R.G.Stair of Overcomer Ministry
Making many unfounded claims
Stair talks a lot about not casting
"his" pearls to swine's. Stair is casting his imitation pearls to those who do not
recognize real pearls from the fake. I have been informed through my
sources that R.G. Stair, the leader of a Christian Baal worship religious group
claims to be the "Last day Prophet of GOD". This moron is a false Prophet. A
Prophet of perversion who makes the false claim that he is a "prophet" of GOD.
Lately, that fraud has been telling people about the New World Order and how
that the Roman Catholic church will be associated with the New World Order and
will head-up the world religions. He claims that he had been saying that for a
long time, when in truth, he, as those other Christian preachers, have just been
regurgitating, and putting a Christian spin on it, what I had been revealing to
the general public, what is to come, on my web pages. Stair has only been
speaking about all this rather recently. I have been revealing, a bit at a time,
over the past years what people can expect in their lifetime and beyond. Stairs
claims these new revelations he is getting are coming from his phoney god, when
in truth, he has been getting these new revelations from reading our web pages.
Stair is that stupid that he do not realize that the apostate religion he is
preaching about, is the very same apostate religion that came from the Roman
Catholic church. Anyone can see this, where their belief in that fictitious
Christian man-made pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ had come from. All one has to do is
read the history of early Christianity in historical documents. Stair claims on
his radio broadcasts that his fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ speaks to him. Here
is another one of those Christians who ought to run to the nearest mental
institution, given that he is hearing from some non-existent, imaginary, phony
god. Frankly; Stair is really not that much different than those run-of-the-mill
Christian preachers who bow-down and worship their man-made, phony god they call
Je-Zeus Christ. Stair represents and is preaching about that same perverted,
heretical Christian religion as the rest of those Protestant preachers who
belong to that harlot Christian church. It is plain to see his method of
interpretation of scripture, and his unfulfilled prophecies, are fatally flawed
because they are purely subjective to the mind and imagination of that lying
wonder. Which is bad enough, but to make things even worse, Stair is reading
from his Christian bible which we now know is greatly flawed. The Christian
bible is nothing more than a perverted, altered, heretical book which Stair and
his fellow protestant preachers falsely believe to be the "infallible" Word of
GOD, and therefore he thinks it must be absolutely true. This is the lie which
Stair and his fellow Christian preachers base their entire Christian ministry
upon. Stair is claiming that he is being guided by the Holy Spirit which is
another one of his many blatant lies. Stair do not know the Holy Spirit, not
when he and his followers are very much a part of the heathen Baal cult of
Je-Zeus Christ which he calls "Overcomer Ministries". He also of late, falsely
claims that they are part of the remnant of the elect. Those claims Stair is
making are not true. He, nor anyone in his group of believers have any part
whatsoever with the true remnant of the elect. Stair and his followers belong
with the other outcasts who believe in that fictitious Roman Catholic three gods
theology. That false man-made three gods in one theology in which their primary
god, is that imposter, Je-Zeus Christ. I am informed that Stair claims he had
pridicted many things before it happened on his radio broadcsts. Things like the
destruction of the Twin Towers in N.Y. city and the establishment of the New
World Order. All of Stair's claims are made well after the facts, after it had
become generally known to most people. Stair is trying to re-write his own
history, so to speak, in order to shore-up his credibility and hide his many
false claims and failed pridictions. Stair had claimed back in 1987 that the
U.S. ecomany will collapse and that all major cities like Boston, New York, Los
Angeles, ect, will be hit with nuclear warheads within that year, which was
going to shake up the whole world. We all know that never happened in 1988 nor
in 1989. Stair tends to get his insights from others, and then claims them to be
his own. This is the type of shyster he is. Stair claims that he had spoken
about the "New World Order" way back in 1987, which is a lot of bull. Now that
lying wonder is claiming that he had known about the New World Order, fifty
years ago. Stair only started talking about the New World Order in late 2007 the
earliest. Stair has on many occasions when talking about events that are
happening now in 2008-9 that he had prophesied these events thirty years ago.
That is a blatant lie. What Stair had prophesied was for people to get out of
the cities because major cities like Boston, New York, Los Angeles, ect, will be
hit with nuclear warheads in 1987. Stair has been telling people to get out of
the cities ever since. I would hardly claim that was an accurate prophecy by any
stretch of the immagition. Stair tends to streach or twist the truth quite a
bit. This shyster is trying to give himself unwarranted, undeserved credibility,
which he do not deserve with all of his phoney failed prophecies. Now that he
has a better idea as to what is going on in the world, he is claiming that he
knew that all along, as far back as 1987. What a farce! I find that is what most
of these Protestant preachers tend to do. Take insights from others and then
claim it as if they had stated it years ago. That is how dishonest they are.
Stair, like what most of these Christian preachers are doing, are skirting all
around their end time prophecy predictions and have not a real clue as to what
is actually going to happen. Stair is as phony as all of his claims. Stair
preaches not to conform to the world, when he and his clicks have already
conformed to the "Christian" world when he claims to be representing that phony
Christian man-made God, Je-Zeus Christ, which he claims to be a prophet of. I am
also informed that R.G.Stair is now claiming to have been anointed by GOD, when
he is really representing the a phony Christian Baal god, Je-Zeus_Christ, which
the Roman Catholic church had invented. Stair is not a prophet of the true,
living GOD. Anyone with an ounce of brains should be able see that. Stair is
nothing but a false, self appointed, prophet of perversion, when he insist to
represent the false Christian Baal god/gods. This is how stupid he and his
fellow belivers are, for they can't even see what he is doing wrong. Stair is
blind to the fact that he is breaking the first Commandment of GOD, not to
worship other Gods, by worshiping that phoney Roman Catholic man-made God,
Je-Zeus Christ which he preaches on his Overcomer radio broadcasts. What an
idiot, a fool Stair is! People who follow Stair are as stupid and blind as he
is, and are just as damned, to believe Stair. That idiot thinks that I belong to
some Christian sacred name group who claims that their Christian phoney God is
Yeshua. I have nothing to do with those people despite that they utter the name
of Yeshua. Those people are no different than the rest of those Christians who
believe in the Christian phoney, man-made God with their apostate religion that
is Christianity in theology, like what that idiot Stair preaches. Stair brags on
how long he has been preaching on his radio broadcast and thinks that it is GOD
who is sustaining his apostate ministry. The Roman Catholic church has been
sustained by its members for the past two thousand years and they have a
worldwide radio and TV ministry. Do that also mean that GOD, is sustaining that
Great Whore with its atrocious history? I think not. Those Christian ministries
have nothing to do with GOD sustaining them, it is only their devious, cunning
little mind that has anything to do with sustaining these apostate Christian
ministries by deceiving its foolish members. GOD had no hand in lifting these
ministries up. Stair thinks he is worshiping the Heavenly Father in his
ministry, when he is in fact worshiping a man-made counterfeit God in the name
of Je-Zeus Christ, which was invented and promoted by the pagan Roman Catholic
and Eastern Orthodox Churches during the early part of Christianity. That is the
God of the Christians. Stair's wife, Teresa, is no better than he is. For she is
an accomplice in Stair fraudulent schemes. She is aware how phoney Stair really
is, but she keeps it to herself. She had condemned her own soul/spirit, to be
cast into everlasting death along with Stair and all his misfits. Stair brags on
how long he has been preaching on his radio broadcast and thinks that it is GOD
who is sustaining his apostate ministry. The Roman Catholic church has been
sustained by its members for the past two thousand years and they have a
worldwide radio and TV ministry. Do that also mean that GOD, is sustaing that
Great Whore? Those Christian ministries have nothing to do with GOD sustaining
them, it is only their devious, cunning mind that has to do with sustaining
these apostate Christian ministries. GOD has no hand in lifting these ministries
up. Most of these Christian idiots claim that their phoney God, Je-Zeus Christ
is soon coming. I can tell you with certainty that he won't be coming at any
time. Not soon or ever. In vain these foolish people are expecting their
"messiah" Je-Zeus Christ. He is only a make-believe character that the Roman
Catholic had made into their pagan God. That is how stupid Stair and the rest of
those Protestant ministries are. That is like people are now expecting OSIRIS,
MERCURY or NEPTUNE or any of the hundreds of other pagan Gods that have already
bite the dust, never to return and be once again active among humanity. The
Christian God, Je-Zeus Christ is no different than those other pagan Gods. He is
the figment of man's imigination as were all those other pagan Gods that people
had made-up and were so foolish to believe and worship them. Here is an example
how stupid Stair is. He once stated recently, that the words spoken by Yeshua,
(Which Christians falsely claim is their phony god, Je-Zeus Christ), when he was
crucified, and uttered those words "Eli, Eli, lima sabachthaniwas", that those
words were spoken in an unknown tounge. Stair was referring to this event to
back up his statement about speaking in tounges, which was in reference to the
Holy Spirit. I recall that what was spoken by Yeshua, was in a known language or
tounge. After all, did not the priests and scribes who heard Yeshua, understood
what was being said. They even stated that Yeshua was quoting from Psalms 22:1;
and translated this to the people around them to mean, My God, my God, why have
you forsaken me? Is Stair that stupid, that he do not to know this when he made
that stupid statement? Apparently not. But then again, that is not unusual for
Stair to make stupid comments like this. He makes a lot of stupid statements
which only people as ignorant as he is, would believe or ever take Stair
seriously. Stair related a story about how his phony God had directed him to go
to Russia to preach the bring the gospel to the people of that country. He
forgets that the Christian Russian Orthodox Church had been established there
long before Stair was even born, who preach the very same phony God, Je-Zeus
Christ that Stair wanted to enlighten the Russian people about. That must have
been a shock to Stair when he found out that people in Russia, were well aware
of the Christian God since the eastern Slavic lands started to come under the
cultural influence of the Eastern Roman Empire. In 863-869 CE, Cyril and
Methodius translated parts of the Bible into Old Church Slavonic language for
the first time, paving the way for the Christianization of the Slavs. There is
evidence that the first Christian bishop was sent to Novgorod from
Constantinople either by Patriarch Photius or Patriarch Ignatios, in 866-867 CE.
This should indicate how stupid Stair and the people who belong to his ministry
is. Who believe that he is a prophet of GOD. As anyone can plainly see, Stair is
not a prophet of GOD, as he claims to be. A true prophet of GOD would not make
such stupid blunders like that. Stair has also shown the world through his radio
ministry how stupid and ignorant he really is when it comes to understanding
what he is reading from his perverted Christian bible. An appropriate book for a
prophet of perversion, I might add. I would not be at all surprise if Stair
starts claiming to have the covenant of GOD and claims to be the high priest to
his phony Baal god. But that will only bring the Wrath of the true GOD of Heaven
upon him and his followers.These Baal worshipers are going to get into a lot of
trouble with GOD, the real GOD of Heaven, the Almighty GOD. They will have
crossed that fine invisible, spiritual line by presuming to challenge one of
GOD's Very Elect. Now Stair is claiming that he and his members are the remnant
of the Very Elect or of the elect. Where did he get that from, our web site no
doubt! Lately Stair has been claiming that he is no longer preaching the gospel
of Je-Zeus Christ, but the gospel of the Kingdom of GOD. What gospel of the
Kingdom of GOD is Stair talking about? All I have heard Stair preach is anout
his phony, pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ, not the gospel of the Kingdom of GOD which
is the Holy Testament that is found on our web site that people can download for
free. Stair and his clicks read through our web pages on a daily basis and apply
our insights to his perverted Christian ministry. This is where that moron gets
most of his insights from and then claims he had obtained them from his bible or
from his pagan god. I have also heard Stair tell his people that Satan and his
minions, (he was refering me) knows what is going to happen and speaks the truth
about the things that will happen as an excuse why he reads our web pages. His
followers will find out that Stair is a phony, when he will try to guide his
people during the time when the New World Order rules the day, or when the Great
Shaking of planet Earth crushes his little world at his cultic farm, if they
ever should live that long. Not to mention when World War III takes place! Those
days will not be like they are now. Stair and his belivers will be directly
drawn into and be effected in the termoil that is to come. He and his people
will not be able to escape it. Stair has the stupid idea that they will be safe
from the New World Order system at their Walterboro cult farm in South Carolina.
They live in a farming area which has access to roads, telephone, electricity,
poatal service and are under the jurisdiction of ferdeal and State laws. I would
hardly call that being seperated from the world, or that they are in the wilderness!
These people will not escape the ruling power of the New World order that is being
set-up. Aside from that missomener, what will they do when their water becomes
contaminated, or dries up? What will they do when they will no longer be able to grow
their own crops? What will they do when their land and buildings will be overrun by
people of ill repute? What will they do when he and his menfolks are taken and hung
from tree limbs while their buildings are burned down. Their women and little girls are
being raped right in front of them? Their women and little girls will be made sex slaves
for the pleasure of men. This is what awaites Stair and those foolish Christians who
are so blind following fools like Stair. In fact, this is what the vast majority of
Christians can expect in the futire. Who have forsaken the true GOD of Heaven. I have
already foretold what is to come, back in 1996 CE. This was one of the visions I saw in
the Future of Humanity, which had been made known to me. Being that Christians do not
believe me, they need not concern themselves about it. Never-the-less, Stair will not
have my web pages to consult with to help him in those days. Stair do not even know when his
phoney God will appear. For a guy who claims to be a prophet of GOD, he has not
a clue when his phoney God, Je-Zeus Christ will come or when the end time will
be. He avoids those questions when anybody asks him, because he simply do not
know. I have recently been informed that Stair is now claiming that his phoney
God, Je-Zeus Christ in coming in two or three years from now. Seems to me that
Stair has taken to heart what that idiot Christian preacher, Harold Camping is
preaching. That the Christian phoney God, Je-Zeus Christ, is coming in 2011 CE.
Camping is the fool who is proclaiming that Je-Zeus Christ is coming and the
"END of the WOLRD" will be on Sept. 20011. That is less than two years from now,
Nov.19th,2008 CE. Other Christian preachers had already made many attempts to
proclaim that time and they had all failed. I will be around to trounce that
preacher after that time has passed by and once again show that person and his
believers to be the idiots that they are. Stair well knows I am quite ready to
defeat him into the ground, if he ever takes me on and confront me in an open
public debate to try to prove his claims. Stair has not the guts to defend his
claims that he is a prophet of GOD and his teachings in an open televised public
debate with me. He is too much of a coward, as are the rest of those Protestant
Preachers who preach from their apostate, corrupted Christian bible about their
phoney Je-Zeus Christ God. Frankly, Why people listen to Stair, I have no idea.
For he is already damned to everlasting death. Those people who are foolish to
follow Stair's teachings will follow in Stair's footsteps into damnation.
Stair's ministry is a part of those harlot daughters which had come out from
that Great Whore. What these people can expect is the judgment of an angry GOD
which will cast their soul/spirit to everlasting death along with all those who
belong to that perverted, paganized Christian Baal religion. I have been
informed by the faithful, that R.G.Stair is highjacking our teachings from our
web site and applying it to his aposted, perverted Christian religion and his
phony, man-made, Baal God, Je-Zeus Christ. I have noticed that Stair has lately
beem adopting more of Harold Campings teachings who is a protestant preacher
that has claimed the "End if the World will come in 2011 CE. I am not surprised
by that, given the deceptive tactics Stair uses in his preaching to deceive
people which is quite common among Christian preachers. Stair, the prophet of
perversion, is not that much different than any of his fellow Protestant
preachers who are perverting the truth of GOD. Stair does a lot of talking about
people being deceived while he is preaching. Stair is too stupid to realise that
he has been deceived while he is preaching his apostate, Christian "gospel"
about his phony, man-made, pagan God, Je-Zeus Christ. No doubt this is a cases
of the blind, leading the blind, that one hears about. People who do not know
what they are doing. Stair had insinuated on many occasions recently, that the
end of the world is near and his phony God, Je-Zeus Christ will appear.
According to these type of Christian cults that Stair is running, it is well
known that these type of 20th Century End-Time Christian cults, can easily turn
into killer cults like that of Jim Jones at Jonestown, Guyana, who claimed to be
the prophet Elijah, and poisoned all of his fanatical followers by drinking
Kool-Aid laced with cyanide. Another Christian group which had the same
religious beliefs and teachings as Stair's, Overcomer ministry, was a Christian
doomsday cult known as "The Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God", located
in Buhunga, Uganda. Its cult members had been asked to give all of their
monetary possessions to the church. Speciosa Mukantabana, the cult leader
teached against eating pork, not accept modern medicine, and pronounce his
doomsday message. 73 Bodies were found in a Uganda Mass Grave that belonged to
the doomsday cult. Its leaders appeared to have systematically killed cult
members for months. Many of the victims were apparently clubbed, strangled,
hacked to death or poisoned. Sect leaders had cracked down viciously on its
members who were found to be defiant, were poisoned in order to curb further
defections. Police had even unearthed two dozen children and some babies, from
the field that belonged to the cult. One of the sect leaders was a defrocked
Roman Catholic priest. Such compound Christian groups led by obsessed,
egotistical, megalomaniacs, where they control every move of their followers,
and demands compleat obedience from their fanatical teachings that no logic seem
to be able to dismantle. Likewise, Stair and his fanatical sidekick Chris, have
a way of brainwash people, quoting the Christian bible, into complete submission
to Stair and the Overcomer ministry by habitually foster some kind of guilt in
their mind, if any one of their followers should ever contemplate and decide to
leave that group. These are the type of people who are always in danger of
unknowingly being given poison in their drinks or food, when their cult leader
is being threatened or pressured by outside forces, or the end of the world
failed to come or their phony God, Je-Zeus Christ had not appeared around 2012
CE as Stair and his sidelick Chris, had often insinuated to their followers, at
their church chapel, or on the Overcomer radio broadcasts, when they feel they
is loosing their followers. How stupid those spiritually blinded Overcomer
followers are! Frankly, all Christians are stupid for pining all of their hopes
on a phony, Baal God they call Je-Zeus Christ, which was invented by a bunch of
early Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Christian Church fathers. Stair claims
that the world will come to an end by fire in three years, (in 2012 CE). When
the year 2012 comes and goes by, without the world having come to its abrupt
end, everybody will know how phony Stair is about being truthful and being a
prophet of that phony Christian, man-made Baal God, Je-Zeus Christ, he preaches
about. Stair has the stupid idea that he is not part of the Protestant Christian
religion, when all he does is preach the very same Protestant dogma as his
fellow Protestant preachers do. Who do that Jackass Stair think he is fooling
anyway? Only people who are just as stupid as Stair. The only "true" Christianity
Stair is preaching, is the one that the Roman Catholic Church had invented and
represent. That phony, Ball God Je-Zeus Christ of the Roman Catholic Church. The
same phony, man-made Baal God, Je-Zeus Christ that Stair has been preaching about
ever since he started his perverted, apostate, heretical Overcomer Ministry. What
an idiot Stair and his followers are! He, like Harold Camping,
tells people to get out from Christian churches, when he and Camping are
preaching the same basic Christian perverted, apostate theology which claim that
their man-made Je-Zeus Christ is God. That same perverted pagan dogma, the rest
of the Christian churches had been preaching for the past two thousand years,
ever since Christianity got started. I will have more to say about Stair and his
Overcomer ministry after 2012 CE. Until then, here are links to web pages that
will give people some insight and facts about R.G. Stair and his Christian
Overcomer cult.
Ex-members of
R.G. Stair of Overcomer Ministry,
People who actually lived at the
Overcomer Ministry compound farm.
Information on
R.G. Stair,
the Last day prophet of perversion...
Putting the
question to bed on R.G. Stair,
Insights from my personal Journal...
I have been informed by some of our members that Stair has been telling
people on his radio broadcast, that a Canadian, (no name mentioned), had come
down to his cultic compound he calls a farm at Walterboro, South Carolina to
give Stair some religious material. According to the story Stair had related on
April 18th, 2009, during his radio broadcast, a Canadian had been traveling
around South Carolina, and had decided that being in the area, he wanted to meet
Stair and give him some religious material. Just to clear up this little matter
up, let it be known that I am not that Canadian whom Stair was talking about. I
had never went to Stair's cultic Christian farm compound, nor have I ever
personally met or spoken to the man at any time, not in person or by phone. I
know exactly what Stair looks like, I have various pictures of him in my files.
However, I had sent Stair an e-mail quite a long time ago, on Nov.12th, 2008, to
R.G.Stair which stated; I have been informed that you will accept any challenge
to those who disagree to your claim of being a prophet of GOD, and that you are
willing to defend your teachings, the Christian bible and your phoney, pagan,
man-made God, Je-Zeus Christ. If that is a true statement, I am quite prepared
to accept that challenge and debate you on those very issues on a public form on
any televised secular network, if your pea size brain can handle it. Please let
me know if you are willing to accept my challenge, and I will get to work on
setting up such an open form debate that will allow all manner of people,
religious or not, to be spectators to this event. I am determined to prove you
wrong and expose you publicly, face to face, that you are a false prophet. I am
cretin that it will prove to be very interesting and enlightening, to all of the
spectators. Awaiting for your reply, and hopefully, your conformation in
accepting this challenge. Jean Pall/ Haileybury, Ont. Canada. This was my to
challenge Stair to an open public debate on any secular TV Network, on the topic
of Christianity, the Christian Bible, and on many of the assertions that Stair
makes on his Overcomer radio broadcasts. I especially want to challenge Stair on
his claim of being a prophet of GOD. Stair is very bold and brave spewing out
his accusations on his radio broadcast, but Stair is too cowardly and has not
the guts to answer that challenge I had sent him. That is a common trait I have
found out, concerning those Christian clergy and preachers who use the public
airways to spew out their religious apostate message. Anytime Stair, that filthy
mouth moron, that deceiver, that fraud, ever gets brave enough and wants to
accept my standing challenge to justify himself to the public on the claims he
makes on his Overcomer ministry broadcasts, he need only to send an E-Mail to me from Here. I have given
orders that any E-mail coming from Stair, or his Overcomer Ministry, will come
directly to my attention. I would very much like the opportunity to expose Stair
for the fraud that he is, and show the world that Stair is not a prophet of GOD,
but a false prophet of perversion. Stair and his clicks will find out that they
are on the outside of the ARK, with the rest of the Baal apostate Christians,
who will be damned, and feel the angry wrath of the true, living, GOD of Heaven.
This iformation has been posted by the People of the Holy Testament to
clarify many of R.G. Stair's assertions and false claims.
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