "Every plant which my heavenly Father didn't plant will be uprooted". Matthew 16:17; Yeshua, the Anointed One, answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven". Matthew 18:10; "See that you don't despise or abuse one of these little ones, for I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven". Matthew 16:19; "Again, assuredly I (Yeshua, the Anointed One) tell you, that if two of you will agree on earth concerning anything that they will ask, it will be done for them by my Father who is in heaven". Verse 35; "So my heavenly Father will also do to you, if you don't each forgive your brother (fellow brothers and sisters within the true faith), from your hearts for their misdeeds." Matthew 20:23; He (Yeshua, the Anointed One) said to them, "You will indeed drink my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with, but to sit on my right hand or on my left hand is not mine to give; but it is for whom it has been prepared by my Father." Matthew 24:36; "But no one knows of that day and hour, not even the angels in heaven, but my Father only." Matthew 26:29; "But I tell you that I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on, until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's Kingdom." Matthew 26:39; He (Yeshua, the Anointed One) went forward a little, fell on his face, and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me; nevertheless, not what I desire, but what you desire." Matthew 26:53; "Or do you think that I couldn't ask my Father, and he would even now send me more than twelve legions of angels?" John 5: 17; "But Yeshua, the Anointed One answered them, "My Father is still working, so I am working, too." Verse 22; "For the Father judges no one, but he has given all judgment to the son, (Yeshua, the Anointed One)" 23; "that all may honor the son, (Yeshua, the Anointed One), even as they honor the Father. He who doesn't honor the son doesn't honor the Father who sent him." 24: "Most certainly I tell you, he who hears my word, and believes him (GOD) who sent me, has eternal life, and doesn't come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. John 8:54; Yeshua, the Anointed One answered, "If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father who glorifies me, of whom you say that he is our GOD. John 20:17; Yeshua, the Anointed One said to her, "Don't touch me, for I haven't yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brothers, and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my GOD and your GOD."

You will notice that all the verses listed above, and I could have listed twice as much, flies in total contradiction to the two or three verses, Christians point out and quote from verses which were written in or altered such as; John 1:1-3 where it reads... "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". Verse 2; "The same was in the beginning with God". Verse 3; "All things were made through him. Without him was not anything made that has been made". as their proof that their claim that their fictitious Je-Zeus Christ, is a god. The verses they quote from John 1:1; when studied carefully, will reveal that the Christians church fathers had inserted these text which grossly contradicts the many verses which I have already listed above. This verse was no doubt clearly written and inserted in that page when the early pagan Christian church fathers translated text from earilyer works. I did not make up those verses which contradict John 1:1-3 , they are right out from of the Christian bible. How quickly Christians forget the words of Yeshua, the Anointed One, when he stated that "He who doesn't love me doesn't keep my words. The word which you hear isn't mine, but the Father's who had sent me. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, (Yeshua, the Anointed One) he will teach you all things, and will remind you of all that I said to you". Another false claim the early Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox early church fathers had made was to claim that their Je-Zeus Christ is equal to GOD, the Father. That claim also flies in total contradiction to the words spoken by Yeshua when he had made stated in; John 14:28; You heard how I (Yeshua, the Anointed One), told you, 'I go away, and I come to you.' If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I said 'I am going to my Father;' for the Father is greater than I". The early Christian church fathers must have overlooked or completely ignored that verse. Christians tend to ignore many verses which contradict their pre-conceived pagan ideas. When Yeshua made statements like; "The Father and I are as one", it did not mean that Yeshua was GOD or that Yeshua was the Father. That statement Yeshua made about being one with the Father meant that they were like-minded in their beliefs, their ideas and in their thoughts. In no way that statement had meant to suggest that Yeshua was GOD. This was another mistake the early Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox church fathers had made. Passages which give the impression that Yeshua is GOD, you can be sure they were inserted by some early Roman Catholic and/or Greek Orthodox early church fathers to conform to their pagan beliefs which were in error. This is the reason there are so many contradictory statements in the New Testament which I had already pointed out. This is how the early Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox church fathers had created their phony, pagan god/gods of, god the Father, god the SON and god the Holy Spirit. Two gods in the one god, Je-Zeus Christ. The article of faith in the pagan Christian religion is in itself in total contradiction with the one GOD of monotheism. A theology of having and worshiping only one GOD. Judaism and Islam can claim that they are a monotheistic religion, but Christianity can not with its three pagan gods. To make the claim that Christianity is a monotheistic religion, is totally false, as we have seen here. Christian Priests and pastors have the gull to claim that they are preaching and sending out the true gospel to people, when they are preaching a fictitious gospel which is as phony as their false god, Je-Zeus Christ. I also find it amazing how people can let themselves to be so stupid to actually believe that false doctrine of Christianity.

P/S; I happen to have some down time on August 11/ 2007 and had heard a Father Benedict J. Groeschel on a recent radio program smugly put down non-Christian theologians and people who speak out and expose the fallacy of Christian theology, the Roman Catholic church and its atrocious history, and on the Apostolic Succession to Peter, the Simon (Cephas) Peter who was the Head Apostle of the Congregation of Yeshua, the Anointed One. Anytime this smart ass is brave enough to back up his blatant accusations against people like me, I am quite prepared to have it out with him. If this guy is too yellow bellied to take up the challenge, maby he can convince his head honcho to stand in for him. After all, Groeschel did brag about how this Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger, is suppose to be a great theologian, who knows his stuff very well. Benedict XVI tries to salvage their fictitious Je-Zeus Christ from recent "unpopular" depictions and restore their phony god image as discovered in the perverted, apostate Christian Gospels. The very Gospels which had been tampered with and altered by the early pagan Christian church father's. This guy is suppose to be a brillent Christian theologian. Well; I have read some of his stuff he had written, and found him to be just as ignorant or as evasive on what is the truth, as that Father Benedict J. Groeschel.

Then then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was directly involved with Father Roland Guérin de Vaux OP (17 December 1903 - 1971) who was a French Dominican priest which led the Catholic team that initially worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Guérin de Vaux was the director of the Ecole Biblique, a French Catholic Theological School in Arab held East Jerusalem, and he was charged with overseeing research on the scrolls. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Popeís keeper of doctrine, had a lot to do to keep the contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls they had at hand from public view. The then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was directly involved in decades of secrecy and obstruction to reveal the contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Two British authors, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, accused the Vatican of suppressing the contents of the scrolls because they contained material which were at odds with accepted Christian beliefs. The scrolls have also been the subject of controversy between Jewish and Roman Catholic scholars since they were found in caves at Qumran on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea in 1947. The Vatican has been accused of keeping the contents of the scrolls in secret and from letting Scholars to view its contents for fear that they would undermine Christianity. The Jerusalem Bible, which was first published in French in 1956, appeared in English ten years later. The writer J. R .R. Tolkien was one of the translators. THE Vatican had to abandon decades of secrecy and obstruction and allow changes in their Christian Bible and alter some New Testament text, based on revelations found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. This was done only after more than half a century when the Dead Sea Documents text had been revealed. To find out more information on this man, Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger, go to this web site; Action and Reaction: Inquisition Then and Now. It is written by Pradeep Sharma on the web site; "The Burning Cross" who knows what goes on in the dark crevices of the Vatican. Have a good, enlighten read.

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